Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.

Criminals are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they take from us.

Ahh, tolerance is such a wonderful thing.
So its criminal to be gay? What the fuck are you babbling about?

I was mocking the post. Geez, brains seem to be a rare commodity here.
I was mocking the post. Geez, brains seem to be a rare commodity here.

Maybe you're just a shitty mocker.

It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

Wow - look at how awesome of a mocker I am!

I'm assuming your mocking for the benefit of others and not just for your own amusement. I thought you could use the advice. You're a shitty mocker.

Now go scoop some water out of the toilet bowl so your balls don't hit the water next time you shit, gramps.
Maybe you're just a shitty mocker.

It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

Wow - look at how awesome of a mocker I am!

I'm assuming your mocking for the benefit of others and not just for your own amusement. I thought you could use the advice. You're a shitty mocker.

Now go scoop some water out of the toilet bowl so your balls don't hit the water next time you shit, gramps.

That's it? That's your come back? I guess a brain is in order.
I'm done here
It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

Wow - look at how awesome of a mocker I am!

I'm assuming your mocking for the benefit of others and not just for your own amusement. I thought you could use the advice. You're a shitty mocker.

Now go scoop some water out of the toilet bowl so your balls don't hit the water next time you shit, gramps.

That's it? That's your come back? I guess a brain is in order.
I'm done here

That's it? That's your come back? I guess a brain is in order.
I'm done here
It's a word for word post. How the hell could you miss it? Need a disclaimer or just a brain?

Wow - look at how awesome of a mocker I am!

I'm assuming your mocking for the benefit of others and not just for your own amusement. I thought you could use the advice. You're a shitty mocker.

Now go scoop some water out of the toilet bowl so your balls don't hit the water next time you shit, gramps.

That's it? That's your come back? I guess a brain is in order.
I'm done here

That's it? That's your come back? I guess a brain is in order.
I'm done here

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y4KTK78Aeo&feature=youtube_gdata_player]‪Stop Mocking Me!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Gays want gay marriage for one thing and for one thing only, to further legitimatize their sinful lifestyle, not because of so called equal rights. Those that do it are doomed with them.

You are the gayest poster here.

At least what Charlie speaks is grounded in the Word of God, the gay lifestyle is only legitimatized in the eyes of men. You can't get around that even with all your equal rights arguments.
Gays want gay marriage for one thing and for one thing only, to further legitimatize their sinful lifestyle, not because of so called equal rights. Those that do it are doomed with them.

You are the gayest poster here.

At least what Charlie speaks is grounded in the Word of God, the gay lifestyle is only legitimatized in the eyes of men. You can't get around that even with all your equal rights arguments.

Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.
You are the gayest poster here.

At least what Charlie speaks is grounded in the Word of God, the gay lifestyle is only legitimatized in the eyes of men. You can't get around that even with all your equal rights arguments.

Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.

Gay marriage is of man, marriage between man and woman is of God, its that simple, thats all that Christians are arguing, it is firstly support by scriptures and lastly our constitutional religious right so stop being bigoted towards Christians.
At least what Charlie speaks is grounded in the Word of God, the gay lifestyle is only legitimatized in the eyes of men. You can't get around that even with all your equal rights arguments.

Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.

Gay marriage is of man, marriage between man and woman is of God, its that simple, thats all that Christians are arguing, it is firstly support by scriptures and lastly our constitutional religious right so stop being bigoted towards Christians.

Sorry but when I married my wife Jesus didn't sign the marriage contract with us.
Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.

Gay marriage is of man, marriage between man and woman is of God, its that simple, thats all that Christians are arguing, it is firstly support by scriptures and lastly our constitutional religious right so stop being bigoted towards Christians.

Sorry but when I married my wife Jesus didn't sign the marriage contract with us.

Tell that to the gays who think Jesus loves the wicked and wickedness. They believe gayness and gay marriage is ok according to the Bible. You non believers can believe whatever you want, just quit attacking Christians for not agreeing with you.
Tell that to the gays who think Jesus loves the wicked and wickedness.
Uhhh??? who are they? None of the gay people I know have said anything like that, but from Catholic school I do remember learning that Jesus loves the wicked. His best lady friend was a whore for crying out loud.

He also forgives you for being an in the closet bi-sexual.

They believe gayness and gay marriage is ok according to the Bible.
Uhh? What? I don't think most of them give a shit what the Bible's opinion on their love life is! I know I don't, and I'm straight.
You non believers can believe whatever you want, just quit attacking Christians for not agreeing with you.

