Open to Judgement: UN complicity in 7th Oct. massacre

Has anyone come up with a suggestion yet, of how, in their opinion, Israel should have responded to the unspeakable and barbarous attacks of October 7th 2023?

Bearing in mind, peaceniks and do gooders had been driving Gazans to hospitals, and Israel itself had been issuing permits for people from Gaza to come over and work in Israel. And look at the thanks they got!

Spies galore in that mix, who knew the exact locations for Hamas to target.

Where have l heard that story before? :eusa_doh:

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The time has come, indeed it is long overdue, for the world to stop imposing a double standard on the nation-state of the Jewish people. Double standards are a form of bigotry, and when bigotry is addressed to the only nation-state of the Jewish people, it becomes a form of international anti-Semitism against the Jew among nations. It must stop.

You wouldn't know it from the hectoring decision just rendered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel, but the death toll among civilians in Gaza — even including children and women — is among the lowest in the history of comparable warfare. Over the past several months, it has become even lower.

According to The New York Times, "The daily death toll in Gaza has more than halved in the past month," and has fallen almost two-thirds since late October. Moreover, the percentage of civilian to combatant causalities has gone down considerably as well.

In a massive understatement, The New York Times also reported that these considerable reductions in civilian deaths have been "somewhat overlooked" by the media and critics. "Somewhat"! They have been totally buried and ignored. The New York Times also opined that Israel's "harshest critics are wrong to accuse it of wanting to maximize civilian deaths."

It is no accident that this reduced civilian death toll has been "somewhat overlooked" by the media and by Israel's critics, including previously by The New York Times itself. Israel is subject to a discernible double standard when it comes to covering its military actions.

Arab-Islamist controlled UN crimes against humanity

UNRWA school councilor abducted woman, social worker handed out ammunition, report.
Intelligence provided by Israel to U.S. details crimes committed by at least a dozen employees of UN organization in Gaza resulting in suspension of funds.
Ynet | published: 01.29.24 00:54

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Japan pauses funding to UNRWA.
Elad Benari
Jan 29, 2024, 5:12 AM
Japan is "extremely concerned about the alleged involvement of UNRWA staff members in the terror attack on Israel" and has been "strongly urging UNRWA to conduct the investigation in a prompt and complete manner", the foreign ministry said in a statement quoted by Reuters.
Japan is the sixth biggest donor to the agency, according to the UNRWA's 2022 data, noted the news agency.


Countries suspended funding the horrific Arab-Islamic controlled UNRWA linked to crimes against humanity

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All the estimates I've read say 30,000-40,000 total Hamas members. But checking ID when someone is aiming a weapon at you isn't exactly a realistic method of conducting war.

I also find it incredibly unrealistic to believe that of 2.3 million people, only 30,000 are Hamas, especially in light of the information we are seeing about the pervasiveness of weapons and tunnel entrances throughout Gaza. The number of weapons caches has been euphemistically described as "every other house". I'm not entirely convinced that is accurate, but certainly seems to be an indication that it is much higher than anticipated.

Which leads me to... The GOAL of the war is to eliminate Hamas and dismantle their terrorism capabilities, but that doesn't mean that combatants and those contributing to the war aren't subject to military intervention. Like I said, we aren't checking IDs at the door. If you are holding a hostage in your house, you are actively contributing to the war and are therefore not a protected person. (As well as being a war criminal). If you have a cache of weapons in your house, you are actively contributing to the war and are therefore not a protected person. If you have a tunnel entrance or exit ... If you provide shelter to combatants... If you move a hostage... If you, well, you get the point.

I also don't buy for one second the "women and children" argument. Its just a play for emotion. The Hamas government counts the age of majority as 19. You are a fool if you believe that no person under the age of 20 contributed to the hostilities, as demonstrated by their own social media. You are doubly a fool if you believe the people of Gaza are actively preventing their children from participating in the war as combatants. They are trained to do so from preschool. And, as a woman, I can tell you with full confidence that I can shoot a rifle as well, or better, than any man, and if I do, I am also not a protected person.

Which, of course, is not to say that children are not innocent. Without question, they are. They may not be protected persons, depending on their actions, but they are always innocent. The responsibility in keeping them protected lies with Hamas and the people of Gaza. It is their obligation, under international law, and under any shred of humanity you have, to prevent them from taking up arms. Child soldiers is one of the most egregious crimes against humanity one could commit, and the people of Gaza are actively committing this terrible crime.

And. The number of people in Gaza who are victims of the deliberate actions of their own combatants with their inept rockets and intentional murder of their own civilians for "points", falls squarely on the terrorists and any who support them.

Finally, let's not forget all these people would still be living, had the October 7 atrocity not occurred. Don't @ me with boo-hoo but "occupation" as though the people of Gaza have no other option. There is going to be another $10 billion worth of aid money coming to them, if not more. I suggest if they hear the sounds of tunnels being built under their homes, they stop "resisting" Israel and start "resisting" their own government. Choose water. Choose electricity. Choose economic prosperity.

It isn't even that hard, except people like you keep telling them that they have no agency over their own lives.
The responsibility of keeping them protected, lies with the occupational force.
The responsibility of keeping them protected, lies with the occupational force.
Trite, but true. Palestinians can't take care of themselves, like little children they have to be babysat. So Israel is forced to annex Gaza and see if she can get them to behave.

LIVE UN Briefing: UN on Israel Allegations on UNRWA Employees

| Times Of India

UN Secretary-General António Guterres condemns Hamas and others for abhorrent attacks on Israeli towns, resulting in over 800 deaths and 2,500 injuries. He anticipates these numbers to rise as attacks continue. Guterres highlights over 100 Israelis, including civilians and military, captured by armed groups, some held hostage in Israel and others in Gaza. Simultaneously, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad launch indiscriminate rockets, reaching central Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Trite, but true. Palestinians can't take care of themselves, like little children they have to be babysat. So Israel is forced to annex Gaza and see if she can get them to behave.
As long as you stop shooting at them while they fish and farm, as well as allow them freedom of movement from Gaza to go abroad or seek medical treatment or receive humanitarian aid, that would allow them to live dignified lives, then you shouldn't have any problems.

But if you revert back to this blockade horseshit, not only can you fucking go to hell, you can expect more resistance that YOU caused!
BREAKING: The European Commission announces it’s suspending all funding of UNWRA

As long as you stop shooting at them while they fish and farm, as well as allow them freedom of movement from Gaza to go abroad or seek medical treatment or receive humanitarian aid, that would allow them to live dignified lives, then you shouldn't have any problems.

But if you revert back to this blockade horseshit, not only can you fucking go to hell, you can expect more resistance that YOU caused!
Oops, too late. Gaza used their self-determination to make their choice.
Oops, too late. Gaza used their self-determination to make their choice.
Wrong! They haven't had self-determination since 1967 when you fuckers started occupying their territory! Go to hell, asshole! That's your fault, not theirs.
Hillel Neuer appeared on ABC News with Stephanie Ramos to discuss UN Watch's upcoming congressional testimony on how UNRWA employees participated and celebrated in the October 7 attacks by Hamas.


'UNRWA Is a Horror Show': House Investigates UN Workers' Involvement in Oct 7 Hamas Attack

The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing Tuesday after reports that 10 percent of UNRWA employees are affiliated with Palestinian terror groups, and 12 of them took part in the October 7 attacks on Israel.

Several witnesses testified that they weren't surprised.

UNRWA fired most of the workers accused of participating in the brutal terrorist attacks, and the UN says it will investigate.


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