Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Name the laws that are denying "homosexuals" rights.
DOMA, DADT for starters. How about applying for a marriage license? I know you know this. What's your point?

Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.
DOMA, DADT for starters. How about applying for a marriage license? I know you know this. What's your point?

Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

They've not come up with a compelling reason.......yet.
What I find incredibly sickening is the constant comparison of gay special rights to the struggle for civil rights that the black community fought so hard for.

It is sickening to compare parades where men engage in sexual activities in public, so obscene here in Atlanta parents simply avoided the city and the police just look the other way, to the marches in Selma and police releasing attack dogs.

But that is the mentality of the left, and the black community by and large resents that comparison. The gays are beginning to turn on the black community as well, very resentful for their roll in preventing homosexual supposed 'marriage' in California of all places LOL.

And it amazes me you can't see the parallel....most bigots can't...
What I find incredibly sickening is the constant comparison of gay special rights to the struggle for civil rights that the black community fought so hard for.

It is sickening to compare parades where men engage in sexual activities in public, so obscene here in Atlanta parents simply avoided the city and the police just look the other way, to the marches in Selma and police releasing attack dogs.

But that is the mentality of the left, and the black community by and large resents that comparison. The gays are beginning to turn on the black community as well, very resentful for their roll in preventing homosexual supposed 'marriage' in California of all places LOL.

Like Mardi Gras, amirite?
Supreme Court disagrees. Only a matter of time.

The Supreme court is a gang of political hacks selected to deliver the decisions their benefactors want them to deliver.

When are you going to post something that makes you sound like an actual conservative rather than a liberal nutburger?
Not privileges, special rights. The same civil rights as everyone isn't good enough.

You’re both wrong – again, and as usual.

In Romer the Court rejected the inane argument that ensuring homosexuals equal access and protection of the law per the 14th Amendment does not constitute ‘special rights’:

Who cares what the hacks on the Supreme Court ruled? They are wrong. Any law that even mentions homosexuals is a special privilege for people based on their behavior. The Constitution does not offer protection to behaviors. The government routinely discriminates against behavior, and private citizens do it as well.

Kennedy's decision absurd and idiotic.
You have already displayed you unwillingness to see the biological difference between men and women. And you say I am not with science. You have already denied there are emotional and personality characteristics that are predominate in each gender. You find the studies that only back your "emotional needs" without looking at the other point of view.

I did nothing of the sort. Of course men and women are different biologically. So what?
That in no way proves that gays and lesbians can't have a relationship that is just as loving, just as deep and just as meaningful as heterosexuals couples.

We love our partners just as profoundly and with just as much passion as heterosexuals love theirs.

You have done nothing other than prove the OP's point, that opposition to legal marriage has no basis other than ignorance and bigotry.

I have no problem with homosexuals doing a legal arrangement if it is supported by the country. I do have a problem with homosexuals "re-defining" words to push a political agenda, and "mock" traditional marriage.

If we had waited for the country to approve of interracial marriage, blacks would not have been allowed to marry whites until 1992. Marriage was "redefined" by "activist judges" to "push a political agenda" in 1967. Did you have a problem with that, honey?

As far as "bigotry" goes, honey that door swings both ways, and your side is probably more bigoted than those that you "accuse" (falsely, I might add) of being bigots to silence them and their points of view.

We are all bigoted about something. I'm very bigoted against the LA Dogers, but I don't want to see rights taken away from the team because of my prejudice against them. I feel the same way about people that pick their nose in public. I think the practice is disgusting, but I don't support outlawing the behavior or denying them the fundamental right to legally marry.

I have been accused of that before, and I will ask you what I asked them without getting a rational response: How are my views backwards? How is my way of life hurting anyone? Can you explain a better way to live?

You've been called a bigot before and that doesn't tell you something? A better way to live than as what, as a bigot? Yeah, there are plenty of better ways to live than as a bigot. Try living as someone who is tolerant of differences and believes that this is a country where we treat all people equally regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Try living as someone who upholds American values and principals.

Just out of curiosity, do you even know anyone gay or lesbian?

Even your avatar is bigoted; Justice is suposed to be impartial. How can some one judge fairly when in the embrace of another. You might think it was convenient to show two women statues, but there is a "bigoted" message there too. Maybe you will consider that?

