Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Besides you thinking mocking and ridiculing handicapped and dying people is funny, what else is in your box of giggles? Watching animals get tortured?

I'm not really sure where you get the thought that I like "mocking and ridiculing handicapped and dying people".

You're just making assumptions about things. I didn't say it was mocking or ridiculing. Humor can be found in a lot of places, but in most cases humor is making fun of something.

However the point I'm making, and the point that people keep ignoring because they're so intent on "proving that liberals are this and that" to win "debate points" or whatever it is you think you're going to win from this, is that a lot of shit happens in the world, but making a film about a guy who goes to the present, who has Alzheimer's, and trying to convince him that it's all just acting, is rather nothing.

The point here is the right are pissy because it's humor and Reagan in the same thing. So you find your excuses as to why it shouldn't happen.

But people are being war hungry, they're going around killing people, and people will cheer and feel good because the US is going around causing no end of problems, but make a film about Reagan and make it funny, oh no, we can't have that, can we?

To me it's utterly pathetic.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Same people who don't want Reagan mocked were OK with trump mocking that guy with disabilities.
When did Republicans become so PC?

It's the same story being repeated over and over and over again.

When something is THEIR weapon, they use it unmercifully. When the weapon is used against them, it's bad and evil and should never be used.

Hypocrisy is the staple diet.

You debate with people and they put everything into little compartments and you're not allowed to join the compartments, that way they can be as hypocritical as they like.

"I'm pro-life"
"I'm pro execution"
"I'm pro-eating meat"
"I'm pro-war"

"I'm against government intrusion in people's lives"
"I'm for the government stopping people taking drugs"
"I'm for the government deciding when people cross the road"
"I'm for the government deciding who can get married to whom"
"I'm for the government telling people where and when they can gamble"

"I'm for lower taxes"
"I'm for wars which put up taxes"
"I'm for giving the rich and big business tax breaks making more taxes for others"

It doesn't stop.
Will Ferrel is not a funny person, his movies all suck.
He was not funny on SNL and has not had a funny movie lately,
I actually feel embarrassed for him while watching his performances.
Hahahaha you guys are so transparently envious. You always talk about phony Hollywood types, and how unimportant they are, and how the left clings to them. But every chance you get, you bring them up.

And anytime some has-been, or recently converted, celebrity endorses a conservative politician, or speaks out against issues important to the left, you're all like, "Hey, check out this celebrity! I mean, Hollywood bad! Celebrities bad! But did you see that Kirstey Alley likes Trump? Hahaha suck it, libtards!"
Ridiculing R.R. is too easy to be really entertaining. That said, anyone upset about it deserves to be.
A comedy about JFK getting his head blown off would be a hoot !
They could show it in super slow-mo the moment his head splattered open and rained brain bits all over Jackie !
They could insert a laugh track just as the event unfolds. Outstanding !!!
How about a comedy about the absurdity of people coming up with sick ideas for comedies?
A comedy about JFK getting his head blown off would be a hoot !
They could show it in super slow-mo the moment his head splattered open and rained brain bits all over Jackie !
They could insert a laugh track just as the event unfolds. Outstanding !!!
You seem upset. Tissue?
Oh oh, I've got it! How about satirical political songs that poke fun at a person's race and the history of race relations in the nation......

Oh, damn, someone already did that

RNC chairman candidate defends 'Barack the Magic Negro' song - CNN.com

A candidate for the Republican National Committee chairmanship said Friday the CD he sent committee members for Christmas -- which included a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro" -- was clearly intended as a joke.


The title of the song about President-elect Barack Obama was drawn from a Los Angeles Times column.


"I think most people recognize political satire when they see it," Tennessee Republican Chip Saltsman told CNN. "I think RNC members understand that."

The song, set to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon," was first played on conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh's radio show in 2007.

Its title was drawn from a Los Angeles Times column that suggested President-elect Barack Obama appealed to those who feel guilty about the nation's history of mistreatment of African-Americans. Saltsman said the song, penned by his longtime friend Paul Shanklin, should be easily recognized as satire directed at the Times.

The CD sent to RNC members, first reported by The Hill on Friday, is titled "We Hate the USA" and also includes songs referencing former presidential candidate John Edwards and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, among other targets.

