Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

That isn't "marriage" (at least as how it has been defined for EONS). It is a legal partnership. I have stated that I have no objection to "legal partnerships". I have an objection to re-defining a word to please a small percentage that will do nothing to improve communication. It will cause more confusion (read more expensive legal documents, higher government fees, more paperwork to "clarify" the differences in "marriages" without actually saying that is what is being done", more stress, more medical problems brought on by more stress, etc, etc, etc).

Marriage is a legal construct, administered by the states. The 14th Amendment guarantees equal access to all law, including marriage, regardless of class or status.

No one cares what you do or don’t object to, all that matters is the law; ‘legal partnerships’ is not marriage, it doesn’t have the same legal framework as marriage. Unless everyone were subject to ‘legal partnerships,’ such contrivances would remain un-Constitutional.

The homosexual terrorists are just "starting" with the re-definition of "marriage". Now they are actively placing homosexual agenda teachings in school. How is that "equal"? Where do schools "teach" that heterosexual is normal and important in society (Hint, it isn't and never will be because you can't promote heterosexuality AND homosexuality as "normal"). How is that equal?
There are no homosexual ‘terrorists,’ there is no homosexual ‘agenda.’ Homosexuality is not being taught in schools. To paraphrase Plyler, a homosexual is surely a "person" in any ordinary sense of that term…guaranteed due process of law by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.

However much you may hate homosexuals, however ignorant you may be of the law, the simple fact remains that homosexuals are human beings, persons entitled to due process and equal protection of the laws. You can not deny them their humanity, and may not discriminate against them accordingly.
Marriage is spiritual, the joining of a woman and man, I don't want it redefined for people based on their sexual behavior, those folk need to find their own special bonding ceremony. I don't care how man views marriage I'm all about what God views it as, gay can be "married" according to man's laws, but they will *NEVER* be joined in love in the site of God. man has already legalized certain sinful behaviors, but the strong in Christ will never bow to such laws.
Marriage is spiritual, the joining of a woman and man, I don't want it redefined for people based on their sexual behavior, those folk need to find their own special bonding ceremony.

Marriage is a legal contract, whether you want it ‘redefined’ or not is immaterial, as is your hate toward homosexuals. As persons they’re entitled access to all laws, including marriage.

I don't care how man views marriage I'm all about what God views it as, gay can be "married" according to man's laws, but they will *NEVER* be joined in love in the site of God.
Which is why the Framers wisely ensured the separation of church and State.

man has already legalized certain sinful behaviors, but the strong in Christ will never bow to such laws.

If government officials they will if legally compelled to do so by a court.
Marriage is spiritual, the joining of a woman and man, I don't want it redefined for people based on their sexual behavior, those folk need to find their own special bonding ceremony.

Marriage is a legal contract, whether you want it ‘redefined’ or not is immaterial, as is your hate toward homosexuals. As persons they’re entitled access to all laws, including marriage.

No, marriage is spiritual and sacred, its been corrupted into something legal, but its spiritual and symbolizes what God has put together, if its all about a piece of paper legal contract gays need to drop the "love" component out of their gay activism for marriage. Sadly, gays aren't the only ones who see marriage as worthless and non-sacred.

Which is why the Framers wisely ensured the separation of church and State.

What does that have to do with my statement? Gay marriage is not recognized by God and the scriptures but only by man, what does that have to do with the framers?

If government officials they will if legally compelled to do so by a court.

No, Christians don't have to bow to the will of the homosexual lifetsyle, this isn't equal righst activism, this is dumbing down of America by Americans who are now accepting sinful lifestyles and redefining sinfully what God made perfectly.

With a Kiss and a Vow, Gay Marriage Begins in New York - NYTimes.com

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — Against a cascade of rainbow-colored falls and with cicadas humming in the background, Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd became one of the first, if not the first, same-sex couples to wed in New York State shortly after midnight on Sunday.

After 12 tolls of a bell to ring in the new day, the mayor of Niagara Falls, Paul A. Dyster, said, “By the power vested in me by the laws of the state of New York, I now pronounce you legally married.” And Ms. Lambert, 54, and Ms. Rudd, 53, kissed in front of more than 100 friends and family members.
Marriage is spiritual, the joining of a woman and man, I don't want it redefined for people based on their sexual behavior, those folk need to find their own special bonding ceremony.

Marriage is a legal contract, whether you want it ‘redefined’ or not is immaterial, as is your hate toward homosexuals. As persons they’re entitled access to all laws, including marriage.

