Openly Gay X-Men Director Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy

At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Fail, as seen below:
There are homosexuals who molest and rape.

And Mal that is why you don't try to state a position with unsupportable asinine arguments.

Sallow being Browbeaten into Conceding the Obvious is your Retort?... :rofl:

The Kneejerk Reaction to a Homosexual being Accused of Raping a Child is to Defend and Deflect... My two Threads on it, the original and the DERP! Thread Illustrate this.

You People are Mentally Ill. :thup:


'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.

Okay, so what you have is an unprovable accussation made against a celebrity. We kind of get those all the time.

This one is 15 years after the fact, long after any statue of limitations has run out, and can't be proven.

Now, if you want to talk about attrocities by Bryan Singer, we can talk about the First X-Men movie or Superman Returns. Now those really were crimes!

I Garundamntee you that if some kid Accused Rush of Raping him 15 years ago you would not sound this way...

Please be Honest in your Response. :thup:


To this evil regime, the homosexual rape of children is a protected act that will not even be investigated.

News from The Associated Press

Los Angeles Police Commander Andrew Smith said the department is looking into whether a report was made. FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said the agency could not comment on what Egan reported unless it resulted in a case or matter of public record.

"However, the suggestion that the FBI ignored a minor victim, or evidence involving the sexual victimization of a child, is ludicrous," Eimiller said. "The FBI vigorously pursues all allegations involving the sexual abuse of minors and pursues prosecution when evidence of such crimes is brought to its attention."

Except they don't investigate anything.
Sallow being Browbeaten into Conceding the Obvious is your Retort?... :rofl:
He wasn't browbeaten, he came into a thread and agreed that homosexuals do molest.

It kind of shits all over your asinine claims that no people from the left believe that, so you continue to look more ridiculous by the post. You're just another partisan extremist making stupid claims that you can't back up.
To this evil regime, the homosexual rape of children is a protected act that will not even be investigated.
Well except for the we see in the news that are investigated and charged by the feds, by hey what does reality have to do with anything right?

Just say it, and magically it is true! Wee, nobody gets investigated for child rape, according to our resident pathological liar, katz.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.

Okay, so what you have is an unprovable accussation made against a celebrity. We kind of get those all the time.

This one is 15 years after the fact, long after any statue of limitations has run out, and can't be proven.

Now, if you want to talk about attrocities by Bryan Singer, we can talk about the First X-Men movie or Superman Returns. Now those really were crimes!

What was wrong with the first X-Men?

And Superman Returns, while no cinematic masterpiece, gets too much grief. It was far better than many other comic book movies.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



It's sadly easy to believe. There's an unfortunate history of abuses (proven or alleged) in the entertainment world.

Trying to make this about a political affiliation, though, is just silly.
Trying to make this about a political affiliation, though, is just silly.
I know right? Many on these forums do it, everything in the world is just an opportunity to paint on the enemy political team, I can't imagine what it must be like living and perceiving life around you like that 24/7.

They might as well tattoo "I'm shallow" on their foreheads.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



X-Men:... Very few knew they were being manipulated by gay propaganda. The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors further acceptance of homosexuality in society. They desire the audience , if only subconsciously to see Gays as Superheroes.

...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles. [1]

.Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members.

Comic Books and The Gay Agenda

So you are implying that writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby are homosexuals??

Don't know - read the article. Singer and his partner are - they are responsible for this travesty and Singer is the baby boinker.
Molestation is molestation and the the far rights are the ones doing most of the pedophilia.

Either you were trying to be funny or you are a complete amd utter uninformed asshole.

I prefer to think you were making a meager attempt at Humor - ha ha :doubt:
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



It's sadly easy to believe. There's an unfortunate history of abuses (proven or alleged) in the entertainment world.

Trying to make this about a political affiliation, though, is just silly.

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.
'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing underage boy - MSN Movies News

"The abuse allegedly began in 1998, shortly after Egan was lured to parties at a house where a high school friend lived, the lawsuit claims. The house, known as the M & C Estate, was often the site of "notorious parties" where adult males allegedly preyed on young boys."

