Open to Judgement: UN complicity in 7th Oct. massacre

The UN "didn't know" its Hamas employees steal aid

So the ultimate crime projected at Jews is "being white",
despite coming from the same supposed "Arab" states.

No, their crime is establishing an apartheid state, and slaughtering thousands of women and children.

But are the Arab imperialists "being black" when
practicing slavery TODAY, or just hypocrites?

I'm the first one who thinks we need to drop the Saudi Regime like a bad habit. It's corrupt and oppressive and has been enabling Jihadists for generations. And not ironically, it's one of the best friends the Zionist Entity has in the region.
How about the fact the European Jews agree to the 30,000 a year quota and instead smuggled in over 300,000 a year?
Or how about Menachim Begin killing the British peace-keepers by blowing up the King David hotel, so he could have Irgun start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin?

How about the fact the European Jews agree to the 30,000 a year quota

All of them agreed? Did they take a vote? Link?
Palestine was sleepy and apolitical.. Jews were a minority living with Christians and Muslims. They all spoke Arabic.

Zionist nationalism was the result of persecutions in Europe.

What was the excuse for violence against the Jewish minority then?

In fact, Zionism was initiated by the Arab Pogroms
in the Levant, and throughout the Caliphate.

If anything, what happened on 7th Oct.
was the norm under Muslim rule:

Report from Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...

On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...

The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaharon 1800-1873
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The violence was always caused by the illegal Zionist immigrants.
They were the only ones armed.
The Arabs had never been allowed arms by the Ottoman Empire or the British.
The US smuggled billions worth of US surplus armed to the Zionists, and they committed all the crimes.

That, and the secret Jewish Space Lasers...

What was the Arab excuse for violence before Zionism?
While the US and Europeans were also guilty by supporting and arming the Zionists, it was the Zionists who planted the bombs and pulled the trigger to murder innocent women and children, like in Deir Yassin.

And its easy to pinpoint.
Menachim Begin admitted to being the one who planted the bombs to murder the British peace-keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel. And all Israelis then are complicit by making him Prime Minister later.
While the US and Europeans were also guilty by supporting and arming the Zionists, it was the Zionists who planted the bombs and pulled the trigger to murder innocent women and children, like in Deir Yassin.

And its easy to pinpoint.
Menachim Begin admitted to being the one who planted the bombs to murder the British peace-keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel. And all Israelis then are complicit by making him Prime Minister later.

Funny how all the British troops killed by Begin are "peacekeepers",
while all the British troops killed by Arabs are "criminal invaders".

PM Begin wasn't a coward hiding in tunnels, but a man of honor
who went out there to fight the enemy. And not for the death
of his people to be devalued for cheap propaganda, but in
their defense - to win the war, rather than to prolong it,
and took the responsibility to build a functioning state.

A concept too complex for Gaza's rapists.
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WTF is up with the data dump? The only one making human rights violations are the Israelis. Fuck Israel!

Excuse me for bursting your bubble with facts,
but bear with me, I'm sure you can handle it.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is the least lethal,
in terms of casualties in the last 80 years,
combined on both sides, despite the
brutality, than any of the ongoing
conflicts in the region.

Now, it's your choice to go back to
blame da Joo and everything is solved
but it will be a conscious decision to lie.

So now you are trying to claim all the international agencies, as well as Associated Press is in on the conspiracy to harm Israel?
Is that why Israel murdered 90 AP reporters and arrested 400 of them?

No, which is why you don't address the content of my posts,
trying to bait with made up accusations on the go.
Nor does it to Netanyahu

"I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas," Netanyahu said.


PM Netanyahu is right to call that surrender,
he's also right to refuse to end the retaliation until
the idea of daring to ask, for anything less than full surrender, is gone.
PM Netanyahu is right to call that surrender,
he's also right to refuse to end the retaliation until
the idea of daring to ask, for anything less than full surrender, is gone.
did you read this part>??

Netanyahu appeared on Saturday to push back against Biden's remarks about Palestinian statehood after the war against Hamas in Gaza ends as the two men do not see eye-to-eye on Palestinians having a state, a solution Biden has advocated to achieve long-term peace.

That is a lie.
There are no modern slaves, because it is no longer economically practical.
That is why most countries stopped slavery in the early 1800s, it was not practical and cost more than other means of employment.

Most countries, but not the Arab imperialists.

The worst part is that the Arab imperialists
who exploit the UN for smear campaigns
against Israel, don't even consider selling
Yazaid and other non-Muslim minorities
on the market as slavery?!


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