Opinion: Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Report Exonerates President Trump


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Report Exonerates President Trump.

this paragraph stuck out:
Every fact in the Democrats’ case has been contested—starting with whether or not Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine. But the most obvious example of Democrats presuming, not proving, the necessary facts is their complete failure to demonstrate Trump had “corrupt” intent. Democrats assert—without evidence—that President Trump’s motivation in seeking investigations of Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election and Burisma was his own personal political interests.
and it's 100% true. the left dove on this like a duck on a junebug and *assumed* it was because it was for trumps own political gain. yet none of that has been proven.

just "assumed".

if he is truly looking into corruption and the activities of the left 2 things would happen:
1. he would make that phone call
2. the left, if corrupt, would go apeshit to discredit anything he was doing.

looks like both happened.

as the left loves to tell trump, if you've nothing to hide, let it all out for us to see. yet, where are they when it comes to looking into what THEY have done over the last decade? throwing up FAKE NEWS, just ignoring you, accusing the right of what they are being looked into doing and so forth.

if the left has done nothing wrong, what's wrong with trump having the complaints from the ukraine looked into? i mean, they didn't do it so nothing would be found, right? a lot like the mueller reports...

yet, here we are. no laws have been broken and there is zero proof trump did it for political gain vs. following up and doing his job.

it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.
Schiff and Biden should be happy to testify in the Senate
hey - if trump didn't have corrupt intent, then even if he broke a law or 2, he didn't mean to.

right? isn't that the way it is now? no intent to break the law means they're fine. move along?

don't cover yourself in bullshit excuses if you won't allow others to do the same. PERIOD.
The debunked conspiracy theory the right is desperately trying to prove in an effort to make Trump justified in his actions is all the intent anyone needs. It's also important to note that Trump wants the worlds largest Kleptocracy, Russia, to rejoin G7 in spite of being completely corrupt.
Schiff and Biden should be happy to testify in the Senate
hey - if trump didn't have corrupt intent, then even if he broke a law or 2, he didn't mean to.

right? isn't that the way it is now? no intent to break the law means they're fine. move along?

don't cover yourself in bullshit excuses if you won't allow others to do the same. PERIOD.

No crime necessary...nor even intent it seems...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
Schiff and Biden should be happy to testify in the Senate
hey - if trump didn't have corrupt intent, then even if he broke a law or 2, he didn't mean to.

right? isn't that the way it is now? no intent to break the law means they're fine. move along?

don't cover yourself in bullshit excuses if you won't allow others to do the same. PERIOD.

No crime necessary...nor even intent it seems...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
Which leftwinger is the source of that horseshit?
Next you'll be saying Trump never even made the call. Repubs are not factually contesting any of the evidence of Trump's guilt. They are simply claiming the sky is not blue.
Schiff and Biden should be happy to testify in the Senate
hey - if trump didn't have corrupt intent, then even if he broke a law or 2, he didn't mean to.

right? isn't that the way it is now? no intent to break the law means they're fine. move along?

don't cover yourself in bullshit excuses if you won't allow others to do the same. PERIOD.

No crime necessary...nor even intent it seems...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
Which leftwinger is the source of that horseshit?

Some guy named Lindsey Graham....perhaps you have heard of him.
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
What sane person would vote for a democrat at this point?’maybe tulsi? But all these new democrat candidates for Congress should have to answer tough questions! On environment, (crazy green new deal) Open borders, men in the little girls locker room, infanticide... IF REPUBLICANS DONT RUN ON THESE ISSUES.. you deserve to lose republicans!
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
What sane person would vote for a democrat at this point?’maybe tulsi? But all these news democrat candidates for Congress should have to fave tough questions! On environment, (crazy green new deal) Open borders, men in the little girls locker room, infanticide... IF REPUBLICANS DONT RUN ON THESE ISSUES.. you deserve to lose republicans!

