Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


You did not have to give me your bullshit to tell me what I already said you believe. Everything in life is explained by mere chance and coincidences.

You do not have to add anything to it. Do not worry though. Your constant Freudian slips will remain a secret with me.

Perhaps you can explain or calculate the mathematical formulas for some these coincidences.

The strong nuclear force coupling constant holds together the particles in the nucleus of an atom. If the strong nuclear force were slightly weaker, multi-proton nuclei would not hold together. Hydrogen would be the only element in the universe.

If this force were slightly stronger, not only would hydrogen be rare in the universe, but the supply of the various life-essential elements heavier than iron (elements resulting from the fission of very heavy elements) would be insufficient. Either way, life would be impossible.

The electromagnetic coupling constant binds electrons to protons in atoms. The characteristics of the orbits of electrons about atoms determines to what degree atoms will bond together to form molecules. If the electromagnetic coupling constant were slightly smaller, no electrons would be held in orbits about nuclei. If it were slightly larger, an atom could not "share" an electron orbit with other atoms. Either way, molecules, and hence life, would be impossible.

Good luck Joe. You know what Joe? Do not answer it. You just sit there and believe I believe in a spaghetti monster and I will believe that you believe that everything just happened to happen by chance.

Guy, I really love when people hwo believe in Talking Snakes try to talk all "Sciency"

It's absolutely hilarious, watching them regurgiate some half-assed shit they read on "Answers in Genesis" and think they know science.

There isn't a God. Go out, enjoy some sex, have a good time, and stop worrying about an afterlife that honestly doesn't sound like it's all that interesting.

I get it Joe. You think what I said there is the same thing as a person that said a being with two snakes said it.

The actual funny thing is Joe that everyone that does read what I typed and then reads what you typed realizes who the actual educated one is.

The fact is there are many things that simply cannot be explained through our limited abilities. For example, the stability of the proton affects the quantity of matter in the universe and also the radiation level as it pertains to higher life forms. Each proton contains three quarks. Through the agency of other particles (called bosons) quarks decay into antiquarks, pions, and positive electrons. Currently in our universe this decay process occurs on the average of only once per proton per 1032 years If that rate were greater, the biological consequences for large animals and man would be catastrophic, for the proton decays would deliver lethal doses of radiation. On the other hand, if the proton were more stable (less easily formed and less likely to decay), less matter would have emerged from events occurring in the first split second of the universe's existence. There would be insufficient matter in the universe for life to be possible.

Do not worry Joe. Keep thinking what I am saying is something that does not puzzle physicists. Just keep it all basic Joe.


I get it Joe. You think what I said there is the same thing as a person that said a being with two snakes said it.

The actual funny thing is Joe that everyone that does read what I typed and then reads what you typed realizes who the actual educated one is.

The fact is there are ...

Do not worry Joe. Keep thinking what I am saying is something that does not puzzle physicists. Just keep it all basic Joe.


Here's the thing, guy, when a physicist doesn't understand something, he doesn't say, "Wow, there must be a MAGIC SKY FAIRY involved."

I'll admit, I'm not a man of science, but i understand enough to realize that the bible is bullshit.

Joe! In my world if a Director is using his power to rape and molest boys / actors in his films or guests of his intimate friend Collins - Rector- intimidating family members - buying off law enforcement / judges and God only knows who else?

It is my duty as a decent human being to not finance him through viewing / purchasing of his films. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans will boycott his films in the future and his days as a director are finished. No one will touch him after this.

Why Paedophile Rings have gone unchecked in Hollywood :

The problem with Hollywood is their consciences have been seared. They say to themselves - ah! Those kids will be passed around to the Directors / powerful hollywood film guys and this is just part of how it goes. No it isn't. When a successful film star, producer, director has knowledge of a scum bag like Bryan Singer and his buddy Collins - Rector - and remains silent about it? They become the accomplice. The line has been drawn out there. People either get into the pit with Bryan Singer or they stay out of it by boycotting him and his work. What they decide will determine their own future as well. Wait and see. This is just truth in action here....

When California goes one day you can be sure these are the ones that will be going "with it".... a just reward if ever there was one... Yes.

Jerry, sweetie, there are no "Magic Sky Pixies". There is no God,a nd he doesn't care what kind of sex people are having.

The sooner you guys get over this, the better.

