Opinions Please !

Hate to say it but Bill screwed this one up. MM got him when Bill refused to answer mms question about sending his son to war
It comes on at Midnight so I plan to watch it then.. My mom sayed the same thing about Bill ! Just checkin to see if its worth staying up to see the fat ass ! :teeth:
Nothing really revealing--not up to the hype--Bill got caught off guard by trying to be too nice I think. (bet poor Bill is kickin himself in the butt LOL)
Well if I miss it again I won't worry too much ... Thanks for the info ! :beer:
Yeah, it was like Bill was caught off guard and wasn't fast enough on his feet.

MM can be very devious. He targeted the emotions and Bill choked.

He kept asking Bill if he would "send" his child to die in Iraq. Bill kept saying HE would die over there but wouldn't answer about his child. Stupid. He should have answered that any child old enough to join the service was an adult old enough to make his own decision about taking the chance of war. And that he, Bill, wouldn't be able to tell his grown child what to do. And that the real decision to "send" soldiers to die lies with Congress and our President.
dilloduck said:
Hate to say it but Bill screwed this one up. MM got him when Bill refused to answer mms question about sending his son to war

To be more specific, MM's premiss was not only to send a "child" to war, but to sacrafice one's child. I belive MM's premiss was a non starter. We have an all voluntary military, with the acknowldgement that all wartime military deaths are tragic and a great loss, it is part of the risk one takes when committing to serve the country within the military. No commader wantingly sends troops into harms way to be sacraficed, but Micheal Moore would like the people of the US to believe that Bush did just that.

It was on this point that O'Reilly really dropped the ball.
ScreamingEagle said:
Yeah, it was like Bill was caught off guard and wasn't fast enough on his feet.

MM can be very devious. He targeted the emotions and Bill choked.

He kept asking Bill if he would "send" his child to die in Iraq. Bill kept saying HE would die over there but wouldn't answer about his child. Stupid. He should have answered that any child old enough to join the service was an adult old enough to make his own decision about taking the chance of war. And that he, Bill, wouldn't be able to tell his grown child what to do. And that the real decision to "send" soldiers to die lies with Congress and our President.

That still would have been the wrong answer. The Right answer is he wouldnt send his child to die. he would send is child to make sure the terrorists die.
MtnBiker said:
To be more specific, MM's premiss was not only to send a "child" to war, but to sacrafice one's child. I belive MM's premiss was a non starter. We have an all voluntary military, with the acknowldgement that all wartime military deaths are tragic and a great loss, it is part of the risk one takes when committing to serve the country within the military. No commader wantingly sends troops into harms way to be sacraficed, but Micheal Moore would like the people of the US to believe that Bush did just that.

It was on this point that O'Reilly really dropped the ball.

I agree. OReilly did drop the ball because MM's entire premise is incorrect. we arent sending our troops over their to die for our freedom. we are sending them over there to make the terrorists die for our freedom.
It's WAR. People unfortunately DIE in wars. If someone "volunteered", and was sent to war and died, it would have completely been THEIR CHOICE.

My son was nine days from going to Iraq. He was a little scared. Who can blame him. But, he'd have gone. He knew the risks when he joined the Army. Had he went and was killed, I WOULD NOT have felt the "I" sent him to his death. I would have felt he died in the service of his country, and that would be that.

mm is a creepy son of a bitch. A disgusting and repugnant human being. Beating the shit out of that fatass commie America hating pig would be one of the greatest pleasures I could imagine.
I agree thet Bill was too soft. I thought it was good how he pounded for an apology to Bush,but way too unprepared for the "would you send your child too die thing. I think we all were a little frustrated at Bill for not answering that better. I think a little bit of what everyone said would have been a great answer. It's a great point that your not sending your child to die,but to fight for his country. The other thing I was harping on last night was that these are legal adults. No One sends them without them voluntering first. MM wasn't that great either though. I think he was a little intimidated by Bill(which I think a lot of people are). I like O'Reilly pretty much,but it seems like when you think he is going to pound someone into the ground,he goes soft and then is too hard on othere people.
You know it's funny. You guys think that Bill could've done a better job and I think Mike could've done a better job. lol

I think Mike could've handled the whole WMD discussion a little better than he did. He should've been more prepared IMO.
brneyedgrl80 said:
You know it's funny. You guys think that Bill could've done a better job and I think Mike could've done a better job. lol

I think Mike could've handled the whole WMD discussion a little better than he did. He should've been more prepared IMO.

How can you be more prepared when your position is wrong. It's like wrong and wornger?
brneyedgrl80 said:
You know it's funny. You guys think that Bill could've done a better job and I think Mike could've done a better job. lol

I think Mike could've handled the whole WMD discussion a little better than he did. He should've been more prepared IMO.

Oh sure... he should have polished up on those LIES and DISTORTIONS... :cuckoo:
brneyedgrl80 said:
I guess from my stand point, the same could be asked about Bill. :bye1:

brneyedgrl80 said:
Democrat women are sexy, who has ever heard "That's a great piece elephant!"....

And what it that exactly? Did you mean "That's a great piece OF elephant"?
ScreamingEagle said:
Yeah, it was like Bill was caught off guard and wasn't fast enough on his feet.

MM can be very devious. He targeted the emotions and Bill choked.

He kept asking Bill if he would "send" his child to die in Iraq. Bill kept saying HE would die over there but wouldn't answer about his child. Stupid. He should have answered that any child old enough to join the service was an adult old enough to make his own decision about taking the chance of war. And that he, Bill, wouldn't be able to tell his grown child what to do. And that the real decision to "send" soldiers to die lies with Congress and our President.

I kept waiting for him to say something along those lines but it never came. It was kind of funny that neither of them seemed to be very prepared even though both of them brought up the things everyone expected.

The main thing I came away with from this was the same thing I come away with every time I see Michael Moore: How in the world does anybody take this guy seriously? The whole "Bush lied" exchange made Moore look foolish and childish. He's just a waste of a whole lot of skin.
Hey thanks PR!

How embarassing! That's like walking around with your fly open and no one telling you until the end of the day!

It's fixed now.

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