Opinion—COVID-19 Was The War To Conquer America And We Lost It


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
**This opinion piece was authored by yours truly and published nowhere.

I realize the title of my post sounds sensational. I would have thought so as well until I read the White House's "secret" coronavirus red zone or task force reports. In these bi-monthly reports the White House analyzes coronavirus outbreak levels in each state and then provides guidelines (which read more like direct orders) for each state's governor and health department officials regarding how "best" to proceed with strategies to limit or reduce the spread of COVID-19 among their respective populations. Quite frankly, all of these guidelines read like George Orwell's outline notes for his classic novel 1984.

You see, even though we Americans used to celebrate our God given rights and freedoms (with national holidays, even), such no longer seems to be the case. Of what am I speaking? Well, it is all about the masks. Many politicians, pundits and asshole cable TV talking heads as well as some of our fellow American citizens have run on at the mouth about how government mandated requirements to wear a mask to buy food or even leave our own homes is a very small requirement and/or our patriotic duty. But just think about these mask mandates for a moment; really, really give them some thought. Our government, in collusion with countless small and large businesses, has dictated that if we refuse to comply with an order, not a law legislated into being by our elected representatives, then we cannot buy food under penalty of fines and/or jail time and possibly threat of being brutalized by our local police officers. Think about it.

Across the nation, in just about every community in every state, We The People have been forced under threat of violence to hide our faces from our own reflections and each other, in order to practice our everyday freedoms as American citizens. But of course, it goes deeper than that. Not only must we wear masks if we want to eat, we also must stand on stickers applied to grocery store floors by minimum wage high school and unskilled workers—none of whom know jack squat about how viruses work and spread. That mentally slow guy down at your local store who pushes the carts around the parking lot we all feel sorry for every time we see him? Now he's the guy controlling your fate and making sure you remain six feet away from everyone else at all times.

What our government has done to us with the WHOLE coronavirus pandemonium is as brilliant as it is insidious. They have stolen our Constitutional rights over the span of a few days back in March of this year and then dared to slowly return them to us, but with very specific, dictated conditions. My fellow countrymen . . . we have been conquered. The war for our freedoms as we once knew them is OVER and lost.

Even more brilliantly, our federal government has delegated the enforcement of coronavirus dictates to tens of thousands of low-level, low-speed, low-intelligence local politicians, none of whom have clue one about the very intricate specifics of how viruses work and spread. Thus, in this way, the federal government cannot be held accountable by We The People for stealing our freedoms and cancelling our Constitutional rights. Oh no, because now there's plenty of other assholes to blame in the form of city, town, borough and county commissions and councils, mayors, governors health department officials and even local doctors. So tell me . . . who IS the enemy of our freedom? Ten thousand plus people We elected to local offices and school boards and union posts . . . that's who.

Our government has made it so we have no one to blame but ourselves for the loss of our rights and freedoms. See, the war to remove our American way of life has already happened. We watched it happen for months on cable news television programs, read about it in newspapers and on social media, and we did nothing to stop it or even fight back. Now we are as guilty as the federal government in ruining our own rights and freedoms. How so? Because half of Americans will turn in the other half to local and state government officials for not wearing masks; for not social distancing or for hosting too large a gathering on one's own fucking property.

We have become our own oppressors. What a genius war our government has waged upon us and what a clever victory they have achieved in removing our rights and freedoms . . . without a single shot fired in their direction. Smooth fucking move, America.

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Virus of Mass Destruction

". . . What I’m describing probably sounds like psychosis, but, technically speaking, it isn’t … not quite. It is not an absolute break from reality. People functioning in this state know that what they believe is not real. Nonetheless, they are forced to believe it (and do, actually, literally, believe it, as impossible as I know that sounds), because the consequences of not believing it are even more frightening than the cognitive dissonance of believing a narrative they know is a fiction. Disbelieving the official narrative means excommunication from “normality,” the loss of friends, income, status, and in many cases far worse punishments. Herd animals, in a state of panic, instinctively run towards the center of the herd. Separation from the herd makes them easy prey for pursuing predators. It is the same primal instinct operating here.

It is the goal of every official narrative to generate this type of herd mentality, not in order to deceive or dupe the public, but, rather, to confuse and terrorize them to the point where they revert to their primal instincts, and are being driven purely by existential fear, and facts and truth no longer matter. Once an official narrative reaches this point, it is unassailable by facts and reason. It no longer needs facts to justify it. It justifies itself with its own existence. Reason cannot penetrate it. Arguing with its adherents is pointless. They know it is irrational. They simply do not care.

