Open carry firearms.. Our 2nd amendment right!!

The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

Law abiding people who own guns do not commit crimes because they are just that; law abiding.

criminals however commit crimes with or without guns because they are criminals

So at least In America we have a choice other than to wait until the government shows up to stop us from being victimized by a criminal.

Police cannot prevent crime they can only react to it after the fact.

So if it makes me a violent American because i would rather shoot some fucking scumbag who tried to threaten me, my family or my property then God Damn it I am proud to be a violent American.

So you can cower in a corner while some criminal robs your home or beats you to a bloody pulp rapes your wife and daughter and kills your dog and pray the cops get there in time to save you. I'll shoot the motherfucker crack a beer and let the cops clean up the mess.

The cops will outsource the cleanup - they might send you the bill though ;)

Where there is a high chance of someone being subjected to an armed intruder it makes sense to have householders arm themselves. Factor in an ineffective police force in the area and that "makes sense" goes up by about 100. And you would be morally right (hopefully also legally right) to shoot that scumbag.
Wake up white people. Obama is out to get your guns. So far he has.....uh....well, one time he uh.....uhm..................

Well, I just have a feeling he will take your guns!
The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

Law abiding people who own guns do not commit crimes because they are just that; law abiding.

criminals however commit crimes with or without guns because they are criminals

So at least In America we have a choice other than to wait until the government shows up to stop us from being victimized by a criminal.

Police cannot prevent crime they can only react to it after the fact.

So if it makes me a violent American because i would rather shoot some fucking scumbag who tried to threaten me, my family or my property then God Damn it I am proud to be a violent American.

So you can cower in a corner while some criminal robs your home or beats you to a bloody pulp rapes your wife and daughter and kills your dog and pray the cops get there in time to save you. I'll shoot the motherfucker crack a beer and let the cops clean up the mess.

Where there is a high chance of someone being subjected to an armed intruder it makes sense to have householders arm themselves. Factor in an ineffective police force in the area and that "makes sense" goes up by about 100. And you would be morally right (hopefully also legally right) to shoot that scumbag.

For those people who think that the statistically low probability of being a victim of a violent crime in your own home is somehow a reason not to have a weapon in your house and making sure that you and everyone in your family knows how to use it effectively, read the article about an affluent family living in a good area was brutalized.

Now, tell me how if there was a weapon in that house and the three people who were brutally murdered knew how to use it and had a chance to take out those fuckers would have been better off without a weapon.

Yes there may have been a chance they couldn't get to the weapon but there is also a chance that one of them could have.

Better to die trying and fighting for your life and the lives of your family than to die crying and helpless.

As i said before there are about 10,000 people living in my town and if there is a one in 10,000 chance that someone will attempt to do violence to me or my family, then those odds are enough for me to be armed and well trained in the use of firearms. If those odds make you comfortable then you can take that chance with your life and the lives of your wife and children but you have no right to tell me I have to be helpless because you choose to be.
Wake up white people. Obama is out to get your guns. So far he has.....uh....well, one time he uh.....uhm..................

Well, I just have a feeling he will take your guns!

Okay then, so where's he going to put them all? :eusa_whistle: :D

You weren't at the meeting were you?

Ok, The minutes thus far:

1: Take all the guns.
2: Dispose in lake Pontchartrain.
3: Said lake overflows into the Mississippi (due to excess guns)
4: New Orleans gets a new lease of life
5: Southern Economy improves
6: Obama takes tax dollars and redistributes to Wyoming, North Dakota etc......
7: They turn Blue.
8: Socalist paradise attained.
The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

Law abiding people who own guns do not commit crimes because they are just that; law abiding.

criminals however commit crimes with or without guns because they are criminals

So at least In America we have a choice other than to wait until the government shows up to stop us from being victimized by a criminal.

Police cannot prevent crime they can only react to it after the fact.

