Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy


If some Male Intern was Accusing Rush of the same from 15 years ago you know you would not sound like this Jill... Be Honest. :thup:



well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

You see any conservative defending Rush Limbaugh?

In fact I have not seen anyone here even bringing up Rush Limbaugh.

Also, I think you are advocating sex with a minor. I really think you are.

I still have not seen your disgust with this perverted Xmen alleged pedophile. In fact, I think you are saying IF it is true, then it is perfectly ok.

All while you point your bony, stink, hypocritical, shit stained finger at Rush Limbaugh.

The problem with you accusing pieces of hypocritical shit, is you do not see your blatant double standards.

You see any conservative defending Rush Limbaugh?

In fact I have not seen anyone here even bringing up Rush Limbaugh.

Also, I think you are advocating sex with a minor. I really think you are.

I still have not seen your disgust with this perverted Xmen alleged pedophile. In fact, I think you are saying IF it is true, then it is perfectly ok.

All while you point your bony, stink, hypocritical, shit stained finger at Rush Limbaugh.

The problem with you accusing pieces of hypocritical shit, is you do not see your blatant double standards.

How's this for a whacky idea, guy.

HOw about you PROVE that sex actually happened, and then I will be disgusted by it.

I mean, I am pretty disgusted with what he did with the X-Men Franchise. But you see, I have "PROOF" of that. Like in I plopped down money to see these turds in a theatre and saw the cinematic vomit on the screen.

On the other hand, we have PROOF that LImbaugh went to the sex haven known as the D.R., and we have PROOF he was busted for soliciting male prostitutes.

All you have with Singer is this accusation in a civil suit where his name didn't come up until the third time it was filed.

Then I will be appropirately outraged that this 15 year old had sex with an adult man and not another 15 year old, which how it usually works.

Or people will Yawn and say, "Who cares?"

Seriously, people have been going on about Hollywood Depravity since Fatty Arbuckle was falsely accussed of squishing a hooker to death.

ANd mostly, people don't care. Just keep feeding me crap movies with cliched plots, shallow character development and lots of CGI and explosions. Who cares how many young actors and actresses are discarded on the casting couch.

YOu think anyone cares about that any more than they care about how chickens are treated at the Colonel's Farm?


Or people will Yawn and say, "Who cares?"

Seriously, people have been going on about Hollywood Depravity since Fatty Arbuckle was falsely accussed of squishing a hooker to death.

ANd mostly, people don't care. Just keep feeding me crap movies with cliched plots, shallow character development and lots of CGI and explosions. Who cares how many young actors and actresses are discarded on the casting couch.

YOu think anyone cares about that any more than they care about how chickens are treated at the Colonel's Farm?


Your Concern for Boy Rapists getting Justice is noted. :thup:



Your Concern for Boy Rapists getting Justice is noted. :thup:



The parents of those "children" (not really) don't care.

Why should I?

Explain in detail, why you put children in quotation marks.


Mostly, because we charge 15 year olds and 17 year olds as adults in crimes all the time.

Sorry, I can't get upset about a 30 year old complaining that his "first time" wasn't as special as he hoped it would be.

If some Male Intern was Accusing Rush of the same from 15 years ago you know you would not sound like this Jill... Be Honest. :thup:



well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

Provide link on Rush.


This gentleman is the key. He is the reason the story has legs.

Tech More: Sex Offender

Singer Lawsuit Is Tied To Marc Collins-Rector, Infamous Child Abuser Of The Dot-Com Boom


Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
AdjDate Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication




Victim Information
Gender:Unknown Minor:Yes

MARC JOHN COLLINS-RECTOR*-*Florida Sexual Offender

This is what most deviant perverts engage in... too bad this had to start coming out AFTER Obama came out and all but guaranteed Gay Marriage to become law.



If some Male Intern was Accusing Rush of the same from 15 years ago you know you would not sound like this Jill... Be Honest. :thup:



well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

Provide link on Rush.



What, your fingers are broken and you can't use Google?

Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Stag Party | The Smoking Gun

Rush Limbaugh aka Jeff Christie, who was busted in a public restroom for propositioning - Democratic Underground

Is Rush Limbaugh Really a Christian? Part 1 of 3: Marriage
well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

Provide link on Rush.