When did I ever attack a Christian for not agreeing with me? If you hate gays and don't want them to have the same legal protections as straights, that's YOUR decision, it has nothing to do with me personally attacking you.
Tell that to the gays who think Jesus loves the wicked and wickedness.
Uhhh??? who are they? None of the gay people I know have said anything like that, but from Catholic school I do remember learning that Jesus loves the wicked. His best lady friend was a whore for crying out loud.

He also forgives you for being an in the closet bi-sexual.

They believe gayness and gay marriage is ok according to the Bible.
Uhh? What? I don't think most of them give a shit what the Bible's opinion on their love life is! I know I don't, and I'm straight.
You non believers can believe whatever you want, just quit attacking Christians for not agreeing with you.

When did I ever attack a Christian for not agreeing with me? If you hate gays and don't want them to have the same legal protections as straights, that's YOUR decision, it has nothing to do with me personally attacking you.

I don't hate gays I just will not support anything that goes against the stated beliefs I see in the Bible, you cannot expect people throw away their religion for what a man deems as acceptable. Let the gays have civil unions since civil unions are of man, but leave marriage alone which is of God. Don't put me into this box where either I accept homosexuality or I'm a bigot. Thats what the OP is saying and he knows it.
I don't hate gays I just will not support anything that goes against the stated beliefs I see in the Bible,

Right, you don't hate people, you're just intolerant and wish to impose your religious beliefs on others through government.

I guess that's a nice way to phrase your hatred of those different than you.
you cannot expect people throw away their religion for what a man deems as acceptable
No one is asking you to through away your religion dipshit.
Let the gays have civil unions since civil unions are of man, but leave marriage alone which is of God.

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything about God in my marriage contract.
I don't hate gays I just will not support anything that goes against the stated beliefs I see in the Bible,

Right, you don't hate people, you're just intolerant and wish to impose your religious beliefs on others through government.

See thats what I mean, you're the real intolerant person who refuses to be tolerant of people's religious beliefs, you even stated you don't give a damn about my religion, fine, I don't give a damn about gay activism and their movement to redefine something that is of God. We both don't give a damn about two different things, now what makes what you believe better than what I believe?

I guess that's a nice way to phrase your hatred of those different than you.

Only in your messed up world of religious intolerance. I know what I said and what I meant, no need to rephrase what I said to suit your intolerance.

No one is asking you to through away your religion dipshit.

If not then what are you asking? My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs, stop expecting people to change, go against or throw away their religion, it isn't "supports gays or no way."

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything about God in my marriage contract.

I and Charlie told you what marriage is and what it symbolizes, it doesn't symbolize "legals rights," it symbolizes the spritual union of man and his wife, marriage itself is of God, I don't give a damn what it says on a piece of paper. You believe in religion thats ok with me, leave the things of God to God and leave the things of man to man. Thats whay I said go and keep your civil unions, but leave marriage alone.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.

Criminals are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they take from us.

Ahh, tolerance is such a wonderful thing.

Grampa Murked has a criminal mind, that is for sure.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.

Criminals are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they take from us.

Ahh, tolerance is such a wonderful thing.

Gay and lesbian citizens aren't criminals. Our relationships aren't illegal...and yet criminals can get legally married and we can't. A convicted murderer can get legally married and law-abiding, tax paying gay and lesbian citizens cannot.
At least what Charlie speaks is grounded in the Word of God, the gay lifestyle is only legitimatized in the eyes of men. You can't get around that even with all your equal rights arguments.

Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.

Gay marriage is of man, marriage between man and woman is of God, its that simple, thats all that Christians are arguing, it is firstly support by scriptures and lastly our constitutional religious right so stop being bigoted towards Christians.

What fundamental right is being denied Christians by allowing gay and lesbian citizens equal access to legal, civil marriage?
Dude, what the fuck? Who cares about the word of your make believe ghosts? Irrelevant. I live in a nation of laws written by men.

Gay marriage is of man, marriage between man and woman is of God, its that simple, thats all that Christians are arguing, it is firstly support by scriptures and lastly our constitutional religious right so stop being bigoted towards Christians.

What fundamental right is being denied Christians by allowing gay and lesbian citizens equal access to legal, civil marriage?

Gays can have civil unions, marriage is between a man and woman, all the same property rights are given under civil unions, no need for a marriage, marriage should be for churches only.

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