Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


What was wrong with the first X-Men?

And Superman Returns, while no cinematic masterpiece, gets too much grief. It was far better than many other comic book movies.

How about none of the characters had names other than their superhero names?

Or that they were all just kind of two-dimensional cutouts of characters who had been around for decades and were pretty fully developed.

I did like the Second X-Men movie better, but it was nowhere as good as the source material, Graphic Novel #6- God Loves, Man Kills.

Superman Returns, I thought had bad lighting, slow pacing, and was kind of derivative of the Donner Superman movies, and not in a good way. It did give me a whole new appreciation of the ablity of Reeves, Kidder and Hackman to take hackneyed material and make it good.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



notice there are no criminal charges.... only a civil suit...

but please, let's convict the guy without a trial for acts allegedly occurring at parti es in 1998 to feed your homophobia and gay baiting.

What was wrong with the first X-Men?

And Superman Returns, while no cinematic masterpiece, gets too much grief. It was far better than many other comic book movies.

How about none of the characters had names other than their superhero names?

Or that they were all just kind of two-dimensional cutouts of characters who had been around for decades and were pretty fully developed.

I did like the Second X-Men movie better, but it was nowhere as good as the source material, Graphic Novel #6- God Loves, Man Kills.

Superman Returns, I thought had bad lighting, slow pacing, and was kind of derivative of the Donner Superman movies, and not in a good way. It did give me a whole new appreciation of the ablity of Reeves, Kidder and Hackman to take hackneyed material and make it good.

The X-Men very often call themselves by their hero names. Hell, there have been stretches where I'm not sure they ever refer to themselves in any other way, especially in the earlier incarnations.

I went back and tried to watch the Donner movies recently. They are absolutely terrible. :lol: I couldn't sit through them....I skipped about 1/3 of the first movie and quit early into the second.

Both of the first two X movies were good IMO. It's the third that was truly bad.
Well, we can agree to the true awfulness of the THird one.

They took the Pheonix Saga and managed to totally fuck it up in every way possible.

But I can't blame Singer for that one, he was busy screwing up Superman.
How about finding the post of someone on the Left here pointing out that Homosexuals DO Molest. :thup:
Woah there 80s hair guy, you were the one making the claim.

There are plenty of posters on here that could be categorized as being on the left, which of them believes homosexuals are incapable of sexually abusing children? This should be easy for you since you said all, just pick a random one.

80's hair guy?.....Mal?....

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD

okay, i'm kind of getting a little bored with some parts of this.

Fact is, we charge 15 year olds as adults for crimes in this country. a 15 year old is considered somewhat responsible for his or her actions.

So if this story were true - you know, there was this thing called 'evidence' - Singer would at worst be an Ephebophile, not a pedophile.

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD

Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD

okay, i'm kind of getting a little bored with some parts of this.

Fact is, we charge 15 year olds as adults for crimes in this country. a 15 year old is considered somewhat responsible for his or her actions.

So if this story were true - you know, there was this thing called 'evidence' - Singer would at worst be an Ephebophile, not a pedophile.

I could be wrong here, and please let me know if I am wrong. Is Joe constantly justifying sex with a minor?

He is saying a 15 year old.......

Oh never mind.

Liberals are such annoying hypocritical assholes.
Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD


If you'd scroll back you'd have seen it several times - :asshole: here's ONE :link:

“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”
Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

Here's another :link:

Gay activists have strenuously argued that there is no connection between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of children. They point out that the majority of child molestation cases are by heterosexuals. But they neglect a pivotal fact: Homosexuals comprise only a small percentage of the population, yet account for an extraordinarily high percentage of offenses against children.

A recent study in Demography estimated the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 percent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 percent. The study took into account three large data sets, including the all-encompassing U.S. Census.

Now consider a report from the Journal of Sex Research which noted that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses, even though they are outnumbered by heterosexuals 20 to one. Less than four percent of the population commits one-third of the offenses against children!
Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD


Dude... Virtually ALL of the Catholic Abuse was Exclusively Homosexual Sex... Combine that with the Abnormal Rates of HIV in the Priesthood and you can tell exactly what has been going on, or being done to that Church.

You are going to see more and more issues in the Military for the same reasons.

The goal is to break down all of the Standards and Traditions.


Same sex engagement s homosexual whether t be with a Child or Adult. Homosexuals are much more apt to sexually molest children - ridiculously much more. In fact they are responsible for about 33% of all child molestation yet account for only 3 - 4% of the population. No two step shuffle shoe dance can change reality -a pervert is a pervert , and homosexual men have no business being trusted with children PERIOD


Dude... Virtually ALL of the Catholic Abuse was Exclusively Homosexual Sex... Combine that with the Abnormal Rates of HIV in the Priesthood and you can tell exactly what has been going on, or being done to that Church.

You are going to see more and more issues in the Military for the same reasons.

The goal is to break down all of the Standards and Traditions.



A clear demonstration of what celibacy can do to people psychologically, it's not normal nor healthy . Just like Homosexuality.

The goal is to break down all of the Standards and Traditions.

"In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "
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'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



notice there are no criminal charges.... only a civil suit...

but please, let's convict the guy without a trial for acts allegedly occurring at parti es in 1998 to feed your homophobia and gay baiting.

You mean like when a Republican or other "righty" gets accused of something, you guys always give them the benefit of the doubt. :eusa_liar:
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



notice there are no criminal charges.... only a civil suit...

but please, let's convict the guy without a trial for acts allegedly occurring at parti es in 1998 to feed your homophobia and gay baiting.

If some Male Intern was Accusing Rush of the same from 15 years ago you know you would not sound like this Jill... Be Honest. :thup:


Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Check it out everyone. A liberal....showing disgust for this action.

I think.

Most Liberals only show disgust when it's committed by a Church.

This kind of outrage should be a non partisan issue but for some reason it's not.

I've read the update story:
Bryan Singer lawyer says sexual abuse lawsuit is 'completely without merit' - MSN Movies News

I admit to some bias on my behalf because I'm a Bryan Singer fanboy.
This gentleman is the key. He is the reason the story has legs.

Tech More: Sex Offender

Singer Lawsuit Is Tied To Marc Collins-Rector, Infamous Child Abuser Of The Dot-Com Boom


Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
AdjDate Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication




Victim Information
Gender:Unknown Minor:Yes

MARC JOHN COLLINS-RECTOR*-*Florida Sexual Offender

I could be wrong here, and please let me know if I am wrong. Is Joe constantly justifying sex with a minor?

He is saying a 15 year old.......

Oh never mind.

Liberals are such annoying hypocritical assholes.

Guy, reality is, most "minors" have already had sex by that age.

Now, I'd like to see actual EVIDENCE against Singer. Not that I like Singer. I will probably never forgive him for bastardizing the X-Men to the degree he did.

But you know, i'm a bit funny like that. I don't accuse people of shit because I don't like their politics.

If some Male Intern was Accusing Rush of the same from 15 years ago you know you would not sound like this Jill... Be Honest. :thup:



well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

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