OPINION: Jan 6 was a DEMCORAT False Flag Operation

Are you claiming that you never thought Trump got elected with Putin's help and that he had women pee on his own bed to get back at Obama?....
Putin meddled with our election, or at least tried to, but that doesn’t take anything away from the legitimacy of Trump’s win. Trump‘s win was legitimate.

I didn’t take the golden shower thing seriously. It sounded like a joke to me.

Any other questions?
AND there you have it... Gloating that they got it tossed into the looney bin because they don't like it, or the facts presented. And the moderation staff oblige taking a side.... Doesn't get any more blatant than that.. Proof positive that this forum is being used as a weapon against Conservatives...
I didn’t have your retarded topic sent to the conspiracy theory forum. You did.

This forum leans right, genius.

Sounds like we’re on the verge of another conspiracy theory from you…
Putin meddled with our election, or at least tried to, but that doesn’t take anything away from the legitimacy of Trump’s win. Trump‘s win was legitimate.

I didn’t take the golden shower thing seriously. It sounded like a joke to me.

Any other questions?
Prove it... You can't because the FBI debunked your conspiracy theory.
"Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol police than anyone else in the United States Capitol," Banks said. "So she doesn’t want us to ask these questions because at the end of the day, she's ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the Capitol that happened on Jan. 6."

Pelosi as speaker does not directly oversee the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), according to the Associated Press, but does appoint a House sergeant at arms, who is on the Capitol Police Board that oversees the department. The department is also overseen by committees from both houses of Congress.

Banks claimed that Pelosi does not want to talk about what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and that she’s "already predetermined a narrative about Donald Trump, about Republicans." "

Wrong Again....

Jim Banks is a right wing nut.
Not one thing he says about capitol riot could be relied upon as truthful.
Prove that Putin influenced the election. The FBI says he did not... I'll wait..
A bipartisan Senate committee concluded that. You can start with that.

I keep asking the same questions over and over....

Back to Topic...

Can anyone tell me why the FBI has an Office in the Perkins-Coie law Firm, who is the lead counsel for the DNC?

Who thinks that this is a good idea? Why has it gone on so long? What is the roll of this office?

No one can explain away why Pelosi refused to take the proper protective posture offered by Trump.

No one can explain why Pelosi would have allowed people to be waived in by CHP, given she was informed by the FBI of the threat potential and what process was going on in the HOR.

No one can explain why Pelosi and her SAA reduced the police staff prior to this day..

Why did Pelosi do these things? What plausible explanation is there for doing this?

And still no intelligent reply.
A bipartisan Senate committee concluded that. You can start with that.


Yet the FBI says they were undermining confidence but did not influence the election...


Yet the FBI says they were undermining confidence but did not influence the election...

From your link:

“Russia’s 2016 presidential election influence effort was its boldest to date in the United States. Moscow employed a multi-faceted approach intended to undermine confidence in our democratic process. Russia’s activities included efforts to discredit Secretary Clinton and to publicly contrast her unfavorably with President Trump. This Russian effort included the weaponization of stolen cyber information, the use of Russia’s English-language state media as a strategic messaging platform, and the mobilization of social media bots and trolls to spread disinformation and amplify Russian messaging.”

So we agree that they did try to influence our election?
From your link:

“Russia’s 2016 presidential election influence effort was its boldest to date in the United States. Moscow employed a multi-faceted approach intended to undermine confidence in our democratic process. Russia’s activities included efforts to discredit Secretary Clinton and to publicly contrast her unfavorably with President Trump. This Russian effort included the weaponization of stolen cyber information, the use of Russia’s English-language state media as a strategic messaging platform, and the mobilization of social media bots and trolls to spread disinformation and amplify Russian messaging.”

So we agree that they did try to influence our election?
Not the way you are trying to say they did. Trump got no help... Hillary however was using them as part of her campaign.. SO there is that...
Not the way you are trying to say they did. Trump got no help... Hillary however was using them as part of her campaign.. SO there is that...
Did you even read your own link? That’s what it says.

“Russia’s 2016 presidential election influence effort was its boldest to date in the United States. Moscow employed a multi-faceted approach intended to undermine confidence in our democratic process. Russia’s activities included efforts to discredit Secretary Clinton and to publicly contrast her unfavorably with President Trump.”

Your own link!
Did you even read your own link? That’s what it says.

“Russia’s 2016 presidential election influence effort was its boldest to date in the United States. Moscow employed a multi-faceted approach intended to undermine confidence in our democratic process. Russia’s activities included efforts to discredit Secretary Clinton and to publicly contrast her unfavorably with President Trump.”

Your own link!
LOL... And it was proven a lie.. The fact is, Clinton was lying and using the Russia hoax to remove Trump. That IS NOW PROVEN. Much has been learned since that testimony was given..
And here we are... No one has disproved or shown any of the correlations false... They have only whined to get the thread moved so that it will be discredited and not discussed. The lefts tactics to silence and ridicule are on full display.
LOL... And it was proven a lie.. The fact is, Clinton was lying and using the Russia hoax to remove Trump. That IS NOW PROVEN. Much has been learned since that testimony was given..
You posted a link that contradicts what you say? LoL

You didn't read your own link, did you?
That confidential project was Hillary's according to his own testimony...
Yep, that's what he said.... But it was other dealings not involved with his trip to the FBI,

and then showed the jury how he has always ....with all previous clients where he went to the FBI for them, he noted it on all of their billing statements. There was no notation of FBI visit on the one hour billing of time allotted to Hillary that day...so the jury believed him.
That is precisely what he was directed to do, while employed by Clinton and he charged the time to her campaign. You want to try again? Without his written statement it was he said- he said. That is why he was acquitted. It's a very relevant piece of evidence the judge disallowed.
Well we got several hundred convictions of Trump supporters. You have zero convictions of any one. As far as evidence goes. Get your tin hat here.

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