The reason I can't get worked up about this 15 year old (who is now 30) is that most 15 year olds are ALREADY having sex, usually with other 15 year olds. And through most of history, 15 was considered a marriageable age. I mean, I know today we have 26 year olds on their parent's health care plans and everyone thinks that is fine. but this notion of "Adulthood" has always been kind of fungible.

I also wonder about your last statement that God is going to punish all of California (including the women and children, no doubt) for what a few people in Hollywood is doing.

So just to get this straight. Men having gay sex is bad, a genocidal God is just dandy with you folks.

Seriously, we need to tear down all the churches and replace them with mental health centers.

Joe, if you do not believe G-d cares about young boys being raped and sodomized by a powerful hollywood film director who has yet to be indicted for crimes he was accused of since the 90's - you're in for a rude awakening! He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now. In fact, in these days? Everything that is hidden is being exposed - it is part of the way judgment unfolds, Joe....

So those who will stand with what is true, right and just - defending these young boys - will not share in the judgment of the wicked. For those who have decided in their hearts that they love the praises of vile men more than listening to their own consciences? For those who want to assist the wicked in covering their evil crimes? They need to wake up and realize they will share in the same judgment. What could one call that but just? I see no problem with it.

It isn't a geographical location although California is one of the 4 states that was declared Sodom by the LORD, Joe. ( See America will burn Youtube - Dumitru Duduman ) I have friends in California who I believe will be like Shadrach, Meschach and Abednigo and walk out of there without the smell of sulpher on their clothing.... I don't believe by any stretch that everyone in Cal. will perish over this... Judgment is not a collective sort of thing... it falls on the ones involved. Just make sure you aren't one of those and you'll do fine! :eusa_angel:

I get it Joe. You think what I said there is the same thing as a person that said a being with two snakes said it.

The actual funny thing is Joe that everyone that does read what I typed and then reads what you typed realizes who the actual educated one is.

The fact is there are ...

Do not worry Joe. Keep thinking what I am saying is something that does not puzzle physicists. Just keep it all basic Joe.


Here's the thing, guy, when a physicist doesn't understand something, he doesn't say, "Wow, there must be a MAGIC SKY FAIRY involved."

I'll admit, I'm not a man of science, but i understand enough to realize that the bible is bullshit.

The bible speaks for itself. It isn't defined according to "mans opinion".... thank God. :eusa_angel:
I don't even care if his accuser is lying. Singer deserves jail time for what he did to the X-Men. :(

You mean accusers. They are not lying and there are more witnesses coming forward with lawyers by their sides as well. Stay tuned. This is far from over...
I don't even care if his accuser is lying. Singer deserves jail time for what he did to the X-Men. :(

You mean accusers. They are not lying and there are more witnesses coming forward with lawyers by their sides as well. Stay tuned. This is far from over...

While it's certainly possible Singer did what he's accused of, what makes you so certain? Do you have some information the rest of us do not?
He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now.
Not to turn this into a religion debate, but surely you know the standard response to this bit of logic is if God cares he wouldn't have allowed to happen in the first place.
He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now.
Not to turn this into a religion debate, but surely you know the standard response to this bit of logic is if God cares he wouldn't have allowed to happen in the first place.

Then it goes to the notion of FREE WILL, greater glory, and personal accountability.

Much like scientists who go out and observe wild life, it would be foolish to intervene. It is not easy to watch a baby elephant being ripped apart while it suffers by a pride of lions or a pack of hyenas. Sometimes there is intervening, but most of the time there is not.

Yes, rather crude comparison. Life in itself is about struggle and perseverance. Everyone. all of us, will have to face our personal experience of desolation. Which is the greatest benefits of family. In order to get through these periods in life.

Anyway, life is not fair. Was never going to be. We all have personal choices, and we all have consciences that speak to us. As we grow and are manipulated our nature changes. It is easier to define the nature of lions and their social structure than it is to define our own.

Ironic really. Life indeed is a little box of ironies.

Joe! In my world if a Director is using his power to rape and molest boys / actors in his films or guests of his intimate friend Collins - Rector- intimidating family members - buying off law enforcement / judges and God only knows who else?

It is my duty as a decent human being to not finance him through viewing / purchasing of his films. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans will boycott his films in the future and his days as a director are finished. No one will touch him after this.