What sane person would vote for the duopoly at this point?
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
What sane person would vote for a democrat at this point?’maybe tulsi? But all these news democrat candidates for Congress should have to fave tough questions! On environment, (crazy green new deal) Open borders, men in the little girls locker room, infanticide... IF REPUBLICANS DONT RUN ON THESE ISSUES.. you deserve to lose republicans!

What sane person would vote for the duopoly at this point?
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
it seems to have been for hillary - and to a point, i guess that *is* my point. if she can hide behind "didn't intend to" then to exonerate all, you allow this for others. you set a precedence and you will hear "intent" time and time again as a defense cause it was allowed for her.

the snowball just keeps getting bigger as it rolls down the mountain.
Schiff and Biden should be happy to testify in the Senate
hey - if trump didn't have corrupt intent, then even if he broke a law or 2, he didn't mean to.

right? isn't that the way it is now? no intent to break the law means they're fine. move along?

don't cover yourself in bullshit excuses if you won't allow others to do the same. PERIOD.

No crime necessary...nor even intent it seems...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
Which leftwinger is the source of that horseshit?
heh - lindsey graham. googling a quote would save you from things such as this.

like i said, if we go by precedence set, then intent isn't needed. that is his point and it's 100% valid in the vein of why i started the thread and a perfect counterpoint.

we've now contradicted the shit out of precedence so i ask again - where do we go from here? it's all bullshit. now what?
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
What sane person would vote for a democrat at this point?’maybe tulsi? But all these new democrat candidates for Congress should have to answer tough questions! On environment, (crazy green new deal) Open borders, men in the little girls locker room, infanticide... IF REPUBLICANS DONT RUN ON THESE ISSUES.. you deserve to lose republicans!
Repubs run on the issues? That's a bad idea. Nothing the POT stands for is popular with the majority of Americans. Better stick with fear mongering and lies. That's the thing that's worked well in the past.
it's also funny to me that somehow during all this IMPEACH 45 activity for the phone call, obstruction in 2016 is coming up as a top reason for said impeachment. like a streaker at halftime this came out of nowhere to take center stage.

That is almost as funny as spending 3 years looking for criminal financial dealings and all you can find is lying about a blow job.
would be hilarious if i said i supported clinton being impeached, huh?

i think all we do anymore is investigate whether a reason is needed or not. yes i believe crimes have occurred but no i don't think anyone will ever pay for them. the scariest part of that scenario is where do we go from here? punish one side the other is going to cry FOUL and return the favor, as we've been doing more or less SINCE clinton.

i think all this trump bullshit is in fact, bullshit. i don't base this on past behaviors or actions but on it's own "merit" (using the term loosely to be sure).

so - if we just look at trump and this article, does it have merit? did the dems prove intent? does intent even matter in something like this?

my real question comes to - as i said - where do we go from here? is it really what anyone wants OVERALL or just immediate gratification and an emotional rescue. i'm going to stop as i got 2 70s classic song titles snuck into that sentence and i'm going to call it a day.

Is intent necessary?

Going buy the answer from Lindsey Graham above, it seems that all that is necessary is getting enough votes. Is intent necessary for something to be "clearly out of bounds in your role"?

Not sure what happens next...irregardless of if they impeach him or not. Obviously the Senate will not convict him. I said at the beginning of this that if Trump were impeached it would change the country forever and no president would ever finish a term unscathed.

But Trump is such an outlier, that I am not sure what happens next.

I think much of that will depend on Nov. If they impeach him and he loses in Nov or he squeaks out a win and the Dems take back the Senate while holding the House then this might become the norm.

But if the Dems are blown out come Nov, lose the House and Trump wins by a larger margin (which would be very hard not to) then perhaps future parties will go "well, that was a bad idea, lets not do that again".
it seems to have been for hillary - and to a point, i guess that *is* my point. if she can hide behind "didn't intend to" then to exonerate all, you allow this for others. you set a precedence and you will hear "intent" time and time again as a defense cause it was allowed for her.

the snowball just keeps getting bigger as it rolls down the mountain.

The difference between the two is that Hilary's charges were legal, while an impeachment is 100% political. The standards are not the same

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