Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


I always find it interesting too about the left. Who, of course hold fast to the fact that EVERYTHING in life can only be described as coincidence and chance.

That means they do not really believe in a "conscience." There is no real such thing as guilt and so therefore the term "sin" or "evil" is mythical and does not exist. Of course they are the same people that are moved to want to stop so called water boarding as being torture and they claim to be all on the side of the poor and down trodden. (makes you wonder why they would not be happy that Saddam is gone, but that is just another illustration of their double standards and hypocrisy)

Guy, I'm against Water-boarding because it doesn't fucking work. I could water-board you into pissing on a bible, given enough time.

No, there's no such thing as "sin". There is such a thing as guilt. If Singer used force to make this person have sex with him, then, yeah, he's guilty. I'd like some proof first, not the word of a washout actor-boy looking to make a quick buck.

Joe B has already stated that he thinks 15 year olds should be treated as adults when it comes to sexual acts. He did mention that too. Raised an eyebrow for me, don't know about you.

Reality- 15 years old treat themselves like adults when it comes to act of sex. 20% of 15 year olds are sexually active. Now, you can scream about sin all day, but the reality is the reality, and we need to learn to deal with it as a society.

Of course, a century ago, 15 year olds could get married, and usually did because before birth control, we had the "Shotgun Wedding".

So, a person that does not believe in evil, and believes everything happens by chance (even though it would be nearly impossible according to mathematical probability that everything is an anthropic coincidence) needs to be treated suspiciously.

Joe B is one of those that should be treated suspiciously in my opinion. He has sort of unzipped his fly in this thread. Makes you wonder though, what is so bothersome about water boarding terrorists and he does not say shit about our very own soldiers being water boarded in training. I mean if it is torture.......oh never mind.

Their selective outrage, is indeed selective. Therefore, totally hypocritical.

Actually, the problem with mathematical probablility is that in infinite time and infinite space, anything can happen by chance. Since we don't know that life is unique to Earth, (it might be) we might just be that mathematical improbability.

But anyway, before I get around to negging you again for being so incredily stupid, here's my problem with Waterboarding.

1) It doesn't work.
2) It violates a bunch of treaties we signed in good conscience.
3) It gives our enemies license to do much worse things to our guys.
4) it makes potential allies not want to be associated with us.

Now for your argument that "Hey, it's okay because we let Sadistic Drill Instructors do it to recruits", frankly, i thought a lot of what they made us do in basic training was needlessly sadistic.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



Confirmation bias
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



Confirmation bias

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




What is it with you guys on the left. Anytime someone makes these sorts of claims, many of you leftists always rush in to turn the tables, and claim the person is themselves in the closet. Fucking bizarre.

i guess i would take Corey's fame more seriously if he

1) Made the complaint at the time.
2) Didn't use psuedonyms for all the supposed Hollywood types who "abused" him.
3) Wasn't making these claims when his 15 minutes of fame were over, trying to get people to pay attention to him again.

Concerning as the day is long... So just about anybody who makes a Claim of being Ass Raped by Hollywood Liberals and Queers is a Liar to you?...

Good to know. :thup:



What is it with you guys on the left. Anytime someone makes these sorts of claims, many of you leftists always rush in to turn the tables, and claim the person is themselves in the closet. Fucking bizarre.

i guess i would take Corey's fame more seriously if he

1) Made the complaint at the time.
2) Didn't use psuedonyms for all the supposed Hollywood types who "abused" him.
3) Wasn't making these claims when his 15 minutes of fame were over, trying to get people to pay attention to him again.

Concerning as the day is long... So just about anybody who makes a Claim of being Ass Raped by Hollywood Liberals and Queers is a Liar to you?...

Good to know. :thup:



Well, no, just anyone who makes a claim and then doesn't back it up with facts is a liar.

Where are his Facts?

Why doesn't he name names?

Probably because those people would sue him for defamation and probably win.
i guess i would take Corey's fame more seriously if he

1) Made the complaint at the time.
2) Didn't use psuedonyms for all the supposed Hollywood types who "abused" him.
3) Wasn't making these claims when his 15 minutes of fame were over, trying to get people to pay attention to him again.

Concerning as the day is long... So just about anybody who makes a Claim of being Ass Raped by Hollywood Liberals and Queers is a Liar to you?...

Good to know. :thup:



Well, no, just anyone who makes a claim and then doesn't back it up with facts is a liar.

Where are his Facts?

Why doesn't he name names?

Probably because those people would sue him for defamation and probably win.

It's Concerning how Insistent you are about this...


Concerning as the day is long... So just about anybody who makes a Claim of being Ass Raped by Hollywood Liberals and Queers is a Liar to you?...

Good to know. :thup:



Well, no, just anyone who makes a claim and then doesn't back it up with facts is a liar.

Where are his Facts?

Why doesn't he name names?

Probably because those people would sue him for defamation and probably win.

It's Concerning how Insistent you are about this...



Well, yeah, I've got some funny, old fashioned notion that you need to provide EVIDENCE before you screw up someone's life.
Hey, guy, i'm not getting worked up because someone regrets his teenage sexual experimentation.

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Whatever gets you to sleep at night there, champ! :thup:


Hey, guy, i'm not getting worked up because someone regrets his teenage sexual experimentation.