According to The Hill, other song titles, some of which were in bold font, were: "John Edwards' Poverty Tour," "Wright place, wrong pastor," "Love Client #9," "Ivory and Ebony" and "The Star Spanglish Banner."
Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Yeah, I'm on the left. I believe life is for living. I also believe death is an important part of life. Go read some Borges.

I've also come close to death, and also had those around me come close or exceedingly close (ie, they died in tragic circumstances) and I still believe that life is worth living even more after that.

Seeing how the right are so damn hungry for war and killing of others, then when someone wants to make a film that doesn't kill anyone they get annoyed, you have to wonder where your sense of judgement is.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Besides you thinking mocking and ridiculing handicapped and dying people is funny, what else is in your box of giggles? Watching animals get tortured?
I thought Republicans liked that kind of thing. Isn't that the one thing they are good at?

Huckabee Covered Up His Son's Torturing and Murdering of Dog

Dogs Against Romney: ABC News: Romney's dog cruelty "wrong for his children to witness."

Wasn't it liberals who were outraged over Trump mocking a handicapped reporter?

You dumb shit. You don't understand what outrage means.

Trump is a candidate for president. Will Ferrel is a comedian. Why would anything either of them do find commonplace in your brain.

What trump did is something I have done. But I was 7 years old when I did it. It isn't mature. It speaks of the man's character.
Translation: If a Republican does it, it's an outrage. If a liberal does it, it's funny.
Opposition Builds to Insensitive Will Ferrell Movie Mocking Ronald Reagan's Dementia

Will Ferrell is going to make a lot of enemies if he makes this movie. It will be a competition between Reagan-loving Americans and families of Alzheimer's victims as to who hates him more.

I'm a Will Ferrrell fan, so I hate to see the guy commit career suicide. So this project should be shelved, and fast. The more people find out about it, the more people are going to hate Will Ferrell. He already has two of Ronald Reagan's children hating him, Patti Davis and Michael Reagan. Will's list of enemies will only grow from there.
Same people who don't want Reagan mocked were OK with trump mocking that guy with disabilities.
Nobody said they were ok with it but it isn't gonna make us all go out and vote for Hillary. Sorry to disappoint you.
Wasn't it liberals who were outraged over Trump mocking a handicapped reporter?

You dumb shit. You don't understand what outrage means.

Trump is a candidate for president. Will Ferrel is a comedian. Why would anything either of them do find commonplace in your brain.

What trump did is something I have done. But I was 7 years old when I did it. It isn't mature. It speaks of the man's character.
Translation: If a Republican does it, it's an outrage. If a liberal does it, it's funny.

No. Why are you so stupid?
Wasn't it liberals who were outraged over Trump mocking a handicapped reporter?

You dumb shit. You don't understand what outrage means.

Trump is a candidate for president. Will Ferrel is a comedian. Why would anything either of them do find commonplace in your brain.

What trump did is something I have done. But I was 7 years old when I did it. It isn't mature. It speaks of the man's character.
Translation: If a Republican does it, it's an outrage. If a liberal does it, it's funny.

No. Why are you so stupid?
Translation: I have no argument, just my standard 3rd grade comments.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Thanks for validating the left think it's funny to mock the handicapped and those with severe medical conditions.

Thanks for confirming that the right are hypocrites, and don't have a sense of humor.
Thanks for confirming you think it's funny to laugh at and make fun of people dying a horrible death.

Thanks for confirming that you need to get a life. Again, people who support war, then get annoyed when someone makes a film, also need perspective.
Besides you thinking mocking and ridiculing handicapped and dying people is funny, what else is in your box of giggles? Watching animals get tortured?
I thought Republicans liked that kind of thing. Isn't that the one thing they are good at?

Huckabee Covered Up His Son's Torturing and Murdering of Dog

Dogs Against Romney: ABC News: Romney's dog cruelty "wrong for his children to witness."

Republicans are appalled at mocking handicaps
Ferrell already ran from the project. It's done. Are libs still trying to keep it on life support.
Think about it. The most interesting administration as far as sex, drugs and rock and roll is the Clintons but Hollywood ain't interested. Instead they made a (yawn) movie called "W" and promoted an extremely offensive foreign made movie called "the assassination of George Bush" while he was still in office. Everything is about politics.

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