Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


I think you've hit bottom when you try to quote a blog on the Democratic Underground.

The same place that booted me out just because I dared to say something that didn't sound like a liberal talking-point. They don't like opposing viewpoints, and when you quote the DU you're essentially quoting garbage.

Guy, did it occurred to you that they booted you out because you were a troll?

I've gotten booted off of Right Wing sites when I dared question whether the GOP should put Multi-National Corporations ahead of working folks. So there's that.

Point is, the stories about Rush and his arrest have been floating around for decades. Lots of people know about it, but there's kind of a professional courtesy in the media that you don't out your fellow media types. Which is why we never hear a lot about Geraldo's womanizing or Marv Albert's kinky behavior.

Where did I say I was "disgusted".

I'm sort of indifferent to him. He likes men, that's his own business. And if he pays some woman thousands of dollars to pretend to be his wife and then dumps her for a non-discloure agreement, that's between them.

I'm a little bothered by gay-bashing he does on his show. Or that he broke drug laws and then hid behind high-priced lawyers.

I do, however, find his show amusing. Not as amusing as I did ten years ago when i really bought into the Right Wing Bullshit.

Oh so you are not disgusted. You brought his name up and him soliciting a MALE prostitute because................

Your double standards are pathetic Joe.

Most Jews (especially the majority of American Jews who hate Israel by voting for her enemies) are not really Jews. It is almost as if we can see what the prophets warned about for centuries.

They certainly are not kosher in any real way. They observe nothing from the mosaic law. Even if they wear the little hats, they become the wolves in sheeps clothing.

Or maybe they are just embarrassed by the fact that Israel is an Apartheid State that oppresses the Palestinians and otherwise acts like an international outlaw.

Just like a Christian, who does not practice Christianity. One is by what they do, not what they claim to be.

Yes, I wonder who the descendants are of those that danced around the golden calf.

You might be on to something here, Slick. Jesus said that the rich were going to hell, that you should take care of the poor, that you should love your neighbor and turn the other cheek and a lot of other stuff the "Christian Right" doesn't do.

Oh, I'm guessing that isn't what you had in mind.

I do not know if his career is over. Michael Jackson continued to thrive in his career and people (millions) still fell at his feet. Roman Polanski is still very much respected and he brutally raped a 13 year old girl ( I sure hope Joe B does not consider her old enough.)

You mean the one where prosecutors recommended probation, because he wasn't a serial offender and she had been sexually active for some time?

I am expecting the usual cast of assholes in Hollywood to rush to his defense. The lack of disgust from the usual morons in this thread is indicative. Look at how these assholes claim...."innocent till proven guilty." Same hypocrites who crushed Sandusky before he was convicted. Funny, how no conservative defended Sandusky or said he was "innocent till proven guilty."

Sandusky got away with his behavior for decades because the institution and political establishment in his state covered up for him. In short, the evidence was overwealming.

With Singer, all you have is an accussation from something that happened 15 years ago, from a guy who is after money.

Yeah, lets be clear here. Over 75% of Jews in this country (around the world) are not actual Jews, regardless if they are circumcised.

Let's be clear here. You clowns who worship Magic Sky Pixies have been murdering each other for centuries over who is a "Real" follower of the Sky Pixie and who isn't. We should probably declare religion a mental illness and be done with it.
Singer is jewish. This isn't surprising.

His "adopted" parents were elitists and huge on the environmental issues, etc. He claims to be Jewish. I find no sign of it.

He is a paedophile - elitist - opportunist - whose movies should be boycotted from this day forward! The way to respond to this is contact all the movie theatres across the country and let them know if his films run? You won't be their customer - at any time - contact the Hollywood producers and complain about him - demand they blacklist him and his friends or they go down with him. Make sure and state your intentions on social media sites, Huffpost comment section - and mass email the story encouraging others to demand justice for these victims! Prosecute Bryan Singer and his accomplices. This is the time to draw the line once and for all!

The story of what has been done to underage actors / of age actors in Hollywood is utterly horrific. I believe every word of it and Singer is a liar who has now been exposed and is under the judgment of God. I expect it to fall swiftly in this case. His career is finished and so are the careers of all who stand by him. This is no joke - their day of recompense has arrived! Wait and see.

Most Jews (especially the majority of American Jews who hate Israel by voting for her enemies) are not really Jews. It is almost as if we can see what the prophets warned about for centuries.