Whose rights does my avatar wish to deny? Judges have to be impartial, not sexless. My avatar represents the close relationship that liberty and justice must maintain. Does it get you a little hot?

Not privileges, special rights. The same civil rights as everyone isn't good enough.

You’re both wrong – again, and as usual.

In Romer the Court rejected the inane argument that ensuring homosexuals equal access and protection of the law per the 14th Amendment does not constitute ‘special rights’:

Who cares what the hacks on the Supreme Court ruled? They are wrong. Any law that even mentions homosexuals is a special privilege for people based on their behavior. The Constitution does not offer protection to behaviors. The government routinely discriminates against behavior, and private citizens do it as well.

Kennedy's decision absurd and idiotic.
There are three co-equal branches of our federal government. That's one of the reasons our Republic is so successful.

You're willing to see Americans discriminated against due to their behavior, which is legal among consenting adults.
MAY have been?

It seems there is a politicization of scholarship in support of gays and other liberal causes - too many liberal scholars trying to make their political points by employing "presentism" - ie, trying to shoehorn ancient practices in to something they weren't.
Why is Gay rights a Liberal issue? Shouldn't the equal rights of every American citizen be an issue of bi-partisan, National interest?

One would hope that personal prejudices would never interfere with equality before the law.

It isn't...which is why the largest donors to the fight for marriage equality in NY were conservatives. It is why conservative attorney, Ted Olsen, is fighting for marriage equality...who, by the way, wrote an excellent article The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage

Of course it isn't a liberal issue, which is why it is so important for gays and lesbians to come out to their conservative friends and families (if it is safe to do so).This is a HUMAN issue and it is a lot harder to oppose equality when it is a loved one, a child or your sibling or your best friend that you are looking in the face and saying "I want to deny you the same rights I have".
If you can provide one valid constitutional reason some American citizens, who have committed no crime, pay their taxes, and live sober responsible lives should be regarded as second class citizens and barred from the protections and benefits of the law, I would be interested in learning about it.

They can't...which is why they keep losing in court. Those opposed to marriage equality have not been able to come up with an overriding societal harm in allowing same sex couples to legally marry. There IS NO compelling state reason to continue to deny us the legal protections associated with civil marriage.

What really ticks 'em off is that they don't even have "majority support" to fall back on anymore...

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage
MAY have been?

It seems there is a politicization of scholarship in support of gays and other liberal causes - too many liberal scholars trying to make their political points by employing "presentism" - ie, trying to shoehorn ancient practices in to something they weren't.

MAY have been more than just Nero, but Nero DID...twice.

Are you holding "him" up as a good example for why homosexuals should be able to change the definition of marriage?

Try following the whole conservation...it starts about two pages back...
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Gallup Poll Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 Likely Voters found that just 32% believe the gay and lesbian couples who received marriage licenses recently in San Francisco are "legally married." Sixty-one percent (61%) disagree, while 7% are not sure. The survey also found that 66% of Americans oppose the decision of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to issue marriage licenses for gay and lesbian couples. Only 24% favor that decision. Just 32% Consider SF Marriage Legal - Rasmussen Reports™

30% huh?

Your Gallup poll is a little behind...

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Whoooie, lookie that jump...


And look at this... opposition to marriage equality virtually disappears when the old fogies die off...

It’s as if the Framers had you in mind when they drafted the Constitution.

Fortunately the rule of law trumps your ignorance and the ignorance you represent.

Yes I'm sure the founding fathers had the intention of allowing homosexual marriage. They had me in mind.

Tell me where in the Constitution you are using to justifying forcing states to allow homosexual marriage?

The part that says MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If it isn't in there, it should be. Your opinion and that of the others that feel the same way is irrelevant. Gays shouldn't have to stand you to having any say in their private lives. They should fight it as fiercely as gun enthusiasts protect their right to bear arms. it's at its basis a civil rights issue and, as such, should use all the strategies the used in previous rights fights. If it takes hate speech legislation to shut you up, so be it. You're the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. The only answer is to fight back without mercy>
Google is trying to pretend center, and the right of and left of center, are not mainstream.

Google is trying to pretend her little corner of the universe in the far Righty Extremist Cultural Fascist nook is mainstream.

