Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


Christ's Blood is your answer regarding Christians... And no, Christ's Blood did not take Sin away... I believe he said to Sin no more.

And in Moral Law Homosexuality is Spoken of in Stronger Language than Beastiality.

Christians are not to Embrace Sin and they are also not to Stone Whores or Crucify Homosexuals.

Allah left that up to the Muslims. :thup:



Guy, it wasn't "Christ's Blood". Christians kept on doing all the horrible things the Old Testament said to do like burn witches and keep slaves for centuries after Jesus was gone. (NOt that i think Jesus was ever "there".)

No, what happened was science and modernity, not anything Jesus did. You aren't stoning your neighbor's slutty daughter because we won't tolerate that as a society.
Prove it.

Proven by common knowledge and that heteroes outnumber homos by 50 - 2.

the straight sex community abuse children many times the numbers of the same sex community.

Since you seem too dense to understand what is being asked for, I believe the 'proof' that is being requested is the proof of your statement that I bolded and made red.

That the Far Right or Far Left is more apt to engage in Pedophillia is an assinine statement - Child molestation is not determined by your political orientation. It is however somewhat determined by your sexual orientation. Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, in fact Gays ARE the most prolific molestors of Children Humanity has ever bred.

People like Jake can twist and distort the numbers and statistics but the majority of people given a moment to reflect on the situation are intelligent enough to figure out that the chances of your child being molested by a homosexual are disproportionately higher.
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Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Feldman recalls that Haim, 11 years old at the time, said, "I guess we should play around like that, too?"

While Feldman never acted on his friend's suggestion, he did encounter more sexual abuse later on from the adults around him, including an older male Feldman had hired as his assistant who he calls "Ron Crimson" in the book. Crimson allegedly performed oral sex on Feldman after he encouraged a teenaged Feldman to take a cocktail of pills. Feldman writes that in his that in his teen years he was constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Feldman's childhood was so troubled that he looked to his friend Michael Jackson, introduced to him by director Steven Spielberg, for normalcy. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place," he writes. "Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again." Feldman stresses in the book that Jackson never once acted inappropriately toward him.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -
Here's the thing, guy, when a physicist doesn't understand something, he doesn't say, "Wow, there must be a MAGIC SKY FAIRY involved."

I'll admit, I'm not a man of science, but i understand enough to realize that the bible is bullshit.

The bible speaks for itself. It isn't defined according to "mans opinion".... thank God. :eusa_angel:

So are you out murdering your neighbors for working yesterday?

Because the Bible totally says to do that.

How about stoning a girl for not being a virgin on her wedding night?

The BIble totally says to do that.

It strikes me that if you bible thumpers actually did what the bible told you to do, the rest of us would have to arrest you as dangerous sociopaths.

It strikes me that if you bible thumpers actually did what the bible told you to do, the rest of us would have to arrest you as dangerous sociopaths

Or worse yet -Moslems , who do do everything their Holy Books tell them to do.
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Feldman recalls that Haim, 11 years old at the time, said, "I guess we should play around like that, too?"

While Feldman never acted on his friend's suggestion, he did encounter more sexual abuse later on from the adults around him, including an older male Feldman had hired as his assistant who he calls "Ron Crimson" in the book. Crimson allegedly performed oral sex on Feldman after he encouraged a teenaged Feldman to take a cocktail of pills. Feldman writes that in his that in his teen years he was constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Feldman's childhood was so troubled that he looked to his friend Michael Jackson, introduced to him by director Steven Spielberg, for normalcy. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place," he writes. "Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again." Feldman stresses in the book that Jackson never once acted inappropriately toward him.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

Christ's Blood is your answer regarding Christians... And no, Christ's Blood did not take Sin away... I believe he said to Sin no more.

And in Moral Law Homosexuality is Spoken of in Stronger Language than Beastiality.

Christians are not to Embrace Sin and they are also not to Stone Whores or Crucify Homosexuals.

Allah left that up to the Muslims. :thup:



Guy, it wasn't "Christ's Blood". Christians kept on doing all the horrible things the Old Testament said to do like burn witches and keep slaves for centuries after Jesus was gone. (NOt that i think Jesus was ever "there".)

No, what happened was science and modernity, not anything Jesus did. You aren't stoning your neighbor's slutty daughter because we won't tolerate that as a society.


This is how you mark a link with Graphic Violence. ---- flacaltenn
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Guy, Christians were still burning witches and stoning people a few hundred years ago.

Heck, some clown claimed to be a Christian Witch Hunter in Keyna and Sarah Palin's Church welcomed him.

Still Waiting for the 21st century to start.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE how the Left Avoids taking Muslims to task for what they are doing TODAY...

Defines them.



I'm just wondering how you expect us to "take them to task"?

YOu mean get them to change their religion and culture? don't think that's gonna happen.

Of course, you want to judge the whole of world's 1 billion Muslims by the actions of a few.

Kind of like wanting to judge the whole of Christianity by the Amish.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



I personally believe that he should be castrated.
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Feldman recalls that Haim, 11 years old at the time, said, "I guess we should play around like that, too?"