How are underage boys sodomized / raped by Movie Director Bryan Singer and his friend Collins-Rector for years involved in sexual experimentation, Joe? Rape isn't an experiment. It's a crime.

When will the FBI do their job and investigate the many reports against Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer for sodomizing underage boy actors in Hollywood? When will the authorities release the list of Hollywood elitists involved in these Hollywood paedophile rings? The victims have told the authorities the names of these criminals. What is the hold up?

Why don't the rich and powerful of Hollywood get prosecuted for sex crimes against children?
Hey, guy, i'm not getting worked up because someone regrets his teenage sexual experimentation.

How are underage boys sodomized / raped by Movie Director Bryan Singer and his friend Collins-Rector for years involved in sexual experimentation, Joe? Rape isn't an experiment. It's a crime.

When will the FBI do their job and investigate the many reports against Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer for sodomizing underage boy actors in Hollywood? When will the authorities release the list of Hollywood elitists involved in these Hollywood paedophile rings? The victims have told the authorities the names of these criminals. What is the hold up?

Why don't the rich and powerful of Hollywood get prosecuted for sex crimes against children?

Just because this guy has found Jesus and wants to convince everyone he's got a case of the Not-Gays, doesn't mean the rest of us or the FBI should give a crap.

The FBI has real crooks to catch.
Hey, guy, i'm not getting worked up because someone regrets his teenage sexual experimentation.

How are underage boys sodomized / raped by Movie Director Bryan Singer and his friend Collins-Rector for years involved in sexual experimentation, Joe? Rape isn't an experiment. It's a crime.

When will the FBI do their job and investigate the many reports against Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer for sodomizing underage boy actors in Hollywood? When will the authorities release the list of Hollywood elitists involved in these Hollywood paedophile rings? The victims have told the authorities the names of these criminals. What is the hold up?

Why don't the rich and powerful of Hollywood get prosecuted for sex crimes against children?

Just because this guy has found Jesus and wants to convince everyone he's got a case of the Not-Gays, doesn't mean the rest of us or the FBI should give a crap.

The FBI has real crooks to catch.

You really a Disgusting person... :thup:

Could you point me to the "Women Lie about Rape" thread of yours?...


How are underage boys sodomized / raped by Movie Director Bryan Singer and his friend Collins-Rector for years involved in sexual experimentation, Joe? Rape isn't an experiment. It's a crime.

When will the FBI do their job and investigate the many reports against Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer for sodomizing underage boy actors in Hollywood? When will the authorities release the list of Hollywood elitists involved in these Hollywood paedophile rings? The victims have told the authorities the names of these criminals. What is the hold up?

Why don't the rich and powerful of Hollywood get prosecuted for sex crimes against children?

Just because this guy has found Jesus and wants to convince everyone he's got a case of the Not-Gays, doesn't mean the rest of us or the FBI should give a crap.

The FBI has real crooks to catch.

You really a Disgusting person... :thup:

Could you point me to the "Women Lie about Rape" thread of yours?...



Wouldn't know.

Although I had kind of the same opinion of the Duke Lacrosse case. YOu know, that when you just take someone's questionable word for something, you are bound to get into trouble.

So to recap. The evidence is.

1) Singer is gay, which in homophobe land, means the same thing as a pedophile. (Not really)

2) This guy said so. Even though by his own admission, he hung around with these guys for a long time.
And in other news.

Box Office: Fox?s ?X-Men: Days of Future Past? Powers Up With $111 Mil Domestic Start | Variety

UPDATED: With the dust settled, Fox is estimating “X-Men: Days of Future Past” to have grossed $111 million domestically over the long Memorial Day weekend. The studio, meanwhile, revised the pic’s Friday-Sunday projection, up slightly to $91.4 million.

Globally through Monday, “X-Men” amassed $302 million, of which a whopping $171.1 million came from 119 overseas countries in three days, making it the largest international opening ever for Fox, surpassing 2009′s “Avatar” (at $164.5 million). Fox estimated “X-Men” grossed an additional $20 million overseas through today.

The largest bow overseas came from China, which contributed $37.7 million (Fox’s second-highest opening there behind “Titanic 3D“), followed by the U.K. and South Korea, with $14.2 million and $13.5 million, respectively.

Hey, Mal, Jerry, Sil, tell me again about how Good CHristians were going to make this movie a flop.
And in other news.

Box Office: Fox?s ?X-Men: Days of Future Past? Powers Up With $111 Mil Domestic Start | Variety

UPDATED: With the dust settled, Fox is estimating “X-Men: Days of Future Past” to have grossed $111 million domestically over the long Memorial Day weekend. The studio, meanwhile, revised the pic’s Friday-Sunday projection, up slightly to $91.4 million.

Globally through Monday, “X-Men” amassed $302 million, of which a whopping $171.1 million came from 119 overseas countries in three days, making it the largest international opening ever for Fox, surpassing 2009′s “Avatar” (at $164.5 million). Fox estimated “X-Men” grossed an additional $20 million overseas through today.

The largest bow overseas came from China, which contributed $37.7 million (Fox’s second-highest opening there behind “Titanic 3D“), followed by the U.K. and South Korea, with $14.2 million and $13.5 million, respectively.

Hey, Mal, Jerry, Sil, tell me again about how Good CHristians were going to make this movie a flop.

Quote me saying anything like that... At all. :thup:



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