Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Yet polls showed that the majority of New Yorkers supported passage of the legislation granting Civil Marriage to same-sex couples..

Yet, no such ballot measure has ever passed in any state.

You should be happy that the majority view prevailed.

In California the majority of voters passed a ballot measure that made homosexual "marriages" illegal.

Why weren't Democrats happy that the majority view prevailed?
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.
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Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with gays - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>
Partisan activity is required to overcome the lame stream far right.

Since 70% of young Americans support universal marriage, the ideas of their parents and grandparents will soon be of the past. Rightly so.
Partisan activity is required to overcome the lame stream far right.

Since 70% of young Americans support universal marriage, the ideas of their parents and grandparents will soon be of the past. Rightly so.

All that shows is the effects of government brainwashing in the government schools. The polls show that the older people get the more they oppose gay marriage. That's the result of education and experience.
Partisan activity is required to overcome the lame stream far right.

Since 70% of young Americans support universal marriage, the ideas of their parents and grandparents will soon be of the past. Rightly so.

All that shows is the effects of government brainwashing in the government schools. The polls show that the older people get the more they oppose gay marriage. That's the result of education and experience.

Shows that young people get it better than older people. Same thing happened with race laws. Younger people said no, those laws ended. Same with universal marriage.

Thank heavens for universal education.
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

So the Republican position is that they are OK with gays as long as they remain in the closet
Partisan activity is required to overcome the lame stream far right.

Since 70% of young Americans support universal marriage, the ideas of their parents and grandparents will soon be of the past. Rightly so.

All that shows is the effects of government brainwashing in the government schools. The polls show that the older people get the more they oppose gay marriage. That's the result of education and experience.

1) I'm 53.

2) Old and set in your ways isn't actually something to aspire to.

3) My husband has been living with another woman for three years now. America isn't exactly setting the standard for traditional marriage, and you can't blame that on the gays.
Your ass is showing. ;)

As to your post to the other poster - the will of the many should never eradicate the rights of the few.

No one has a right to marry someone of the same sex.

BRAVO!! ZOMG, I am SO proud of you!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You finally understand that gays are being denied their equal rights under the law. :D

/me scurries off to note the date we pried open the eyeballs of an unbeliever
Well, New York has done the right thing. Which brings to mind a question.

Can any person here who is "opposed to gay marriage" come forward and justify their position on the basis of anything other than intolerance and bigotry? Seriously.

Please don't start with "the Bible does not condone same sex marriage." Perhaps it doesn't. So WHAT? Let's say the Bible contained a passage which said: "Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If thou shalt marry one of the same sex as yourself, thou shalt burn in the fiery pits of HELL!" So what? Isn't invoking the Bible just another way of shoving religion down the throats of other people? Yup. In other words, intolerance and bigotry.

No, my friends - we all know what is really involved here, don't we? I am wondering if there is anyone here who has the stones to come right out and tell it like it is: "I am opposed to same sex marriage because I hate gays everything they stand for. No other reason."

Intolerance and bigotry. There really does not seem to be any other reason.

I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I believe that the whole gay marriage "issue" is a RELIGIOUS issue. Period.

Using the same tired old "intolerance, bigotry, diversity-challenged, homophobe" arguments is something that simple-minded people use when they run out of bumper-sticker slogans.
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

What happened to our big libertarian?

I thought libertarians were against government intrusion into peoples private lives? I guess it only applies to your private life. If government goes after someone you hate, it must be all right

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