Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.

I don't see how that confers "special rights". If it passed, wouldn't heterosexuals also be allowed to marry someone of the same sex? What's your problem? We'd all have the SAME rights. I've never seen the opponents explain what these "special rights" are supposed to be!!! :confused:
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.

I don't see how that confers "special rights". If it passed, wouldn't heterosexuals also be allowed to marry someone of the same sex? What's your problem? We'd all have the SAME rights. I've never seen the opponents explain what these "special rights" are supposed to be!!! :confused:

When you ask for a specific example of what "special privilege" under the law would be available to same-sex Civilly Married couples that would not be available to different-sex Civilly Married couples there is no response relevant to the question. The normal attempt is to deflect.

The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>[/QUOTE]

Sounds real "tolerant."
The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>

Sounds real "tolerant."[/QUOTE]

There should be no tolerance for those who want to control the personal lives of others. Would gun owners tolerate those who say they shouldn't be allowed to own guns? I don't see a difference.
The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>

Thanks for that ringing endorsement of the 1st Amendment. I have never seen anything so obviously Stalinist posted in this forum.

Marriage is not a private matter. It's a public matter. Marriages are performed in public venues with hundreds of people in attendance. the government passes all kinds of legislation to facilitate marriage.

How is that "private?"
logical4u, universal marriage is inevitable. Your acceptance of it is inevitable. Give up.

The public will eventually wake up and quite being cowed by the militant homosexuals and liberal parasites.

My acceptance certain isn't inevitable. I will never condone homosexual marriage.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.
The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>

Thanks for that ringing endorsement of the 1st Amendment. I have never seen anything so obviously Stalinist posted in this forum.

Marriage is not a private matter. It's a public matter. Marriages are performed in public venues with hundreds of people in attendance. the government passes all kinds of legislation to facilitate marriage.

How is that "private?"

Are you really that dim? "hundreds of people"? Who can still afford to get married like that? And by the way, that's a WEDDING DAY, and has jack shit to do with a marriage. It's a show, for people who need one. They want a marriage. They want all the rights inherent to a marriage. If this country had it's shit together, SSM would be legal.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.

And you, rethuglican - you think using your hate as a weapon isn't "propoganda?" Dumb fuck.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.
It's spelled I-R-O-N-Y. Some psychologists would point to your post and easily diagnose this mess as 'projecting'.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.

And you, rethuglican - you think using your hate as a weapon isn't "propoganda?" Dumb fuck.
Yippee. We have ourselves another partisan with monolith thinking.

The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>

Thanks for that ringing endorsement of the 1st Amendment. I have never seen anything so obviously Stalinist posted in this forum.

Marriage is not a private matter. It's a public matter. Marriages are performed in public venues with hundreds of people in attendance. the government passes all kinds of legislation to facilitate marriage.

How is that "private?"

It's private because that's the way they want it. Shut up or get trampled. The only public matter are the legal issues of property and children, NOT who one marries. It's no different than the reason laws against inter-racial marriage were struck down. It's civil rights, plain and simple.
logical4u, universal marriage is inevitable. Your acceptance of it is inevitable. Give up.

The public will eventually wake up and quite being cowed by the militant homosexuals and liberal parasites.

My acceptance certain isn't inevitable. I will never condone homosexual marriage.

Nobody cares whether you condone it or not. This is an issue dying for "hate law" legislation. You'll be free to say whatever you want, as long as you're willing to accept the consequences. I'm afraid you're living in a dream world, if you think this is going back to the way things were. It needs to be made perfectly clear that your attitude is unacceptable.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.

I don't see how that confers "special rights". If it passed, wouldn't heterosexuals also be allowed to marry someone of the same sex? What's your problem? We'd all have the SAME rights. I've never seen the opponents explain what these "special rights" are supposed to be!!! :confused:

Perfectly and succinctly said!

There are no "special rights"!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.

Tissue? You poor persecuted thing, you.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.

Libturds label everyone who opposes their idiocies as "extreme." It's nothing more than a propaganda tactic. Everything that spews from liberals is propaganda. Liberalism is a huge pile of lies.

Then tell us what your reason is for opposing same-sex marriage. We're constantly told that it somehow effects heterosexual marriages, but I and my wife haven't a clue as to what you're talking about. What makes it an idiocy?

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