Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy

CaféAuLait;8952130 said:
how old was singer in 1998?


Once I opened the paper here in Chicago and there were two stories side by side. One said, "17 year old boy molested by 21 year old man" and the other said, "Two 17 year old men rape 24 year old co-ed".

So if they rape a woman, they are "men". But if they get their pee pee "played with", they are terribly helpless children being molested.

Too bad right wingers didn't have this much concern for 17 years old Treyvon Martin. After all, he thought Zimmerman was "stalking him" and wasn't Zimmerman around 33?
CaféAuLait;8952130 said:
how old was singer in 1998?


Once I opened the paper here in Chicago and there were two stories side by side. One said, "17 year old boy molested by 21 year old man" and the other said, "Two 17 year old men rape 24 year old co-ed".

So if they rape a woman, they are "men". But if they get their pee pee "played with", they are terribly helpless children being molested.

Too bad right wingers didn't have this much concern for 17 years old Treyvon Martin. After all, he thought Zimmerman was "stalking him" and wasn't Zimmerman around 33?

What? What are you getting at? Why are you trying to compare the rape of a 14 year old child to Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman? Seriously?
CaféAuLait;8952180 said:
CaféAuLait;8952130 said:

Once I opened the paper here in Chicago and there were two stories side by side. One said, "17 year old boy molested by 21 year old man" and the other said, "Two 17 year old men rape 24 year old co-ed".

So if they rape a woman, they are "men". But if they get their pee pee "played with", they are terribly helpless children being molested.

Too bad right wingers didn't have this much concern for 17 years old Treyvon Martin. After all, he thought Zimmerman was "stalking him" and wasn't Zimmerman around 33?

What? What are you getting at? Why are you trying to compare the rape of a 14 year old child to Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman? Seriously?

He's a functional retard... perfect DemocRAT Voter.


Curious = who on the left says homosexuals are are incapable of abusing children?

Is there a specific poster on here you can point out who believes this?

I think Mal is referring to in general how the left focus on defending homosexuality,
so they do not harp on cases of abuse, because that would feed into the opposition.

Same with why the prochoice feminists remain silent on issues of abortion clinic
abuses, and just let the prolife groups or the "legal process" handle those.


The lack of disgust on this subject from the very telling indeed.

And insightful is what it is....


'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



X-Men:... Very few knew they were being manipulated by gay propaganda. The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors further acceptance of homosexuality in society. They desire the audience , if only subconsciously to see Gays as Superheroes.

...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles. [1]

.Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members.

Comic Books and The Gay Agenda
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'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



X-Men:... Very few knew they were being manipulated by gay propaganda. The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors further acceptance of homosexuality in society. They desire the audience , if only subconsciously to see Gays as Superheroes.

...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles. [1]

.Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members.

Comic Books and The Gay Agenda

Um, I don't think Stan Lee ever had any gay agenda to be honest.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



X-Men:... Very few knew they were being manipulated by gay propaganda. The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors further acceptance of homosexuality in society. They desire the audience , if only subconsciously to see Gays as Superheroes.

...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles. [1]

.Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members.

Comic Books and The Gay Agenda

So you are implying that writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby are homosexuals??
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

seriously? and you actually think you have any credibility. what a ridiculous post. do you have evidence it is the far right doing this?
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Hey come you haven't responded to my post in the other thread? And really? You want to run with this tack? Better have some good links to support you in this assertion.
nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.
Curious = who on the left says homosexuals are are incapable of abusing children?

Is there a specific poster on here you can point out who believes this?


Oh yeah...

Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Right here in this very Thread... :rofl:

Liberals are Functional Retards. :thup:


I still have not seen one hypocritical, double talking, pathetic left wing pile of steaming shit show any sort of disgust for this person or the action that this left wing Hollywood director committed.

What does that say?

It means what I have always said....

Liberals DO NOT STAND FOR ANYTHING. Not one thing. They do not care. They pull you into their shit by making you think they are all concerned about the poor, down trodden etc etc etc.

They could not care any less. Even the environment. If they actually cared about the environment that they claim to care about when they show up to their earth rallies with bags and bags of pot, they would love GW Bush. Not only do they not know what he did for the environment, they could not possibly care less. In fact, I think they are so stupid that they think he is responsible for the mythical MAN MADE global warming.

Anyway, I will be waiting for one of these pieces of shit to show their disgust in the same manner they show their disgust for Catholic priests or Jerry Sandusky. I just will not be holding my breath.
nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.
Curious = who on the left says homosexuals are are incapable of abusing children?

Is there a specific poster on here you can point out who believes this?


Oh yeah...

Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Right here in this very Thread... :rofl: Liberals are Functional retards. :thup: :) peace...

See, Mal, this is why you so easily amuse others. :lol:
I still have not seen one hypocritical, double talking, pathetic left wing pile of steaming shit show any sort of disgust for this person or the action that this left wing Hollywood director committed.

What does that say?

It means what I have always said....

Liberals DO NOT STAND FOR ANYTHING. Not one thing. They do not care. They pull you into their shit by making you think they are all concerned about the poor, down trodden etc etc etc.

They could not care any less. Even the environment. If they actually cared about the environment that they claim to care about when they show up to their earth rallies with bags and bags of pot, they would love GW Bush. Not only do they not know what he did for the environment, they could not possibly care less. In fact, I think they are so stupid that they think he is responsible for the mythical MAN MADE global warming.

Anyway, I will be waiting for one of these pieces of shit to show their disgust in the same manner they show their disgust for Catholic priests or Jerry Sandusky. I just will not be holding my breath.

They Defend Islam and Islam Executes Homos... They are Mentally Retarded... There aren't any other Explanations for it.


'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.

Okay, so what you have is an unprovable accussation made against a celebrity. We kind of get those all the time.

This one is 15 years after the fact, long after any statue of limitations has run out, and can't be proven.

Now, if you want to talk about attrocities by Bryan Singer, we can talk about the First X-Men movie or Superman Returns. Now those really were crimes!
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.

Okay, so what you have is an unprovable accussation made against a celebrity. We kind of get those all the time.

This one is 15 years after the fact, long after any statue of limitations has run out, and can't be proven.

Now, if you want to talk about attrocities by Bryan Singer, we can talk about the First X-Men movie or Superman Returns. Now those really were crimes!

At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Fail, as seen below:
There are homosexuals who molest and rape.

And Mal that is why you don't try to state a position with unsupportable asinine arguments.

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