Opinion: Swing voters are a myth in 2020.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
There are hardline D's/R's that have a life experience that switches them, for instance having their business burned down (D --> R).

Then there are people who or D's/R's, but don't vote too often, but something encourages them to come out and vote.

At the current moment, the political landscape in 2020 is too polarized for any one who is politically savvy to be a fence sitter.
There are hardline D's/R's that have a life experience that switches them, for instance having their business burned down (D --> R).

Then there are people who or D's/R's, but don't vote too often, but something encourages them to come out and vote.

At the current moment, the political landscape in 2020 is too polarized for any one who is politically savvy to be a fence sitter.

You wouldn't know it by reading here. But, the vast majority of Americans don't give a fetid dingo's kidney who is in office. They just want their lives to be smooth.
There are hardline D's/R's that have a life experience that switches them, for instance having their business burned down (D --> R).

Then there are people who or D's/R's, but don't vote too often, but something encourages them to come out and vote.

At the current moment, the political landscape in 2020 is too polarized for any one who is politically savvy to be a fence sitter.

There are swing voters. Suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016 but it was largely a vote against Clinton rather than a vote for Trump. Suburban voters moved to Democrats in 2018. They are the key voting block in 2020.
Only question you need to ask is whether you stand for America or 3rd worldism.

If you don't vote for Trump, you aren't an American.
Under Clinton China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Bush China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Under Obama China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Trump China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Any Vote for Repubtards is a vote against the USA!!!
There are hardline D's/R's that have a life experience that switches them, for instance having their business burned down (D --> R).

Then there are people who or D's/R's, but don't vote too often, but something encourages them to come out and vote.

At the current moment, the political landscape in 2020 is too polarized for any one who is politically savvy to be a fence sitter.

There are swing voters. Suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016 but it was largely a vote against Clinton rather than a vote for Trump. Suburban voters moved to Democrats in 2018. They are the key voting block in 2020.

Hmmm, they didn't want to vote for Clinton....so you feel they'll want to vote for Biden? Damn, you folks are fricken stupid.
You wouldn't know it by reading here. But, the vast majority of Americans don't give a fetid dingo's kidney who is in office. They just want their lives to be smooth.

Most of the time, I think most Americans perhaps don't really see how it affects how smoothly their lives go, who is in office.

That, I think, is what will make this election much different than most.

I think that most people clearly understand that having mobs of violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit rioting and looting in their communities, makes their lives go less smoothly, and its is very clear which political side supports this, and which political side opposes it.

I think most people also clearly understand that having corrupt political criminals hyperpbolizing a routine seasonal flu outbreak into a huge fake crisis, and using that fake crisis as an excuse to seize and abuse unprecedented powers, to control our lives, to impose absurd restrictions on what we may do, to force our places of employment to shut down and throw us out of work, to force other businesses which we depend on for the goods and services that we need to shut down, all of this, to even forbid us from going to church—this makes our lives go much less smoothly; and again, it is very clear which side is supporting this, and which side opposes it.
I think most Americans perhaps don't really see how it affects how smoothly their lives go, who is in office.

It doesn't matter ... the occupant of the White House has as much impact on most people's daily life as who wins the Super Bowl.

It only matters if you care.
Any Vote for Repubtards is a vote against the USA!!!

Any vote for Democraps is a vote in favor of the continued rioting, looting, destruction, and violence being carried out by subhuman pieces of shit associated with the Black Lies Matter/Antifa movements, which , as the violent arm of the Democrapic party, are the modern counterpart to the Ku Klux Klan.

Any vote for the Democraps is also a vote for the continuation of the #CornoaHoax2020, along with all the abuse of power, and malicious economic sabotage that goes along with it.

If your visions for the USA is a lawless land, reduced to Venezuela-level economic ruin, and overrun by violent, destructive mobs, looting and burning whatever remains to be looted and burned, then yes, I suppose a vote for the Republicans is a vote against that vision of the USA.
There are hardline D's/R's that have a life experience that switches them, for instance having their business burned down (D --> R).

Then there are people who or D's/R's, but don't vote too often, but something encourages them to come out and vote.

At the current moment, the political landscape in 2020 is too polarized for any one who is politically savvy to be a fence sitter.

There are swing voters. Suburban voters reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016 but it was largely a vote against Clinton rather than a vote for Trump. Suburban voters moved to Democrats in 2018. They are the key voting block in 2020.

Hmmm, they didn't want to vote for Clinton....so you feel they'll want to vote for Biden? Damn, you folks are fricken stupid.

Both Clinton and Trump had disapprovals of at least 59%. Biden's negatives are nowhere near that. You are the one who is frickin stupid.
Any Vote for Repubtards is a vote against the USA!!!

Any vote for Democraps is a vote in favor of the continued rioting, looting, destruction, and violence being carried out by subhuman pieces of shit associated with the Black Lies Matter/Antifa movements, which , as the violent arm of the Democrapic party, are the modern counterpart to the Ku Klux Klan.

Any vote for the Democraps is also a vote for the continuation of the #CornoaHoax2020, along with all the abuse of power, and malicious economic sabotage that goes along with it.

