Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

In reference to what specifically are you asking "how."

Thanks for proving the point I have been asserting for the last several years.

Yeah, well I'm new so humor me. I made more than one point in my post. Apparently, for your eensy mind, that was one point too many. So, I will ask again. What were you addressing when you said "how."

You made no such comments - you just threw "one liners" and as a matter of fact this is this first time you have said anything that makes any sense.

Now go fuck-off and go where you belong - its not here.
Thanks for proving the point I have been asserting for the last several years.

Yeah, well I'm new so humor me. I made more than one point in my post. Apparently, for your eensy mind, that was one point too many. So, I will ask again. What were you addressing when you said "how."

You made no such comments - you just threw "one liners" and as a matter of fact this is this first time you have said anything that makes any sense.

Now go fuck-off and go where you belong - its not here.

Of course it's here! Silly s/h/it.
Okay, let me help. BOLD what you were saying "how" to.

A) Moronic asswipe?


C) Your kneejerk reactor just broke.

Dissent with intelligence...

Okay. I'll do it for you.

How are you a moronic asswipe? Your posts address that.

How am I straight? I was born that way. Just like the gays were born 'that way.'

How did your kneejerk reactor just break? Because your big old tough guy shot was aimed at a 53 y/o grandmother. Who yes: is straight. Unlike the newlywed grandmas in New York last night.

Thanks for proving my point that democrats are retarded...

Thanks for sharing your bubble brain delusions.

Yeah, well I'm new so humor me. I made more than one point in my post. Apparently, for your eensy mind, that was one point too many. So, I will ask again. What were you addressing when you said "how."

You made no such comments - you just threw "one liners" and as a matter of fact this is this first time you have said anything that makes any sense.

Now go fuck-off and go where you belong - its not here.

Of course it's here! Silly s/h/it.

I'm not going to waste my time anymore with you - DONE!!
Partisan activity is required to overcome the lame stream far right.

Since 70% of young Americans support universal marriage, the ideas of their parents and grandparents will soon be of the past. Rightly so.

All that shows is the effects of government brainwashing in the government schools.

Since promotion of homosexual activity isn't some thing that has received either wide spread or long term exposure in public schools...

Your correlation would be specious.

The polls show that the older people get the more they oppose gay marriage.

Would you attribute that to long term brainwashing by religious institutions considering there would be a much better correlation between religiouis views and views on homosexuals?

Well, New York has done the right thing. Which brings to mind a question.

Can any person here who is "opposed to gay marriage" come forward and justify their position on the basis of anything other than intolerance and bigotry? Seriously.

Please don't start with "the Bible does not condone same sex marriage." Perhaps it doesn't. So WHAT? Let's say the Bible contained a passage which said: "Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If thou shalt marry one of the same sex as yourself, thou shalt burn in the fiery pits of HELL!" So what? Isn't invoking the Bible just another way of shoving religion down the throats of other people? Yup. In other words, intolerance and bigotry.

No, my friends - we all know what is really involved here, don't we? I am wondering if there is anyone here who has the stones to come right out and tell it like it is: "I am opposed to same sex marriage because I hate gays everything they stand for. No other reason."

Intolerance and bigotry. There really does not seem to be any other reason.

I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I believe that the whole gay marriage "issue" is a RELIGIOUS issue. Period.

Using the same tired old "intolerance, bigotry, diversity-challenged, homophobe" arguments is something that simple-minded people use when they run out of bumper-sticker slogans.

Since it's a religious issue, can we assume then that you support equal recognition of Same-sex religious marriages under Civil Law when performed by a religious institution willing to perform them?

Your ass is showing. ;)

As to your post to the other poster - the will of the many should never eradicate the rights of the few.

No one has a right to marry someone of the same sex.

They do in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, plus Washington, D.C.


Over 10% of the US population now has access to gay marriage. Never could have imagined it ten years ago
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.
Gays want gay marriage for one thing and for one thing only, to further legitimatize their sinful lifestyle, not because of so called equal rights. Those that do it are doomed with them.
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.

Criminals are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they take from us.

Ahh, tolerance is such a wonderful thing.
Gays were humble for a long time, and I saw no respect coming from it.

Gays are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they do the same.

Criminals are people, period. They are just like us. Some are humble, some are angry, some are happy, some are proud - whatever we have, they take from us.

Ahh, tolerance is such a wonderful thing.
So its criminal to be gay? What the fuck are you babbling about?
Gays want gay marriage for one thing and for one thing only, to further legitimatize their sinful lifestyle, not because of so called equal rights. Those that do it are doomed with them.

Riiiiight. And that's why so many gays and lesbians between 50 and 95 are first in line.

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