Why Paedophile Rings have gone unchecked in Hollywood :

The problem with Hollywood is their consciences have been seared. They say to themselves - ah! Those kids will be passed around to the Directors / powerful hollywood film guys and this is just part of how it goes. No it isn't. When a successful film star, producer, director has knowledge of a scum bag like Bryan Singer and his buddy Collins - Rector - and remains silent about it? They become the accomplice. The line has been drawn out there. People either get into the pit with Bryan Singer or they stay out of it by boycotting him and his work. What they decide will determine their own future as well. Wait and see. This is just truth in action here....

When California goes one day you can be sure these are the ones that will be going "with it".... a just reward if ever there was one... Yes.

Jerry, sweetie, there are no "Magic Sky Pixies". There is no God,a nd he doesn't care what kind of sex people are having.

The sooner you guys get over this, the better.

The reason I can't get worked up about this 15 year old (who is now 30) is that most 15 year olds are ALREADY having sex, usually with other 15 year olds. And through most of history, 15 was considered a marriageable age. I mean, I know today we have 26 year olds on their parent's health care plans and everyone thinks that is fine. but this notion of "Adulthood" has always been kind of fungible.

I also wonder about your last statement that God is going to punish all of California (including the women and children, no doubt) for what a few people in Hollywood is doing.

So just to get this straight. Men having gay sex is bad, a genocidal God is just dandy with you folks.

Seriously, we need to tear down all the churches and replace them with mental health centers.

Joe, if you do not believe G-d cares about young boys being raped and sodomized by a powerful hollywood film director...

Why would an omnipotent deity ‘care’ about anything, an omnipotent deity doesn’t need to ‘care,’ if it did it wouldn’t be omnipotent, wouldn’t be a ‘god,’ and therefore not worthy of worship.

Consequently, there is in fact no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

Moreover, the actions of a single individual are not representative of all – that a single gay individual might commit a crime does not mean all gay persons are going to commit the same crime, and there’s no justification to deny gay Americans their civil liberties as a whole, as the OP and others on the right seek to do, in violation of the Constitution.
He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now.
Not to turn this into a religion debate, but surely you know the standard response to this bit of logic is if God cares he wouldn't have allowed to happen in the first place.

Then it goes to the notion of FREE WILL, greater glory, and personal accountability.

As well as ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

An omnipotent deity and ‘free will’ cannot co-exist; if a deity is omnipotent and worthy of worship, it will know the actions of every individual now and forever into the future.
Joe, if you do not believe G-d cares about young boys being raped and sodomized by a powerful hollywood film director who has yet to be indicted for crimes he was accused of since the 90's - you're in for a rude awakening! He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now. In fact, in these days? Everything that is hidden is being exposed - it is part of the way judgment unfolds, Joe....

So those who will stand with what is true, right and just - defending these young boys - will not share in the judgment of the wicked. For those who have decided in their hearts that they love the praises of vile men more than listening to their own consciences? For those who want to assist the wicked in covering their evil crimes? They need to wake up and realize they will share in the same judgment. What could one call that but just? I see no problem with it.

It isn't a geographical location although California is one of the 4 states that was declared Sodom by the LORD, Joe. ( See America will burn Youtube - Dumitru Duduman ) I have friends in California who I believe will be like Shadrach, Meschach and Abednigo and walk out of there without the smell of sulpher on their clothing.... I don't believe by any stretch that everyone in Cal. will perish over this... Judgment is not a collective sort of thing... it falls on the ones involved. Just make sure you aren't one of those and you'll do fine! :eusa_angel:

how many child abusing priests went to jail?

not to diminish what you're saying, but in most cases I don't think G-d intervenes in things like that.

As for this guy, I'd let the facts play out first... the events complained of occurred in 1998. now the person brings a civil suit but never reported the events to the police.

it is coming out now for money... not for G-d.

Joe, if you do not believe G-d cares about young boys being raped and sodomized by a powerful hollywood film director who has yet to be indicted for crimes he was accused of since the 90's - you're in for a rude awakening! He cares which is why this paedophile - Bryan Singer - is being exposed right now. In fact, in these days? Everything that is hidden is being exposed - it is part of the way judgment unfolds, Joe....

I would be substantially MORE impressed with God's mighty wrath if he excercised in a way that was clear and unambigious. I mean, shit, how many women were burned as witches throughout history because the followers of the Invisible Sky Fairy didn't know what a germ was?