No, marriage is spiritual and sacred, its been corrupted into something legal, but its spiritual and symbolizes what God has put together, if its all about a piece of paper legal contract gays need to drop the "love" component out of their gay activism for marriage. Sadly, gays aren't the only ones who see marriage as worthless and non-sacred.

Which is why the Framers wisely ensured the separation of church and State.

What does that have to do with my statement? Gay marriage is not recognized by God and the scriptures but only by man, what does that have to do with the framers?

If government officials they will if legally compelled to do so by a court.

No, Christians don't have to bow to the will of the homosexual lifetsyle, this isn't equal righst activism, this is dumbing down of America by Americans who are now accepting sinful lifestyles and redefining sinfully what God made perfectly.
Yes, you do.

With a Kiss and a Vow, Gay Marriage Begins in New York - NYTimes.com

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — Against a cascade of rainbow-colored falls and with cicadas humming in the background, Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd became one of the first, if not the first, same-sex couples to wed in New York State shortly after midnight on Sunday.

After 12 tolls of a bell to ring in the new day, the mayor of Niagara Falls, Paul A. Dyster, said, “By the power vested in me by the laws of the state of New York, I now pronounce you legally married.” And Ms. Lambert, 54, and Ms. Rudd, 53, kissed in front of more than 100 friends and family members.

Long overdue

Now, if Chris Christie will get out of the way, NJ can have gay marriage too
Marriage is a legal contract, whether you want it ‘redefined’ or not is immaterial, as is your hate toward homosexuals. As persons they’re entitled access to all laws, including marriage.

No, marriage is spiritual and sacred, its been corrupted into something legal, but its spiritual and symbolizes what God has put together, if its all about a piece of paper legal contract gays need to drop the "love" component out of their gay activism for marriage. Sadly, gays aren't the only ones who see marriage as worthless and non-sacred.

What does that have to do with my statement? Gay marriage is not recognized by God and the scriptures but only by man, what does that have to do with the framers?

If government officials they will if legally compelled to do so by a court.

No, Christians don't have to bow to the will of the homosexual lifetsyle, this isn't equal righst activism, this is dumbing down of America by Americans who are now accepting sinful lifestyles and redefining sinfully what God made perfectly.
Yes, you do.

Um, no I don't.
Bass is entitled to his own belief about marriage.

Bass is not entitled to continue to inflict that on us.
Bass is entitled to his own belief about marriage.

Bass is not entitled to continue to inflict that on us.

How have I inflicted this on anyone? I would never vote for gay marriage, sorry, can't go against my religion, my reasons for opposing homosexuality are based solely on religion and my beliefs should not be trampled on and discarded.
Yeah, I'd like to see the "results" of such research that scientifically make these conclusions to see if they're not based on gay activism.

It's pure quackery. There are no scientific studies that prove that being raised by homosexuals isn't damaging to your social adjustment. These so-called "studies" are all deeply flawed and used invalid procedure to arrive at their conclusion.
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Bass is entitled to his own belief about marriage.

Bass is not entitled to continue to inflict that on us.

How have I inflicted this on anyone? I would never vote for gay marriage, sorry, can't go against my religion, my reasons for opposing homosexuality are based solely on religion and my beliefs should not be trampled on and discarded.

Bass, there are religious institutions out there, Christian and others that do marry members of the same sex, do you feel the government should trample and discard their religious beliefs?

Bass is entitled to his own belief about marriage.

Bass is not entitled to continue to inflict that on us.

Sure he is. That's what democracy is all about, inflicting the view of the majority on the minority.

Yet polls showed that the majority of New Yorkers supported passage of the legislation granting Civil Marriage to same-sex couples.

You should be happy that the majority view prevailed.

Bass is entitled to his own belief about marriage.

Bass is not entitled to continue to inflict that on us.

Sure he is. That's what democracy is all about, inflicting the view of the majority on the minority.

That is why no country operates on a pure democracy

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper"
My acceptance certainly isn't inevitable. I will never condone homosexual marriage.

Whoopty-doo. Some people don't condone biracial marriage. Some people still consider the offspring of biracial marriages to be "half-breeds and zebras".

Perhaps, but lumping my position in with nutburger positions is just a cheap shot. Most of the human race agress with my position. Logic and common sense also support my position. The only support for your position are the rantings of an hysterical self-serving special interest.

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