Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with gays - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>

Do you see me making a fucking issue out of my straight sexuality??

NO you don't

But you want to be treated the same?

Then act the same motherfucker...

When you act different you will be treated different...
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with gays - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>

Do you see me making a fucking issue out of my straight sexuality??

NO you don't

But you want to be treated the same?

Then act the same motherfucker...

When you act different you will be treated different...

So you don't act straight then?
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

So the Republican position is that they are OK with gays as long as they remain in the closet

Yes the evil non-liberals are opposed to guys in assless chaps jerking one another off..

Gays claim they wanted to be treated as equal but they have their parade and do some of the most provocative things I have ever seen.

Fuck them...

When they can fucking behave and not have sex in public THEN I will listen - those perverts can go to hell for all I'm concerned right now.

Oh and the gays leave a path of destruction like all democrats do.

When you put your bedroom on a fucking float - Yea I have a big fucking problem with that.
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with homosexuality - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

So the Republican position is that they are OK with gays as long as they remain in the closet

Yes the evil non-liberals are opposed to guys in assless chaps jerking one another off..

Gays claim they wanted to be treated as equal but they have their parade and do some of the most provocative things I have ever seen.

Fuck them...

When they can fucking behave and not have sex in public THEN I will listen - those perverts can go to hell for all I'm concerned right now.

Oh and the gays leave a path of destruction like all democrats do.

When you put your bedroom on a fucking float - Yea I have a big fucking problem with that.

So as long as they do not have sex in public, you are OK with them marrying?

How libertarian of you
Gays are a bunch of nuts.... You get a few together and its like "lord of the flies."

If gays were more humble they'd be respected a lot more.

The majority of republicans have no problem with gays - gays just happen to be obnoxious partisan activists.

And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>

Do you see me making a fucking issue out of my straight sexuality??

NO you don't

But you want to be treated the same?

Then act the same motherfucker...

When you act different you will be treated different...

Moronic asswipe? I'm STRAIGHT. Your kneejerk reactor just broke.

And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>

Do you see me making a fucking issue out of my straight sexuality??

NO you don't

But you want to be treated the same?

Then act the same motherfucker...

When you act different you will be treated different...

So you don't act straight then?

I don't "act" anything - I am...
Your ass is showing. ;)

As to your post to the other poster - the will of the many should never eradicate the rights of the few.

No one has a right to marry someone of the same sex.

BRAVO!! ZOMG, I am SO proud of you!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You finally understand that gays are being denied their equal rights under the law. :D

/me scurries off to note the date we pried open the eyeballs of an unbeliever

Gee Bripat. I feel ignored.
And you know so many of them, amirite?

Maybe the straights should set the humility standard, so they'll have something to aspire to. </rampant sarcasm>

Do you see me making a fucking issue out of my straight sexuality??

NO you don't

But you want to be treated the same?

Then act the same motherfucker...

When you act different you will be treated different...

Moronic asswipe? I'm STRAIGHT. Your kneejerk reactor just broke.


In reference to what specifically are you asking "how."

Thanks for proving the point I have been asserting for the last several years.

Yeah, well I'm new so humor me. I made more than one point in my post. Apparently, for your eensy mind, that was one point too many. So, I will ask again. What were you addressing when you said "how."
Okay, let me help. BOLD what you were saying "how" to.

A) Moronic asswipe?


C) Your kneejerk reactor just broke.
Okay, let me help. BOLD what you were saying "how" to.

A) Moronic asswipe?


C) Your kneejerk reactor just broke.

Dissent with intelligence...

Okay. I'll do it for you.

How are you a moronic asswipe? Your posts address that.

How am I straight? I was born that way. Just like the gays were born 'that way.'

How did your kneejerk reactor just break? Because your big old tough guy shot was aimed at a 53 y/o grandmother. Who yes: is straight. Unlike the newlywed grandmas in New York last night.

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