They certainly are not kosher in any real way. They observe nothing from the mosaic law. Even if they wear the little hats, they become the wolves in sheeps clothing.

Just like a Christian, who does not practice Christianity. One is by what they do, not what they claim to be.

Yes, I wonder who the descendants are of those that danced around the golden calf.

I do not know if his career is over. Michael Jackson continued to thrive in his career and people (millions) still fell at his feet. Roman Polanski is still very much respected and he brutally raped a 13 year old girl ( I sure hope Joe B does not consider her old enough.)

I am expecting the usual cast of assholes in Hollywood to rush to his defense. The lack of disgust from the usual morons in this thread is indicative. Look at how these assholes claim...."innocent till proven guilty." Same hypocrites who crushed Sandusky before he was convicted. Funny, how no conservative defended Sandusky or said he was "innocent till proven guilty."

Yeah, lets be clear here. Over 75% of Jews in this country (around the world) are not actual Jews, regardless if they are circumcised.

This has nothing to do with Bryan Singer claiming to be Jewish.. His adoptive parents - the Singer family were Jewish but him? Ah! Who knows... he claims to be and of course his family connections put him where he was - ( he's finished )

The truth is in this case the bigger they are - the harder they fall - and Americans are talking about this story since it first broke. It is shocking and anyone who continues to support Bryan Singer by viewing his films - promoting him in any way is supporting a paedophile and his elitist network. I would expect the rats to abandon his ship any moment if they have not already! ha! ha! p.s. A Jew is a Jew whether in USA or Israel - being Jewish isn't a geographical identity... google it.. ( their all Jews! )
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Oh so you are not disgusted. You brought his name up and him soliciting a MALE prostitute because................

Your double standards are pathetic Joe.

No, I brought up his name because Mal said that if Rush had been accused of something like this, people on the left would be screaming to the high heavens.

But Rush has been accussed of stuff like this, and mostly, nobody cares.

This has nothing to do with Bryan Singer claiming to be Jewish.. His adoptive parents - the Singer family were Jewish but him? Ah! Who knows... he claims to be and of course his family connections put him where he was - ( he's finished )

The truth is in this case the bigger they are - the harder they fall - and Americans are talking about this story since it first broke. It is shocking and anyone who continues to support Bryan Singer by viewing his films - promoting him in any way is supporting a paedophile and his elitist network. I would expect the rats to abandon his ship any moment if they have not already! ha! ha! p.s. A Jew is a Jew whether in USA or Israel - being Jewish isn't a geographical identity... google it.. ( their all Jews! )

Uh, no, guy (or gal).

If I choose to view a Bryan Singer film, it's because I'm interested in the story he is trying to tell.

Not because I support his lifestyle or agree with it or give credence to an ambulance chasing lawyer.

Now, mostly having watched Singer mess up the X-Men and Superman, I really have no desire to see his flms because I don't think he really understands what makes those characters special or interesting. And while the new X-Men movie he is doing is based on a really cool X-Men comic, I'm reasonably sure, given his track record, he's goign to mess it up.

I really don't care about his sexuality or his religion.
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Check it out everyone. A liberal....showing disgust for this action.

I think.

Most Liberals only show disgust when it's committed by a Church.

This kind of outrage should be a non partisan issue but for some reason it's not.

I've read the update story:
Bryan Singer lawyer says sexual abuse lawsuit is 'completely without merit' - MSN Movies News

I admit to some bias on my behalf because I'm a Bryan Singer fanboy.

I am showing disgust that people are not condemning all of it.
The Gay Community should make a public statement of their intention to never allow Brian Singer or Rector - Collins to host Gay Pride Pool Party events for young boys at M & C Mansion again. According to this news article his affiliation with Gay Pride Events is an annual event.

We should be expecting a statement from them that they can no longer accept Singer and Rector - Collins sponsorship of such events involving underage children, molestation and rape / sodomy of children, etc. Is this how they want Gay Pride represented? I do not believe so. Surely a statement is in the works and forthcoming........
Let's be clear here. You clowns who worship Magic Sky Pixies have been murdering each other for centuries over who is a "Real" follower of the Sky Pixie and who isn't. We should probably declare religion a mental illness and be done with it.

I got it, you are one of those morons that think most wars were caused by the "bible."

