Open letters to Wafaqi Mohtasib & KESC (CHIEF) why ignoring my complain for KESC?


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Open letters to Wafaqi Mohtasib & KESC (CHIEF) why ignoring my complain AGAINST “ K E S C “ ?

I am complaining against KESC for facing electricity bill above the normal consumption in this regard I am fighting with all concern higher authority of KESC, WMS, NEPRA and requesting to Governor of Sind, FPCCI & KCCI to support in solving my issue ( but all authorities are still silence ) the reasons best known to them.

I had written 6 letters mainly address to KESC, WMS, NEPRA ( copy send to Governor of Sind, FPCCI & KCCI ) details as follows

Date Letter Ref Address To Concern

17.08.11 AS/168/11 KESC, NEPRA, WMS
30.08.11 AS/172/11 KESC, NEPRA, WMS
12.09.11 AS/173/11 GS, KESC, NEPRA, WMS
23.09.11 AS/175/11 KESC, NEPRA, WMS
24.09.11 AS/176/11 KESC, WMS
28.09.11 AS/178/11 KCCI, WMS, FPCCI

In the light of NA Speakers highlight WMS performance that last year 37,000 complain registered with WMS and further more informed anyone want to registered complain can avail service by sending complain via EMAIL or LETTERS and get solve of issue by speedy judgment within 90 days. More hurting and painful that more than 90 days passed I can’t registered a fresh complain against KESC than what I say or consider the information regarding appeared in newspaper not true?

My Complain and Demand
I want rebate of Rs.14,000 for paying the bills which is result the meter is moving very fast above the normal consumption. When we uses our first meter from July 1999 to Jun 2005 than we never Lodge a complaint. When we face problem than we have right to protest and lodge complain too but very sad even KESC and Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat only do formalities but end result ZERO ( which is waste of time nothing else).

Awaiting for your reply and need support cum help to get rebate for paying above the consumption electricity bill I have paid and make sure that do not think to how to increase power traffic but reduce the power traffic rates to give alive of many sick industries which give employment of many?

If WMS hiding or running from first registering a fresh complain against KESC than who will expect that WMS is organization which listen and fight against consumers complain and give speedy justice? Now this is test time for all concern to proof that you all are true Muslims followers and never tell lies or cheat any one?

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

KCCI Karachi Chamber of Commerce
FPCCI Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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