So if it makes me a violent American because i would rather shoot some fucking scumbag who tried to threaten me, my family or my property then God Damn it I am proud to be a violent American.

So you can cower in a corner while some criminal robs your home or beats you to a bloody pulp rapes your wife and daughter and kills your dog and pray the cops get there in time to save you. I'll shoot the motherfucker crack a beer and let the cops clean up the mess.

I have been in the NRA since I was a young Lance Corporal that was disgusted after the neighborhood I grew up outlawed handguns and I have been in the ISRA for several years. Read the posts again and if you contend any of my points provide proof that I am wrong. Spare what you would do if... I do not care about irrelevant tough talk on a computer, instead provide some examples of how you protect the 2A. Are you in the NRA? What pro 2A causes do you support financially?
Interesting. What's the response from those who claim an armed population reduces crime?

The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

I think Missourian has put the sword to the idea about crime and firearms. Britain's problem with crime has more to do with a heterogeneous population - like the US - than it has with restrictions on lawful ownership of firearms.

The "rights of an Englishman" apparently no longer includes the most basic human right, the right to self defense. Britons that defend their homes with firearms are feeling the full weight of the law come down on their heads and these fine folks were once "law abiding" but since the laws are restrictive that claim can no longer be made. Austrailia and New Zealand are also expericing similiar conditions. Canada is experiencing an increase in drug related gun crimes. Is Mexico heterogeneous? Has restricting lawfull gun ownership paid dividends in Mexico?
The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

Law abiding people who own guns do not commit crimes because they are just that; law abiding.

criminals however commit crimes with or without guns because they are criminals

So at least In America we have a choice other than to wait until the government shows up to stop us from being victimized by a criminal.

Police cannot prevent crime they can only react to it after the fact.

So if it makes me a violent American because i would rather shoot some fucking scumbag who tried to threaten me, my family or my property then God Damn it I am proud to be a violent American.

So you can cower in a corner while some criminal robs your home or beats you to a bloody pulp rapes your wife and daughter and kills your dog and pray the cops get there in time to save you. I'll shoot the motherfucker crack a beer and let the cops clean up the mess.

I have been in the NRA since I was a young Lance Corporal that was disgusted after the neighborhood I grew up outlawed handguns and I have been in the ISRA for several years. Read the posts again and if you contend any of my points provide proof that I am wrong. Spare what you would do if... I do not care about irrelevant tough talk on a computer, instead provide some examples of how you protect the 2A. Are you in the NRA? What pro 2A causes do you support financially?
If he buys guns and ammo then he is supporting the most basic cause.
The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

Law abiding people who own guns do not commit crimes because they are just that; law abiding.

criminals however commit crimes with or without guns because they are criminals

So at least In America we have a choice other than to wait until the government shows up to stop us from being victimized by a criminal.

Police cannot prevent crime they can only react to it after the fact.

So if it makes me a violent American because i would rather shoot some fucking scumbag who tried to threaten me, my family or my property then God Damn it I am proud to be a violent American.

So you can cower in a corner while some criminal robs your home or beats you to a bloody pulp rapes your wife and daughter and kills your dog and pray the cops get there in time to save you. I'll shoot the motherfucker crack a beer and let the cops clean up the mess.

I have been in the NRA since I was a young Lance Corporal that was disgusted after the neighborhood I grew up outlawed handguns and I have been in the ISRA for several years. Read the posts again and if you contend any of my points provide proof that I am wrong. Spare what you would do if... I do not care about irrelevant tough talk on a computer, instead provide some examples of how you protect the 2A. Are you in the NRA? What pro 2A causes do you support financially?

No I am not in the NRA. I was responding to your "violent society" comment.

i do not necessarily believe we are a violent society.
It is a right to bear arms.. Not a privilege that you "retain" only "if" you follow all the rules all the time, or one that you should lose AFTER you have paid your penance to society by spending time in jail.