Most wars in fact are about expanding territory and gaining access over commerce by either establishing or taking over existing trade routes. That is what most wars have been about.

We already get it about you. You still will not address it, even though your Freudian slips are clear in this thread. You do not think a 30 year old (or even older) should be charged with having sex with a minor.

If I am wrong about that, then please explain to us again the quotation marks around minors when we mentioned sex with a 15 year old.

I get it, those of us who believe there is more to life than coincidence. Unless you want me to address the mathematical improbability of all the anthropic coincidences that make up all of life. From the properties of gravity, to balance, to all of the things that make up symbiosis.

I know you would not get that. No one does. However, there are mathematical formulas that calculate the probabilities.

For you and your types, coincidence and chance is the ONLY thing that explains everything.

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Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Either you were trying to be funny or you are a complete amd utter uninformed asshole. I prefer to think you were making a meager attempt at Humor - ha ha :doubt:

Yes, bean, you are a complete and utter asshole to deny the straight sex folks overwhelmingly in numbers abuse the children.
Check it out everyone. A liberal....showing disgust for this action.

I think.

Most Liberals only show disgust when it's committed by a Church.

This kind of outrage should be a non partisan issue but for some reason it's not.

I've read the update story:
Bryan Singer lawyer says sexual abuse lawsuit is 'completely without merit' - MSN Movies News

I admit to some bias on my behalf because I'm a Bryan Singer fanboy.

I am showing disgust that people are not condemning all of it.

Who exactly is not condemning all of it?
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Either you were trying to be funny or you are a complete amd utter uninformed asshole. I prefer to think you were making a meager attempt at Humor - ha ha :doubt:

Yes, bean, you are a complete and utter asshole to deny the straight sex folks overwhelmingly in numbers abuse the children.

I can see Basic Math is beyond the ability of SocioFascist useful Idiots such as yourself to comprehend . Lets simplify it a tad - Shall We ?

Homoesexuals molest Children at a rate of 44 Gay Molestations as opposed to 1 Hetero Molestation. They comprise 2 - 3 % of the overall population - yet commit 33% of the acts of Child Molestation - Did I go over your head there ? Sorry I'm not Carl Sagan , and am not good a explaining SCience and Math to assholes .
Let's be clear here. You clowns who worship Magic Sky Pixies have been murdering each other for centuries over who is a "Real" follower of the Sky Pixie and who isn't. We should probably declare religion a mental illness and be done with it.

I got it, you are one of those morons that think most wars were caused by the "bible."

Most wars in fact are about expanding territory and gaining access over commerce by either establishing or taking over existing trade routes. That is what most wars have been about.

We already get it about you. You still will not address it, even though your Freudian slips are clear in this thread. You do not think a 30 year old (or even older) should be charged with having sex with a minor.

If I am wrong about that, then please explain to us again the quotation marks around minors when we mentioned sex with a 15 year old.

I get it, those of us who believe there is more to life than coincidence. Unless you want me to address the mathematical improbability of all the anthropic coincidences that make up all of life. From the properties of gravity, to balance, to all of the things that make up symbiosis.

I know you would not get that. No one does. However, there are mathematical formulas that calculate the probabilities.

For and your types, coincidence and chance is the ONLY thing that explains everything.


Hey, dipshit, the problem with your "life is too complex to be random chance", the thing is, what you fail to take into account are TIME and SPACE. IN short, in infinite time and infinite space, anything can happen by random chance. Given an infinite number of monkeys at word processessors, you could get the works of Shakespeare.

But even if you take the whole "The Universe is Evidence of a Creator" theory, that still does not prove that the "Creator" is your specific made up sky pixie. It would seem that if there were a Creator who wanted his name to be known, then he would have gone a lot further than one tribe of goat herders.

The pure inanity of hte bible, that a God has a 14 billion year plan to CREATE the universe just so he can spend a thousand years tormenting one barely signifigant tribe whose history becomes the backstory for your naked guy on a stick.

Oh yeah, I use the word "Minor" because this guy was old enough to make his own decisiosn, and he made the wrong ones. NOw he expects money for them? Really?