Brian Singer is really a Closeted Heterosexual. At least that's what I would have to conclude considering the fact that nobody on the Left seems to want to admit that Homosexual are capable of Abusing Children Sexually.

Interesting thing there about the "Notorious Parties"...

I'm sure that's not True either. :thup:

Top of the Pops, baby!... It's like a Cancer in that World and anyone who speaks up about it like the Corey's are Attacked and Dismissed.



It's sadly easy to believe. There's an unfortunate history of abuses (proven or alleged) in the entertainment world.

Trying to make this about a political affiliation, though, is just silly.

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
It's sadly easy to believe. There's an unfortunate history of abuses (proven or alleged) in the entertainment world.

Trying to make this about a political affiliation, though, is just silly.

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Horse Feathers.

The UC Davis link you cite has been refuted time and time again. It is propaganda, the statistics cited are hedged , wher they exclude counting pedophiles as homosexuals despite the fact that they are male homosexulas who molest minor same sex adolescents.

In addition it relies heavily on the Evelyn Hooker Study, which is shady to say the least.

The study, "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual", Hooker administered several standardized personality tests to two sets of men, the first group of 30 was homosexual and heavily screened by the Mattachine Society and the other heterosexual. The whole purpose of the study was to examine the instances of mental instability in homosexuals, However, individuals who showed the slightest signs of mental instability were excluded , it was not a random test and was designed to arrive at predetermined results.

The studies subjects were not randomly selected. on the contrary they were chosen and screened entirely by the Mattachine Society, an organization that Hooker herself admitted in the report had as its stated purpose " the development of a homosexual ethic in order to better integrate the homosexual into society." The heterosexual subjects were obtained from "community organizations" which she refused to divulge. The inadequacy of her methodology was even acknowledged by the Journal that published it.

Hooker concluded her report by offering a set of "admissions" about the limitations of her study. In this section she concedes the possibility that homosexuals are indeed pathological, a point conveniently overlooked by the Gay Activists, but proven out by later and more reliable studies. So even though Dr. Hooker prostituted herself to the Mattachine Society, some element of the scientist had to shine through.
Evelyn Hooker Study Flawed
Here's the thing. A guy comes forward after 16 years saying "something happened". In 16 years, he never told anyone. Now, suddenly he is freaking out.

Right away, right wingers jump on it screaming "if you don't condemn the accused, you must love child rape.

Remember this girl?

X-Men:... Very few knew they were being manipulated by gay propaganda. The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors further acceptance of homosexuality in society. They desire the audience , if only subconsciously to see Gays as Superheroes.

...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles. [1]

.Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members.

Comic Books and The Gay Agenda

So you are implying that writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby are homosexuals??

Don't know - read the article. Singer and his partner are - they are responsible for this travesty and Singer is the baby boinker.

15 years old is hardly a baby...
What a surprise, another homo turns out to be a raging pedophile.

...and of course the usual suspects are here to defend.

The Queer-enabler Agenda must go on....

I Garundamntee you that if some kid Accused Rush of Raping him 15 years ago you would not sound this way...

Please be Honest in your Response. :thup:



Actually, I defended Rush when he was brought up on those drug charges. I thought the prosecutor was looking for a celebrity scalp to hang on his wall.

(Of course, I was a lot more RW than I am now.)

Here's the thing. When this "kid" (now a 30 year old man) first made his accusations, he didn't mention Singer by name. But now SInger's got another movie where he's going to take great source material from the COmics and find ways to fuck it up, so let's get some attention.

It's not wholly relative to political affiliation, it's about sexual orientation. Homosexual males are the most prolific Child Molestors alive. They compris less than 4% of the total population , yet are responsible for nearly 1/3 of all Child Molestation. Thats 4% of the Population Committing 33% of the sex crimes against Children - I'd say there's a problem there.

Pedophiles aren't gay or straight, they're pedophiles.

Hey, here's the real problem. 99% of Pedophiles are MEN! Maybe we need to outlaw men on that theory.

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