What, your fingers are broken and you can't use Google?

Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Stag Party | The Smoking Gun

Rush Limbaugh aka Jeff Christie, who was busted in a public restroom for propositioning - Democratic Underground

Is Rush Limbaugh Really a Christian? Part 1 of 3: Marriage

Well, pervert. You sure seem disgusted by Rush. Or are you? I cannot tell.

Mostly, because we charge 15 year olds and 17 year olds as adults in crimes all the time.

And so....what is your conclusion Joe. You, are saying since 15 year olds and 17 year olds are charged as adults all of the time.....

You say it Joe. Just go ahead and just.....say it Joe.
CaféAuLait;8952130 said:
how old was singer in 1998?


Once I opened the paper here in Chicago and there were two stories side by side. One said, "17 year old boy molested by 21 year old man" and the other said, "Two 17 year old men rape 24 year old co-ed".

So if they rape a woman, they are "men". But if they get their pee pee "played with", they are terribly helpless children being molested.

Too bad right wingers didn't have this much concern for 17 years old Treyvon Martin. After all, he thought Zimmerman was "stalking him" and wasn't Zimmerman around 33?

I think it makes a difference when the victim is the 17 year old. In the case of Trayvon Martin the victim was George Zimmerman and TM paid for it with his life. If the victim is a 17 year old boy, and he's not on top beating the crap out of his attacker, I think it fits when you call it rape or molestation.
well, here's the thing.

Back in 1974, Rush LImbaugh WAS arrested for trying to solicite an undercover officer (male) for gay sex. He was promptly fired from his disk jockey job where he operated under the name Jeff Christie.

ALso, Rush LImbaugh was busted with a bottle of Viagra when flying back from the Dominican Republic under a fake name. This was when he was between beards... I mean wives.

but for the most part, people don't make a big deal about these PROVABLE events. Limbaugh is able to do homophobic rants on the air, and no one calls him on it at all.

Provide link on Rush.



What, your fingers are broken and you can't use Google?

Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Stag Party | The Smoking Gun

Rush Limbaugh aka Jeff Christie, who was busted in a public restroom for propositioning - Democratic Underground

Is Rush Limbaugh Really a Christian? Part 1 of 3: Marriage

I think you've hit bottom when you try to quote a blog on the Democratic Underground.

The same place that booted me out just because I dared to say something that didn't sound like a liberal talking-point. They don't like opposing viewpoints, and when you quote the DU you're essentially quoting garbage.
Singer is jewish. This isn't surprising.

His "adopted" parents were elitists and huge on the environmental issues, etc. He claims to be Jewish. ( Singer wasn't his birth name ) I find no sign of it.

He is a paedophile - elitist - opportunist - whose movies should be boycotted from this day forward! The way to respond to this is contact all the movie theatres across the country and let them know if his films run? You won't be their customer - at any time - contact the Hollywood producers and complain about him - demand they blacklist him and his friends or they go down with him. Make sure and state your intentions on social media sites, Huffpost comment section - and mass email the story encouraging others to demand justice for these victims! Prosecute Bryan Singer and his accomplices. This is the time to draw the line once and for all!

The story of what has been done to underage actors / of age actors in Hollywood is utterly horrific. I believe every word of it and Singer is a liar who has now been exposed and is under the judgment of God. I expect it to fall swiftly in this case. His career is finished and so are the careers of all who stand by him. This is no joke - their day of recompense has arrived! Wait and see.
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This gentleman is the key. He is the reason the story has legs.

Tech More: Sex Offender

Singer Lawsuit Is Tied To Marc Collins-Rector, Infamous Child Abuser Of The Dot-Com Boom


Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
AdjDate Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication




Victim Information
Gender:Unknown Minor:Yes

MARC JOHN COLLINS-RECTOR*-*Florida Sexual Offender

Their best buddies. Follow the trail here - look at the young actors - the movies - who attends these parties. Singer is Box Office POISON now. Americans are horrified at this story and here is yet another one making the rounds in Europe right now. I wouldn't see a Bryan Singer movie ever again. - Jeremiah

Note the photo of Singer and Collins - Rector side by side..