This has nothing to do with Bryan Singer claiming to be Jewish.. His adoptive parents - the Singer family were Jewish but him? Ah! Who knows... he claims to be and of course his family connections put him where he was - ( he's finished )

The truth is in this case the bigger they are - the harder they fall - and Americans are talking about this story since it first broke. It is shocking and anyone who continues to support Bryan Singer by viewing his films - promoting him in any way is supporting a paedophile and his elitist network. I would expect the rats to abandon his ship any moment if they have not already! ha! ha! p.s. A Jew is a Jew whether in USA or Israel - being Jewish isn't a geographical identity... google it.. ( their all Jews! )

Uh, no, guy (or gal).

If I choose to view a Bryan Singer film, it's because I'm interested in the story he is trying to tell.

Not because I support his lifestyle or agree with it or give credence to an ambulance chasing lawyer.

Now, mostly having watched Singer mess up the X-Men and Superman, I really have no desire to see his flms because I don't think he really understands what makes those characters special or interesting. And while the new X-Men movie he is doing is based on a really cool X-Men comic, I'm reasonably sure, given his track record, he's goign to mess it up.

I really don't care about his sexuality or his religion.

Joe! In my world if a Director is using his power to rape and molest boys / actors in his films or guests of his intimate friend Collins - Rector- intimidating family members - buying off law enforcement / judges and God only knows who else?

It is my duty as a decent human being to not finance him through viewing / purchasing of his films. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans will boycott his films in the future and his days as a director are finished. No one will touch him after this.

Why Paedophile Rings have gone unchecked in Hollywood :

The problem with Hollywood is their consciences have been seared. They say to themselves - ah! Those kids will be passed around to the Directors / powerful hollywood film guys and this is just part of how it goes. No it isn't. When a successful film star, producer, director has knowledge of a scum bag like Bryan Singer and his buddy Collins - Rector - and remains silent about it? They become the accomplice. The line has been drawn out there. People either get into the pit with Bryan Singer or they stay out of it by boycotting him and his work. What they decide will determine their own future as well. Wait and see. This is just truth in action here....

When California goes one day you can be sure these are the ones that will be going "with it".... a just reward if ever there was one... Yes.
This gentleman is the key. He is the reason the story has legs.

Tech More: Sex Offender

Singer Lawsuit Is Tied To Marc Collins-Rector, Infamous Child Abuser Of The Dot-Com Boom


Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
AdjDate Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication




Victim Information
Gender:Unknown Minor:Yes

MARC JOHN COLLINS-RECTOR*-*Florida Sexual Offender

Their best buddies. Follow the trail here - look at the young actors - the movies - who attends these parties. Singer is Box Office POISON now. Americans are horrified at this story and here is yet another one making the rounds in Europe right now. I wouldn't see a Bryan Singer movie ever again. - Jeremiah

Note the photo of Singer and Collins - Rector side by side..

Bryan Singer accuser had made sex abuse claims before | Mail Online

'We were told that we had to keep the members happy - "We control Hollywood and we will eliminate you" - there was threat after threat,' Egan told reporters.
'My phone was being monitored, such horrible things being said. You believe them. You continue going round (to the house) as, if you didn't, you were fearful of what would happen to you or members of your family.'
His lawyer also seemed to refer to the previous complaint during the conference, adding that it came to nothing.

'Abused': Egan is pictured here aged 17, at the time of the alleged rapes and sordid sex parties
He said: ‘People ask why did Mike not notify authorities when it happened? Yes he did, he spoke to his mum when he was 17 and went to police, who reported it to the FBI.

‘Why did it take so long to come to me to file a lawsuit? As he will say, he was scared. He tried to come to the authorities and nothing happened.'
Egan added: ''My mum was the one who made the phone calls to the police as I was still a minor, it was an agent from LAPD, they then brought it to the FBI.'

He claims he first came into contact with the movie industry bigwigs when he moved from Nebraska to Los Angeles to make it as an actor, and attended private school, San Fernando Valley Professional School.

It was there he came into contact with Rector-Collins' partner Chad Shackley, who, it is claimed invited him and other boys around for parties.
'I had drugs put in my drink, liquor poured down my throat, (I was) raped numerous times in that house, various times (I was) sexually abused,' he said. 'There was a policy of no clothes by the poolside area. I was a piece of meat to these people.'

Singer's attorney, Marty Singer, called the claims 'without merit' and 'absurd and defamatory'.
Shackley is yet to comment on the allegations. continued on link...........