We are reaching this point with the coronavirus narrative. It is possible that we have already reached it. Despite the fact that what we are dealing with is a virus that, yes, is clearly deadly to the old and those with medical conditions, but that is just as clearly not a deadly threat to the majority of the human species, people are cowering inside their homes as if the Zombie Apocalpyse had finally begun. Many appear to believe that this virus is some sort of Alien-Terrorist Death Flu (or weaponized Virus of Mass Destruction) that will kill you the second you breathe it in.

This is not surprising at all, because, according to the official narrative, its destructive powers are nearly unlimited. Not only will it obliterate your lungs, and liquidate all your other major organs, and kill you with blood clots, and intestinal damage, now it causes “sudden strokes in young adults,” and possibly spontaneous prostate cancer, and God knows what other medical horrors!

According to all the “scientists” and “medical experts” (i.e., those that conform to the official narrative, not all the other scientists and medical experts), it is unlike any other virus that has ever existed in the history of viruses. It certainly doesn’t follow the typical pattern of spreading extensively for a limited period, and then rapidly dying down on its own, regardless of what measures are taken to thwart it, as this Israeli study would seem to indicate.

Also, “we have no immunity against it,” which is why we all have to remain “locked down” like unruly inmates in a penitentiary until a vaccine can be concocted and forced onto every living person on earth. Apparently, this mandatory wonder vaccine will magically render us immune to this virus against which we have no immunity (and are totally unable to develop immunity), which immunity will be certified on our mandatory “immunity papers,” which we will need to travel, get a job, send our kids to school, and, you know, to show the police when they stop us on the street because we look like maybe we might be “infected.”

Germany (where I live) is way out in front of this. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the federal government plans to introduce a coronavirus “immunity card” as part of its “Infection Protection Law,” which will grant the authorities the power to round up anyone “suspected to be contagious” and force them into … uh … “quarantine,” and “forbid them from entering certain public places.” The Malaysian authorities have dispensed with such niceties, and are arresting migrant workers and refugees in so-called “Covid-19 red zones” and marching them off to God knows where.

Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot … the germ and chemical warfare researchers at DARPA (i.e., the U.S. military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) have developed some new type of fancy blood test that will identify “asymptomatic carriers” (i.e., people who display no symptoms whatsoever). So that will probably come in handy … especially if the “white supremacists,” “Red-Brown extremists,” and “conspiracy theorists” keep protesting the lockdown with their wives and kids!

And these are just the latest additions to a list of rather dystopian examples of the “brave new normal” official narrative that GloboCap is rolling out, right before our very eyes (which the OffGuardian editors have streamlined here and here, and which continues on Twitter). It’s all right there in black and white. They aren’t hiding the totalitarianism … they don’t have to. Because people are begging for it. They are demanding to be “locked down” inside their homes, forced to wear masks, and stand two meters apart, for reasons that most of them no longer remember.

Plastic barriers are going up everywhere. Arrows on the floor show you which way to walk. Boxes show you where to stand. Paranoid Blockwarts are putting up signs threatening anyone not wearing a mask. Hysterical little fascist creeps are reporting their neighbors to the police for letting their children play with other children. Millions of people are voluntarily downloading “contact tracing applications” so that governments and global corporations can monitor their every movement. In Spain, they bleached an entire beach, killing everything, down to the insects, in order to protect the public from “infection.” The Internet has become an Orwellian chorus of shrieking, sanctimonious voices bullying everyone into conformity with charts, graphs, and desperate guilt-trips, few of which have much connection to reality. Corporations and governments are censoring dissent. We’re approaching a level of manufactured mass hysteria and herd mentality that not even Goebbels could have imagined. . . . "
Those who sleep first were in denial that there was such a virus. Now even they want to capitalize on that and exert what they believe is their authority over others. For those watching it should be pretty obvious.

Every thing is still right on time in the realm of eternity.
Those who sleep first were in denial that there was such a virus. Now even they want to capitalize on that and exert what they believe is their authority over others. For those watching it should be pretty obvious.

Every thing is still right on time in the realm of eternity.

Every thing is still right on time in the realm of eternity.

Chilling. And I agree.

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