If your visions for the USA is a lawless land, reduced to Venezuela-level economic ruin, and overrun by violent, destructive mobs, looting and burning whatever remains to be looted and burned, then yes, I suppose a vote for the Republicans is a vote against that vision of the USA.

Bu8llshit. We had peaceful protests in my city. Peaceful protests are rarely covered. A vote for Democrats is not a vote for continued rioting. You people are the subhuman pieces of racist garbage. The Klu Klux Klan or its equivalent are now Republicans. Trump actively seeks their support. David Duke 9is a Republican. A vote for Republicans is a vote for racists, religious extremists, right wing violent militias and fascists.
Only question you need to ask is whether you stand for America or 3rd worldism.

If you don't vote for Trump, you aren't an American.
Under Clinton China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Bush China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Under Obama China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Trump China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Any Vote for Repubtards is a vote against the USA!!!

Under Clinton China's GDP fell

Under Obama China's GDP fell

You might want to try reading that chart again.
Bu8llshit. We had peaceful protests in my city. Peaceful protests are rarely covered. A vote for Democrats is not a vote for continued rioting.

Yes, we've seen enough of what your kind mean by “peaceful protests”. Who do you think you're fooling?


And to vote for Democraps is, indeed a vote in favor of continuing and expanding this shit.

You people are the subhuman pieces of racist garbage.

The Democraps are, and have always been, the true racist party, no matter how hard you try to protect your racism as those of us who stand against such filth.

The Klu Klux Klan or its equivalent are now Republicans.

For the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, in either of its incarnations, the Ku Klux Klan was very solidly a Democrapic organization, a violent arm of the Democrapic party, and openly associated therewith. It hasn't really existed as any coherent, viable organization since some time in the late 1980s, at the latest. It's modern successors are the Black Lies Matter and Antifa movements, which fulfill exactly the same role that the KKK once served.

Trump actively seeks their support. David Duke 9is a Republican. A vote for Republicans is a vote for racists, religious extremists, right wing violent militias and fascists.

Mainstream Republicans have no problem at all condemning the absurd fringes that purport to align with us, and rejecting them as any representation of what we stand for.

You Democraps will not similarly reject the extreme fringes that align with yours, which are more evil than any of those that align with us. You will find very few Democraps who will reject and condemn the homosexuals, transsexuals, child-f••ers, and other disgusting perverts that align with your side. You won't condemn the violent, destructive subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting and looting and burning cities in your name. You will not condemn the abortionists, who murder thousands of innocent children in cold blood every day, over a million every year. You will not condemn the criminals in government who have fraudulently hyperbolized a routine seasonal flu outbreak into a fake crisis, and used it as a pretext on which to seize and abuse unprecedented powers, even to the point of shutting down and sabotaging major parts of the economy, forcing many businesses to go out of business, and many productive workers out of their jibs and into unproductive idleness. You will not condemn the use of the #CoronaHoax2020 as a pretext to deny us our first Amendment rights to freedom of religion and assembly.

Here, in California, it is your side that is actively threatening people with criminal charges for the horrific crime of holding and attending church services; this is what your side stands for—tyranny, Godlessness,abuse of government power, and pure evil.

There is far greater evil, in far greater abundance, that your side not only refuses to condemn, but which your side actively and openly embraces; than can in any way be associated with my side.

You really should do something about the mote in your own eye, before you fuss about the beam that you think you see in my eye.

It is an undeniable fact, that nearly everywhere that matters of political controversy align with a clear distinction between good and evil, yours is the side that is found solidly on the side of evil. This has always been clear to me, but I think that this time around, it is going to prove to be a lot more clear and obvious, to a much bigger portion of the voting population.
Any Vote for Repubtards is a vote against the USA!!!

Any vote for Democraps is a vote in favor of the continued rioting, looting, destruction, and violence being carried out by subhuman pieces of shit associated with the Black Lies Matter/Antifa movements, which , as the violent arm of the Democrapic party, are the modern counterpart to the Ku Klux Klan.

Any vote for the Democraps is also a vote for the continuation of the #CornoaHoax2020, along with all the abuse of power, and malicious economic sabotage that goes along with it.

If your visions for the USA is a lawless land, reduced to Venezuela-level economic ruin, and overrun by violent, destructive mobs, looting and burning whatever remains to be looted and burned, then yes, I suppose a vote for the Republicans is a vote against that vision of the USA.
Dear Repubtarded Idiot! Trump Shut Down the USA because of Covid-19! Trump Refused to promote wearing Face Mask & failed to supply them so everyone could carry on with their daily activity & keep the US Economy running. Trump cranked up spending, deficits & corp tax cuts in a booming economy causing wallstreet stocks owned by top 10% to soar instead of paying off debt. Now Trump caused deficit spending high to feel normal, so it no longer works to counter job loss or recessions. Trump has caused worst Employment Ratio than the GREAT DEPRESSION! But who cares because wallstreet just made Jeff Bezos $200 Billion!

Democrat President Bill Clinton LOWERED CRIME more than any president on HISTORY!!!

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