I do not believe that carrying a weapon is a trait that people should have to get a permit for, because they have to hide the weapon somehow, based on the ever-growing laundry list of legislation that has very much infringed on our right to bear arms.

A well regulated militia means the GOVERNMENT, and in regulating that, THE PEOPLE, which the 2nd amendment states very clearly, have the right to bear arms.

"Due process" does not include state or federal legislation that would make gun ownership, especially open carry, illegal or criminal.

Concealed carry is a different issue. At least with open carry, people know in advance that you are packing heat. To be allowed to carry a concealed weapon, and therefore be "sneaky".. that I agree- should continue to be a permitting designation.

To be clear- I am against parole. I think parole is a good program, but if we are going to release people for good behavior, work achieved, and other noble deeds, proving that the convicted prisoner is rehabilitated, then why even mess around with a parole system? Let them out and set them free. Its not fair to a parolee that they cannot have a gun.

It is also not fair that someone who has been served an order for protection of an accuser, should also suddenly lose their rights to carry a deadly weapon.. and people who are released and awaiting trial, also..
What happened to "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law"??

And as for the people who are mentally ill.. For God's sake, don't the sick ones have guardians? And the ones who aren't too sick to go to school, work, etc.. well guess what? If they want to go around killing everyone in sight in a fit of psychosis, they WILL find a way. Outlawing guns results in only the outlaws having guns.

I do not care so much about the "unsafe" aspect of it. I realize this will result in more shootings and very likely a lot more accidental homicides..

But it will also DRASTICALLY reduce the amount of overall violent crime, as well as theft that occurs in this country on a daily basis..

Who's going to even CONSIDER fucking with you, if you have a .45 pistol strapped to your side.

Cops suck. I say BUY A GUN.

There is something that I would like to expand on that has something to do with this and that is is that the government is finding ways to restrict our behaviours simply by creating licenses to do those behaviors. A gun permit is a good example because they know that can't ban them outright to they created a permission slip that the government issue to you that says you can execute this right. This might seem harmless but it is a control over your rights because the government can now deny you a permit or permission slip thus making that behavior illegal until you get the proper permit.

Imagine if they issued you permits to speak about politics. Do you think they would hand you one if you were critical of the people in charge? What about a permit to own a newspaper outlet? What about a permit to attend church?

Now there are some permits that are justifiable such as a driver's license. A driver's license gives you permission to use govt property like the road system. It does not give you permission to drive because you can drive legally on non-public roads without a license. This kind of license does not infringe on your rights but the kind of permits govt is handing out now basically gives you permission to do something within your own private sphere such as your home and since when did we have to ask government permission to do anything within our home.
Wake up white people. Obama is out to get your guns. So far he has.....uh....well, one time he uh.....uhm..................

Well, I just have a feeling he will take your guns!

Okay then, so where's he going to put them all? :eusa_whistle: :D
I have a suggestion where he can put them all if he decides to take them.

Hadn't thought of that, now Uncle Dick is out of the way his bunker is probably empty :D
The US is a violent society, even without consideing the catagory of firearm related crimes the US is violent. I do not know about Germany and do not want to dig into statistics but firearm crime in England is on the rise despite the strong restrictions.

The British Police Officer, once proudly boasting of carrying no firearm is now usually armed whereas the citizens are disarmed. Certainly the changing society, bad economy and the easy travel across boarders are factors. The firearm laws in Britain have become draconian and of course a similiar question to yours above would be to ask where is the proof that a disarmed British population has reduced crime?

I think Missourian has put the sword to the idea about crime and firearms. Britain's problem with crime has more to do with a heterogeneous population - like the US - than it has with restrictions on lawful ownership of firearms.

The "rights of an Englishman" apparently no longer includes the most basic human right, the right to self defense. Britons that defend their homes with firearms are feeling the full weight of the law come down on their heads and these fine folks were once "law abiding" but since the laws are restrictive that claim can no longer be made. Austrailia and New Zealand are also expericing similiar conditions. Canada is experiencing an increase in drug related gun crimes. Is Mexico heterogeneous? Has restricting lawfull gun ownership paid dividends in Mexico?