While Feldman never acted on his friend's suggestion, he did encounter more sexual abuse later on from the adults around him, including an older male Feldman had hired as his assistant who he calls "Ron Crimson" in the book. Crimson allegedly performed oral sex on Feldman after he encouraged a teenaged Feldman to take a cocktail of pills. Feldman writes that in his that in his teen years he was constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Feldman's childhood was so troubled that he looked to his friend Michael Jackson, introduced to him by director Steven Spielberg, for normalcy. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place," he writes. "Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again." Feldman stresses in the book that Jackson never once acted inappropriately toward him.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

You never read his story did you?

He was sexually abused when he was a young teen.

That DOES make him a victim.
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

You never read his story did you?

He was sexually abused when he was a young teen.

That DOES make him a victim.

YOu mean the book where he claims all these people abused him, and he won't name one of them by name, because they could turn around and sue him for defamation and get the whole .02 a showing residuals for "The Lots Boys".

That book.

Name names, Corey, or frankly, all you are doing is sharing your gay rape fantasies with the rest of the world.
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Feldman recalls that Haim, 11 years old at the time, said, "I guess we should play around like that, too?"

While Feldman never acted on his friend's suggestion, he did encounter more sexual abuse later on from the adults around him, including an older male Feldman had hired as his assistant who he calls "Ron Crimson" in the book. Crimson allegedly performed oral sex on Feldman after he encouraged a teenaged Feldman to take a cocktail of pills. Feldman writes that in his that in his teen years he was constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Feldman's childhood was so troubled that he looked to his friend Michael Jackson, introduced to him by director Steven Spielberg, for normalcy. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place," he writes. "Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again." Feldman stresses in the book that Jackson never once acted inappropriately toward him.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

He was a Kid - The "Older" guy was suppossed to know better. 15 will get you 20
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Feldman recalls that Haim, 11 years old at the time, said, "I guess we should play around like that, too?"

While Feldman never acted on his friend's suggestion, he did encounter more sexual abuse later on from the adults around him, including an older male Feldman had hired as his assistant who he calls "Ron Crimson" in the book. Crimson allegedly performed oral sex on Feldman after he encouraged a teenaged Feldman to take a cocktail of pills. Feldman writes that in his that in his teen years he was constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Feldman's childhood was so troubled that he looked to his friend Michael Jackson, introduced to him by director Steven Spielberg, for normalcy. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place," he writes. "Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again." Feldman stresses in the book that Jackson never once acted inappropriately toward him.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

What is it with you guys on the left. Anytime someone makes these sorts of claims, many of you leftists always rush in to turn the tables, and claim the person is themselves in the closet. Fucking bizarre.
Hollywood big wigs get away with pretty much anything they want.

Must have been pretty bad if you had to confide in Michael Jackson to get relief from gay pedophiles.

Corey Feldman details Hollywood sexual abuse in his memoir -

Let me get this straight. Feldman hires an older guy who has sex with him, and Feldmen is claiming to be a victim?

Fucking seriously?

Hey, Corey, guy, dude, just come out of the closet.

What is it with you guys on the left. Anytime someone makes these sorts of claims, many of you leftists always rush in to turn the tables, and claim the person is themselves in the closet. Fucking bizarre.

I always find it interesting too about the left. Who, of course hold fast to the fact that EVERYTHING in life can only be described as coincidence and chance.

That means they do not really believe in a "conscience." There is no real such thing as guilt and so therefore the term "sin" or "evil" is mythical and does not exist. Of course they are the same people that are moved to want to stop so called water boarding as being torture and they claim to be all on the side of the poor and down trodden. (makes you wonder why they would not be happy that Saddam is gone, but that is just another illustration of their double standards and hypocrisy)

Joe B has already stated that he thinks 15 year olds should be treated as adults when it comes to sexual acts. He did mention that too. Raised an eyebrow for me, don't know about you.

So, a person that does not believe in evil, and believes everything happens by chance (even though it would be nearly impossible according to mathematical probability that everything is an anthropic coincidence) needs to be treated suspiciously.

Joe B is one of those that should be treated suspiciously in my opinion. He has sort of unzipped his fly in this thread. Makes you wonder though, what is so bothersome about water boarding terrorists and he does not say shit about our very own soldiers being water boarded in training. I mean if it is torture.......oh never mind.

Their selective outrage, is indeed selective. Therefore, totally hypocritical.
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What is it with you guys on the left. Anytime someone makes these sorts of claims, many of you leftists always rush in to turn the tables, and claim the person is themselves in the closet. Fucking bizarre.

i guess i would take Corey's fame more seriously if he

1) Made the complaint at the time.
2) Didn't use psuedonyms for all the supposed Hollywood types who "abused" him.
3) Wasn't making these claims when his 15 minutes of fame were over, trying to get people to pay attention to him again.
What the hell is wrong with Feldman? Who the hell on Earth surrounds himself with pedophiles and takes pill cocktails?
Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

You probably think you did some damage, but manufacturing total bullshit destroys your own credibility, moron.

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