Short of a lightening bolt striking down SInger and a booming voice from the Sky saying, "I don't likes the gays", it just seems like you all are making up some bullshit right now to rationalize your own sexual hangups.

So those who will stand with what is true, right and just - defending these young boys - will not share in the judgment of the wicked. For those who have decided in their hearts that they love the praises of vile men more than listening to their own consciences? For those who want to assist the wicked in covering their evil crimes? They need to wake up and realize they will share in the same judgment. What could one call that but just? I see no problem with it.

Again, I would be more impressed with your sky Pixie if he spent more time ending famines and plagues and wars instead of going on and on about what kind of sex people are having.

It isn't a geographical location although California is one of the 4 states that was declared Sodom by the LORD, Joe. ( See America will burn Youtube - Dumitru Duduman ) I have friends in California who I believe will be like Shadrach, Meschach and Abednigo and walk out of there without the smell of sulpher on their clothing.... I don't believe by any stretch that everyone in Cal. will perish over this... Judgment is not a collective sort of thing... it falls on the ones involved. Just make sure you aren't one of those and you'll do fine! :eusa_angel:

But, you see, your Sky Pixie is totally into collective judgements.

Not that I think the bible is anything but a bunch of fairy tales. but...

God drowns everyone in the world - including babies - because they were wicked. (Gen 6-9)

God destroys everyone in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for having the gay sex- including the women and babies. (Genesis 19) He even turns Mrs. Lot into a pillar of salt. The person he does bother to save? Lot. A guy who offered up both of his VIRGIN daughters for Gang Rape before having drunken sex with them himself. (Which begs the question, how drunk to you have to get to have sex with your daughter- TWICE.)

Ah, here's one of my favorites. God kills 70,000 Israelites because David conducted a Census. Not sure if God ordered the Census (2 Samuel 24) or Satan ordered it (1 Chronicals 21), but man, God totally killed a bunch of people because David did a CENSUS.

and the whole bible is full of awful, nasty stuff like this. But God loves us. Really. Except Bryan Singer, apparently.

I get it Joe. You think what I said there is the same thing as a person that said a being with two snakes said it.

The actual funny thing is Joe that everyone that does read what I typed and then reads what you typed realizes who the actual educated one is.

The fact is there are ...

Do not worry Joe. Keep thinking what I am saying is something that does not puzzle physicists. Just keep it all basic Joe.


Here's the thing, guy, when a physicist doesn't understand something, he doesn't say, "Wow, there must be a MAGIC SKY FAIRY involved."

I'll admit, I'm not a man of science, but i understand enough to realize that the bible is bullshit.

The bible speaks for itself. It isn't defined according to "mans opinion".... thank God. :eusa_angel:

So are you out murdering your neighbors for working yesterday?

Because the Bible totally says to do that.

How about stoning a girl for not being a virgin on her wedding night?

The BIble totally says to do that.

It strikes me that if you bible thumpers actually did what the bible told you to do, the rest of us would have to arrest you as dangerous sociopaths.
Here's the thing, guy, when a physicist doesn't understand something, he doesn't say, "Wow, there must be a MAGIC SKY FAIRY involved."

I'll admit, I'm not a man of science, but i understand enough to realize that the bible is bullshit.

The bible speaks for itself. It isn't defined according to "mans opinion".... thank God. :eusa_angel:

So are you out murdering your neighbors for working yesterday?

Because the Bible totally says to do that.

How about stoning a girl for not being a virgin on her wedding night?

The BIble totally says to do that.

It strikes me that if you bible thumpers actually did what the bible told you to do, the rest of us would have to arrest you as dangerous sociopaths.

Christ's Blood is your answer regarding Christians... And no, Christ's Blood did not take Sin away... I believe he said to Sin no more.

And in Moral Law Homosexuality is Spoken of in Stronger Language than Beastiality.

Christians are not to Embrace Sin and they are also not to Stone Whores or Crucify Homosexuals.

Allah left that up to the Muslims. :thup:


Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Prove it.

Proven by common knowledge and that heteroes outnumber homos by 50 - 2.

the straight sex community abuse children many times the numbers of the same sex community.

Since you seem too dense to understand what is being asked for, I believe the 'proof' that is being requested is the proof of your statement that I bolded and made red.

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