I believe every word these young men have reported about these Hollywood elitist paedophiles. It is high time they were prosecuted and in the meantime? Boycott their films and the actors who work for them. - Spielberg already distanced himself from Singer some time ago. He's no fool. True professionals won't work with this scum.

Here's the deal. I don't believe we are responsible for every single horrific event that takes place in the world. Most Americans were not aware of the depth of corruption going on inside Hollywood top film industry. I certainly didn't know people would be capable of turning a blind eye to such evil happening around them. It's very discouraging to see the lack of conscience or concern for others that preceded the breaking of this story.

This young man Egan had the courage to come forward and tell his story publicly. I commend him for doing this and now after reading his story and gathering the names of the people he mentioned I feel compelled to bring it to a righteous conclusion through prayer and decreeing he will be avenged in this matter. I can only imagine that his mother has been pleading to be avenged in this matter since she first was told by him about it years ago. She has probably wondered does anyone care about my son?! This mother needs some help and I feel compelled to give it to her. If it were my son - I'd want someone backing me in prayer and decree too. This is what it means to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If this were your son would you go see a Bryan Singer Film? Would any of you? - Jeremiah
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Let's be clear here. You clowns who worship Magic Sky Pixies have been murdering each other for centuries over who is a "Real" follower of the Sky Pixie and who isn't. We should probably declare religion a mental illness and be done with it.

I got it, you are one of those morons that think most wars were caused by the "bible."

Most wars in fact are about expanding territory and gaining access over commerce by either establishing or taking over existing trade routes. That is what most wars have been about.

We already get it about you. You still will not address it, even though your Freudian slips are clear in this thread. You do not think a 30 year old (or even older) should be charged with having sex with a minor.

If I am wrong about that, then please explain to us again the quotation marks around minors when we mentioned sex with a 15 year old.

I get it, those of us who believe there is more to life than coincidence. Unless you want me to address the mathematical improbability of all the anthropic coincidences that make up all of life. From the properties of gravity, to balance, to all of the things that make up symbiosis.

I know you would not get that. No one does. However, there are mathematical formulas that calculate the probabilities.

For and your types, coincidence and chance is the ONLY thing that explains everything.


Hey, dipshit, the problem with your "life is too complex to be random chance", the thing is, what you fail to take into account are TIME and SPACE. IN short, in infinite time and infinite space, anything can happen by random chance. Given an infinite number of monkeys at word processessors, you could get the works of Shakespeare.

But even if you take the whole "The Universe is Evidence of a Creator" theory, that still does not prove that the "Creator" is your specific made up sky pixie. It would seem that if there were a Creator who wanted his name to be known, then he would have gone a lot further than one tribe of goat herders.

The pure inanity of hte bible, that a God has a 14 billion year plan to CREATE the universe just so he can spend a thousand years tormenting one barely signifigant tribe whose history becomes the backstory for your naked guy on a stick.

Oh yeah, I use the word "Minor" because this guy was old enough to make his own decisiosn, and he made the wrong ones. NOw he expects money for them? Really?

You did not have to give me your bullshit to tell me what I already said you believe. Everything in life is explained by mere chance and coincidences.

You do not have to add anything to it. Do not worry though. Your constant Freudian slips will remain a secret with me.

Perhaps you can explain or calculate the mathematical formulas for some these coincidences.

The strong nuclear force coupling constant holds together the particles in the nucleus of an atom. If the strong nuclear force were slightly weaker, multi-proton nuclei would not hold together. Hydrogen would be the only element in the universe.

If this force were slightly stronger, not only would hydrogen be rare in the universe, but the supply of the various life-essential elements heavier than iron (elements resulting from the fission of very heavy elements) would be insufficient. Either way, life would be impossible.

The electromagnetic coupling constant binds electrons to protons in atoms. The characteristics of the orbits of electrons about atoms determines to what degree atoms will bond together to form molecules. If the electromagnetic coupling constant were slightly smaller, no electrons would be held in orbits about nuclei. If it were slightly larger, an atom could not "share" an electron orbit with other atoms. Either way, molecules, and hence life, would be impossible.

Good luck Joe. You know what Joe? Do not answer it. You just sit there and believe I believe in a spaghetti monster and I will believe that you believe that everything just happened to happen by chance.

Joe! In my world if a Director is using his power to rape and molest boys / actors in his films or guests of his intimate friend Collins - Rector- intimidating family members - buying off law enforcement / judges and God only knows who else?