It's not, Google, and you are blathering on.
So you just made up that 30% right?

I am a human not a liar, google. Take a look at the graph below. Sigh. This is over for you, except for your disappointment and shouting.
DOMA, DADT for starters. How about applying for a marriage license? I know you know this. What's your point?

Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.
You have already displayed you unwillingness to see the biological difference between men and women. And you say I am not with science. You have already denied there are emotional and personality characteristics that are predominate in each gender. You find the studies that only back your "emotional needs" without looking at the other point of view.

I did nothing of the sort. Of course men and women are different biologically. So what?
That in no way proves that gays and lesbians can't have a relationship that is just as loving, just as deep and just as meaningful as heterosexuals couples.

We love our partners just as profoundly and with just as much passion as heterosexuals love theirs.

You have done nothing other than prove the OP's point, that opposition to legal marriage has no basis other than ignorance and bigotry.

I have no problem with homosexuals doing a legal arrangement if it is supported by the country. I do have a problem with homosexuals "re-defining" words to push a political agenda, and "mock" traditional marriage.

If we had waited for the country to approve of interracial marriage, blacks would not have been allowed to marry whites until 1992. Marriage was "redefined" by "activist judges" to "push a political agenda" in 1967. Did you have a problem with that, honey?

We are all bigoted about something. I'm very bigoted against the LA Dogers, but I don't want to see rights taken away from the team because of my prejudice against them. I feel the same way about people that pick their nose in public. I think the practice is disgusting, but I don't support outlawing the behavior or denying them the fundamental right to legally marry.

I have been accused of that before, and I will ask you what I asked them without getting a rational response: How are my views backwards? How is my way of life hurting anyone? Can you explain a better way to live?

You've been called a bigot before and that doesn't tell you something? A better way to live than as what, as a bigot? Yeah, there are plenty of better ways to live than as a bigot. Try living as someone who is tolerant of differences and believes that this is a country where we treat all people equally regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Try living as someone who upholds American values and principals.

Just out of curiosity, do you even know anyone gay or lesbian?

Even your avatar is bigoted; Justice is suposed to be impartial. How can some one judge fairly when in the embrace of another. You might think it was convenient to show two women statues, but there is a "bigoted" message there too. Maybe you will consider that?

Whose rights does my avatar wish to deny? Judges have to be impartial, not sexless. My avatar represents the close relationship that liberty and justice must maintain. Does it get you a little hot?

Yes, nothing like watching two fakes, going at it!
Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.
You claim marriage laws are being changed to accommodate "same sex" marriages. Gee! I wonder what "homosexual" means?

Whenever a group asserts itself against the prevailing authority, be they women, minorities or workers, that prevailing authority always has some extreme resistors saying something inane like "They want "special" rights" All any American wants and deserves is equality.
Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
And far fewer than 4% of our population is in the military. We're not talking about the UCMJ here. We're talking about why American citizens who have committed no crime, are consenting adults and pay their taxes, why should those people be denied access to the benefits, protections and ease of access that the marriage license affords. What could be the reason gay people are actively discriminated against by legislation.

There is no law prohibiting homosexuals from being married as the majority of the population is. They want "special rights" (read above the law). Apparently where the law is being changed, it is for "same sex", no mention of homosexual (I thought this was all about equality). It is about scamming the system and mocking traditional marriage.

Logical, I have explained this to you time and again from a legal standpoint.

You fail to listen.

You fail to understand.

You can't accept being wrong and won't concede even the slightest bit.

There's nothing that can be done for you. You fail, miserably.

Just to explain it again...

It IS an equality question. Homosexuals don't want "special rights". They want all people...straight and gay...to be able to marry the person of their choice regardless of gender.

The comparison you continue to make...between straight males and gay males...who currently have the same rights...is the WRONG comparison.

The comparison is between groups of sexual orientation. GAY people are unable to marry the person of

And as far as your vapid, corny, emotional argument about gays wanting to "mock traditional marriage" - you're on crack. Gay people have much better things to do than mock marriage. They'd rather be polite...not cause a fuss...and get treated fairly.

It's all these Christians imposing their religious views on the population of America. You've got a right to vote however you want, but the argument behind your hatred of homosexuality, even if it is religiously-based, is bullshit.

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