Open to Judgement: UN complicity in 7th Oct. massacre


another Hamas troll screaming "genocide",
onlt to explain to us how Yazidis "had it their way" ...


...da DEVIL...
and by that, da Joo

to blame Israel for Muslims selling captive women?

Uh, that's not what I said at all.

Did you actually understand my point.

Obviously,I think that any belief in a devil or a God is just, silly.

But the Yazidis worship Iblis, who the rest of the Muslim World consider to be Satan.
You know absolutely nothing about the Saudi regime or their track record.

I know -

14 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis
That the Saudi regime is incredibly misogynistic.
That they regularly screw us economically.

Not sure if there is much else to know.
That's the reality. Israel has been doing the same thing for 80 years.

Beating Arab imperialists to pulp,
or building a striving society?

Must be a crime,
in your books.


Uh, that's not what I said at all.

Did you actually understand my point.

Obviously,I think that any belief in a devil or a God is just, silly.

But the Yazidis worship Iblis, who the rest of the Muslim World consider to be Satan.

Notice, not a single word critical of the Muslim violence,
always make excuses for it, and then claim impartiality.

The non-Muslim minorities are thankful...

But what about the message it sends,
to Pal-Arabs elsewhere, and their tyrants about
the value of their life when they're killed by their own?
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Who committed wanton slaughter of defenseless non-combatants
besides Hamas on October 7th?

The answer to your question is the same trigger happy IDFers to which you are most loyal.

Historically, IDF has demonstrated that they have no regard for Gaza's long tormented civilian population. (1)

After all, if IDFers would gun down half naked hostages waving a white flag, they'll gun down anyone.

- "Hostages were carrying white flag on a stick when Israeli troops mistakenly shot them dead in Gaza, IDF says"

- “Israel settler: ‘Israel forces killed hostages, not Hamas’”

EXCERPT “Israeli settler Yasmin Porat has claimed that Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces and not by Hamas.

This came in an interview by Porat with an Israeli radio station on 15 October, where she said: “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire and even tank shelling.”

The 44-year-old mother of three stated that she and other civilians were held by the Palestinians for several hours and were treated “humanely”.” CONTINUED


(1). "The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED
Notice, not a single word critical of the Muslim violence,
always make excuses for it, and then claim impartiality.

The non-Muslim minorities are thankful...

But what about the message it sends,
to Pal-Arabs elsewhere, and their tyrants about
the value of their life when they're killed by their own?

I don't care about violence in their part of the world.

I don't go over and intentionally antagonize them like the Zionist squatters do.

In fact, I will even concede, for the moment, they are backward and savage.

So why, in the name of a non-existent God, would you want to live smack dab in the middle of them?
Nor does it to Netanyahu

"I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas," Netanyahu said.

Did you read the terms of surrender?

1. Removal of all Israeli troops from Gaza immediately.
2. Hamas retains governmental control of Gaza.
3. Release of every. single. one. of the perpetrators of the atrocities of October 7 AND every. single. convicted. criminal.

No Israeli would accept those terms.
Gaza are people , just like you & I rylah

The entire world wants a two state solution , along with an American potus asking Bibi as well
Palestinians do not want a two state solution. They are not capable (yet) of running a State.
Bibi doesn't want to even entertain a surrender
Israel (and Bibi) does want Hamas to surrender. But for realsies, not "let's just pretend October 7 never happened".
Bibi wants to 'kill 'em all'
Ridiculous claim, without support.
Do you support that?

Of course not.
what of this is not applicable to both factions?

1. Removal of all Israeli troops from Gaza immediately.
2. Hamas retains governmental control of Gaza.
3. Release of every. single. one. of the perpetrators of the atrocities of October 7 AND every. single. convicted. criminal.
I know -

14 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis
That the Saudi regime is incredibly misogynistic.
That they regularly screw us economically.

Not sure if there is much else to know.

Damn. You really are ignorant.
what of this is not applicable to both factions?

I'm not understanding your question here. What do you expect will happen should Israel withdraw (again) from Gaza; leave Hamas in control; at release every. single. terrorist? The whole point of everything that Israel is doing is to break that.
The war isn't going well for your side, is it? Complaining about the UN is like complaining about the refs when you are losing a football game.

I mean, you've inflicted a lot of human misery, but the world has lost any sympathy you might have gained after 10-7.
The UN was supposed to be an association to solve the world's problems peacefully. Instead, it has turned into a debate club for dictators and murderers that acts against the people trying to solve the world's problems and bills them for the "service". The biggest mistake Truman made was allowing ANY totalitarian governments seats in the UN especially on the Security Council.
The Council is composed of 15 Members:

Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term year):

Six of the fifteen current members of the UN security council are totalitarian governments. Those are the ones I bolded.
Do you not know international law forbids the wanton slaughter of defenseless non-combatants?
You mean DELIBERATE slaughter of non-combatants. Isarael does more than any other nation to avoid civilian casualties. On the other hand, the Islamic terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah go out of their way to cause civilian casualties on BOTH sides.
Gaza are people , just like you & I rylah

The entire world wants a two state solution , along with an American potus asking Bibi as well

Bibi doesn't want to even entertain a surrender

Bibi wants to 'kill 'em all'

Do you support that?

The Palastinians are the ones who won't accept a two-state solution. They have been offered one at least three times. The only stipulation was that they had to agree that Israel has the right to exist. They rejected the two-state solution every time it was offered.
Uh, that's not what I said at all.

Did you actually understand my point.

Obviously,I think that any belief in a devil or a God is just, silly.

But the Yazidis worship Iblis, who the rest of the Muslim World consider to be Satan.

Obviously, it's not your personal opinion that is the subject of discussion.
Rather collectively absolving Muslims of any agency and responsibility,
for their violence, even selling Yazidi women as slaves.

What does that encourage?
You mean DELIBERATE slaughter of non-combatants. Isarael does more than any other nation to avoid civilian casualties. On the other hand, the Islamic terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah go out of their way to cause civilian casualties on BOTH sides.
Lol. What a fucking idiot. 30,000 murdered civilians with more dead and dying under the ruble, and thousands of buildings destroyed, no water, electricity, food, or internet access...yet this dumb MFer says this.

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