Wrong on self defence, it's still the law in Britain.
Any use of a firearm for self defence will attract interest in the status of that firearm. However that will not negate a claim of self defence.
Australia is not experiencing similar conditions. It has its own conditions. Details of all forms of crime in Australia (reported/recorded) can be found here: - go to the research and check for yourself.

Canada (particularly Toronto) is experiencing an increase in gun crimes, it has to do with the drug trade into the US. So criminals are obtaining firearms unlawfully and using them to perpetrate crimes. That's what armed criminals do.

I have no knowledge of the demographics of Mexico. Nor do I have a clue about their firearms laws. I only know from news reports that the drug trade is a huge problem in Mexico - if the consumer country legalised much of the stuff being consumed then the cartels in Mexico might go under financially and that would be a good thing.
It is a right to bear arms.. Not a privilege that you "retain" only "if" you follow all the rules all the time, or one that you should lose AFTER you have paid your penance to society by spending time in jail.

Does it say anywhere in that amendment exactly what kind of arms you have the right to possess? Does it even hint at them.

A well regulated militia means the GOVERNMENT, and in regulating that, THE PEOPLE, which the 2nd amendment states very clearly, have the right to bear arms.

That's a new one.

Who's going to even CONSIDER fucking with you, if you have a .45 pistol strapped to your side.

Cops suck. I say BUY A GUN.
The other person, who also has a gun?
It is a right to bear arms.. Not a privilege that you "retain" only "if" you follow all the rules all the time, or one that you should lose AFTER you have paid your penance to society by spending time in jail.

Does it say anywhere in that amendment exactly what kind of arms you have the right to possess? Does it even hint at them.
Does it say anywhere in the First Amendment what kinds of newspapers, magazines, street corners you can speak freely on? It is even hinted anywhere?
It is a right to bear arms.. Not a privilege that you "retain" only "if" you follow all the rules all the time, or one that you should lose AFTER you have paid your penance to society by spending time in jail.

Does it say anywhere in that amendment exactly what kind of arms you have the right to possess? Does it even hint at them.
Does it say anywhere in the First Amendment what kinds of newspapers, magazines, street corners you can speak freely on? It is even hinted anywhere?

Yes. That would be the word "freedom". And there is a restriction placed on assemblies. - They have to be peaceful.
It is a right to bear arms.. Not a privilege that you "retain" only "if" you follow all the rules all the time, or one that you should lose AFTER you have paid your penance to society by spending time in jail.

Does it say anywhere in that amendment exactly what kind of arms you have the right to possess? Does it even hint at them.
The kind you can 'bear'.

A well regulated militia means the GOVERNMENT, and in regulating that, THE PEOPLE, which the 2nd amendment states very clearly, have the right to bear arms.

That's a new one.

Governments do not 'bear arms'; people do. Furthermore, ever consider that the BoR addresses rights of the individual? And why, in the midst of that, would the framers insert a collective right?


The Preamble to The Bill of Rights

Congress of the United States
begun and held at the City of New-York, on
Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

Note: The following text is a transcription of the first ten amendments to the Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights."

Who's going to even CONSIDER fucking with you, if you have a .45 pistol strapped to your side.

Cops suck. I say BUY A GUN.
The other person, who also has a gun?

Good point.
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The NRA was correct, Obama is taking all of your guns. Stock up on ammo people. Wake up!

Obama’s writing was on the 1996 document, which was filed when Obama was running for the Illinois state Senate. A Chicago nonprofit, Independent Voters of Illinois, had this question, and Obama took hard line:

35. Do you support state legislation to:

a. ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns? Yes.
b. ban assault weapons? Yes.
c. mandatory waiting periods and background checks? Yes.

Forgive the NRA for taking President Obama at his word.

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