It is my duty as a decent human being to not finance him through viewing / purchasing of his films. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans will boycott his films in the future and his days as a director are finished. No one will touch him after this.

Why Paedophile Rings have gone unchecked in Hollywood :

The problem with Hollywood is their consciences have been seared. They say to themselves - ah! Those kids will be passed around to the Directors / powerful hollywood film guys and this is just part of how it goes. No it isn't. When a successful film star, producer, director has knowledge of a scum bag like Bryan Singer and his buddy Collins - Rector - and remains silent about it? They become the accomplice. The line has been drawn out there. People either get into the pit with Bryan Singer or they stay out of it by boycotting him and his work. What they decide will determine their own future as well. Wait and see. This is just truth in action here....

When California goes one day you can be sure these are the ones that will be going "with it".... a just reward if ever there was one... Yes.

Jerry, sweetie, there are no "Magic Sky Pixies". There is no God,a nd he doesn't care what kind of sex people are having.

The sooner you guys get over this, the better.

The reason I can't get worked up about this 15 year old (who is now 30) is that most 15 year olds are ALREADY having sex, usually with other 15 year olds. And through most of history, 15 was considered a marriageable age. I mean, I know today we have 26 year olds on their parent's health care plans and everyone thinks that is fine. but this notion of "Adulthood" has always been kind of fungible.

I also wonder about your last statement that God is going to punish all of California (including the women and children, no doubt) for what a few people in Hollywood is doing.

So just to get this straight. Men having gay sex is bad, a genocidal God is just dandy with you folks.

Seriously, we need to tear down all the churches and replace them with mental health centers.

You did not have to give me your bullshit to tell me what I already said you believe. Everything in life is explained by mere chance and coincidences.

You do not have to add anything to it. Do not worry though. Your constant Freudian slips will remain a secret with me.

Perhaps you can explain or calculate the mathematical formulas for some these coincidences.

The strong nuclear force coupling constant holds together the particles in the nucleus of an atom. If the strong nuclear force were slightly weaker, multi-proton nuclei would not hold together. Hydrogen would be the only element in the universe.

If this force were slightly stronger, not only would hydrogen be rare in the universe, but the supply of the various life-essential elements heavier than iron (elements resulting from the fission of very heavy elements) would be insufficient. Either way, life would be impossible.

The electromagnetic coupling constant binds electrons to protons in atoms. The characteristics of the orbits of electrons about atoms determines to what degree atoms will bond together to form molecules. If the electromagnetic coupling constant were slightly smaller, no electrons would be held in orbits about nuclei. If it were slightly larger, an atom could not "share" an electron orbit with other atoms. Either way, molecules, and hence life, would be impossible.

Good luck Joe. You know what Joe? Do not answer it. You just sit there and believe I believe in a spaghetti monster and I will believe that you believe that everything just happened to happen by chance.

Guy, I really love when people hwo believe in Talking Snakes try to talk all "Sciency"

It's absolutely hilarious, watching them regurgiate some half-assed shit they read on "Answers in Genesis" and think they know science.

There isn't a God. Go out, enjoy some sex, have a good time, and stop worrying about an afterlife that honestly doesn't sound like it's all that interesting.
Here's the deal. I don't believe we are responsible for every single horrific event that takes place in the world. Most Americans were not aware of the depth of corruption going on inside Hollywood top film industry. I certainly didn't know people would be capable of turning a blind eye to such evil happening around them. It's very discouraging to see the lack of conscience or concern for others that preceded the breaking of this story.

This young man Egan had the courage to come forward and tell his story publicly. I commend him for doing this and now after reading his story and gathering the names of the people he mentioned I feel compelled to bring it to a righteous conclusion through prayer and decreeing he will be avenged in this matter. I can only imagine that his mother has been pleading to be avenged in this matter since she first was told by him about it years ago. She has probably wondered does anyone care about my son?! This mother needs some help and I feel compelled to give it to her. If it were my son - I'd want someone backing me in prayer and decree too. This is what it means to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If this were your son would you go see a Bryan Singer Film? Would any of you? - Jeremiah

His mother was the one who brought her 15 year old out to HOllywood trying to break him into movies...

What did she think was going to happen?

If it happened at all, that is, because not a one of you has provided any proof other than what a 30 year old said happened to him 15 years ago now that he's looking for a big payout.

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