Bryan Singer accuser had made sex abuse claims before | Mail Online

'We were told that we had to keep the members happy - "We control Hollywood and we will eliminate you" - there was threat after threat,' Egan told reporters.
'My phone was being monitored, such horrible things being said. You believe them. You continue going round (to the house) as, if you didn't, you were fearful of what would happen to you or members of your family.'
His lawyer also seemed to refer to the previous complaint during the conference, adding that it came to nothing.

'Abused': Egan is pictured here aged 17, at the time of the alleged rapes and sordid sex parties
He said: ‘People ask why did Mike not notify authorities when it happened? Yes he did, he spoke to his mum when he was 17 and went to police, who reported it to the FBI.

‘Why did it take so long to come to me to file a lawsuit? As he will say, he was scared. He tried to come to the authorities and nothing happened.'
Egan added: ''My mum was the one who made the phone calls to the police as I was still a minor, it was an agent from LAPD, they then brought it to the FBI.'

He claims he first came into contact with the movie industry bigwigs when he moved from Nebraska to Los Angeles to make it as an actor, and attended private school, San Fernando Valley Professional School.

It was there he came into contact with Rector-Collins' partner Chad Shackley, who, it is claimed invited him and other boys around for parties.
'I had drugs put in my drink, liquor poured down my throat, (I was) raped numerous times in that house, various times (I was) sexually abused,' he said. 'There was a policy of no clothes by the poolside area. I was a piece of meat to these people.'

Singer's attorney, Marty Singer, called the claims 'without merit' and 'absurd and defamatory'.
Shackley is yet to comment on the allegations. continued on link...........

I believe every word these young men have reported about these Hollywood elitist paedophiles. It is high time they were prosecuted and in the meantime? Boycott their films and the actors who work for them. - Spielberg already distanced himself from Singer some time ago. He's no fool. True professionals won't work with this scum.
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Where did I say I was "disgusted".

I'm sort of indifferent to him. He likes men, that's his own business. And if he pays some woman thousands of dollars to pretend to be his wife and then dumps her for a non-discloure agreement, that's between them.

I'm a little bothered by gay-bashing he does on his show. Or that he broke drug laws and then hid behind high-priced lawyers.

I do, however, find his show amusing. Not as amusing as I did ten years ago when i really bought into the Right Wing Bullshit.
Singer is jewish. This isn't surprising.

His "adopted" parents were elitists and huge on the environmental issues, etc. He claims to be Jewish. I find no sign of it.

He is a paedophile - elitist - opportunist - whose movies should be boycotted from this day forward! The way to respond to this is contact all the movie theatres across the country and let them know if his films run? You won't be their customer - at any time - contact the Hollywood producers and complain about him - demand they blacklist him and his friends or they go down with him. Make sure and state your intentions on social media sites, Huffpost comment section - and mass email the story encouraging others to demand justice for these victims! Prosecute Bryan Singer and his accomplices. This is the time to draw the line once and for all!

The story of what has been done to underage actors / of age actors in Hollywood is utterly horrific. I believe every word of it and Singer is a liar who has now been exposed and is under the judgment of God. I expect it to fall swiftly in this case. His career is finished and so are the careers of all who stand by him. This is no joke - their day of recompense has arrived! Wait and see.

Most Jews (especially the majority of American Jews who hate Israel by voting for her enemies) are not really Jews. It is almost as if we can see what the prophets warned about for centuries.

They certainly are not kosher in any real way. They observe nothing from the mosaic law. Even if they wear the little hats, they become the wolves in sheeps clothing.

Just like a Christian, who does not practice Christianity. One is by what they do, not what they claim to be.

Yes, I wonder who the descendants are of those that danced around the golden calf.

I do not know if his career is over. Michael Jackson continued to thrive in his career and people (millions) still fell at his feet. Roman Polanski is still very much respected and he brutally raped a 13 year old girl ( I sure hope Joe B does not consider her old enough.)

I am expecting the usual cast of assholes in Hollywood to rush to his defense. The lack of disgust from the usual morons in this thread is indicative. Look at how these assholes claim...."innocent till proven guilty." Same hypocrites who crushed Sandusky before he was convicted. Funny, how no conservative defended Sandusky or said he was "innocent till proven guilty."

Yeah, lets be clear here. Over 75% of Jews in this country (around the world) are not actual Jews, regardless if they are circumcised.

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