Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Simple: gays already have the same rights as every other American. Gays want privileges, not rights. The fact the liberals call something a right doesn't make it a right. In fact, precisely the opposite is normally the case.
Gays do not have the right of equal access to contract law.

When G.W. Bush called for civil unions--between gays--democrats had a coniption fit over that. Democrats--wanted NO union for gays including marriage.

But how does this affect YOU in your daily life. Is it your top issue in your life--or are there more important things that you believe the Federal Government should be doing right now?
One thing the government should AWAYS do is protect and ensure the rights of its citizens.
If you can provide one valid constitutional reason some American citizens, who have committed no crime, pay their taxes, and live sober responsible lives should be regarded as second class citizens and barred from the protections and benefits of the law, I would be interested in learning about it.

There are no such persons.

End of debate.
You're a delusional, provincial ignoramus if you believe that. Homosexuality is not a crime. Homosexuals pay taxes. Homosexuals are being denied equal rights because of stupidity, prejudice, hate and unjustified fear. Commodities trafficked by delusional, provincial ignoramuses.

You must be very proud. But you cannot at all be proud of the way this nation, which bills itself as the Land of the Free represses civil rights due to ignorance. I know I'm not so proud. But I also know that in EVERY struggle for equality and freedom, there's a Conservative banking the fires of opposition.

Name the laws that are denying "homosexuals" rights.
There are no such persons.

End of debate.
You're a delusional, provincial ignoramus if you believe that. Homosexuality is not a crime. Homosexuals pay taxes. Homosexuals are being denied equal rights because of stupidity, prejudice, hate and unjustified fear. Commodities trafficked by delusional, provincial ignoramuses.

You must be very proud. But you cannot at all be proud of the way this nation, which bills itself as the Land of the Free represses civil rights due to ignorance. I know I'm not so proud. But I also know that in EVERY struggle for equality and freedom, there's a Conservative banking the fires of opposition.

Name the laws that are denying "homosexuals" rights.
DOMA, DADT for starters. How about applying for a marriage license? I know you know this. What's your point?
More sloganeering. .
You're right about them: they're just repeating slogans. They are immune to facts and logic.

The sloganeering are by the fearful cultural Fascists that want the majority to do what the want. You guys are in the minority, and this conservative wants the government staying out of the bedrooms of all of us.

You "conservatives" want big government to pull your chestnuts out of the fire.

logical4u and bripate and M. D. are nothing but Big Government liberals that want the intrusion of Big Government into Americans' lives.
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The rights of universal marriage are embedded in the Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, in the most classically liberal document of all time, the U.S. Constitution.

This is not an issue any more about whether. Only about when.

Hogwash :lol:
Since when does the left give a damn about marriage? The left has been at war with the institution of marriage since the 60's, yet now they are out there preaching that gays must be given the special 'right' to marry.

Homosexual political organizations and leaders have made it clear that gay marriage is not about civil rights--gays can enter contractual agreements that have the same commitments as a heterosexual marriage--it is about assaulting and denigrating the Christian faith. (Homosexual Activists Disrupt Mass; Refused Communion | Courageous Priest)

Homosexual extremist organizations, all of them except the Log Cabin Republicans, all around the country have disrupted Catholic masses and other denominational services. In one case dozens stormed in and began engaging in sexual explicit conduct in the pews and insulting communion.

This kind of bigotry--and you compare how homosexuals portray and speak about Christians to how Christians behave and tell me whose bigoted--would make national headlines if it where against gays.

The last acceptable form of intolerance and bigotry is that against Christians, and they use the guise of being against all religions but they are mute on all other religions.

THAT is what homosexual 'marriage' is all about.
"Recent estimates of mental health morbidity among adults reporting same-gender sexual partners suggest that lesbians, gay men, and bisexual individuals may experience excess risk for some mental disorders as compared with heterosexual individuals. However, sexual orientation has not been measured directly..." http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.optionToBuy&id=2003-01069-008

Studies have consistently shown that homosexuals are far more likely to commit suicide, be diagnosed with a mental disorder, and are more likely to contract STD's.

Despite the homosexual's propaganda about AID's being a problem not limited to the gay community study after study has shown since the discovery of the AID's virus overwhelming majority are homosexual or a drug addict.

"In the USA, it is estimated that nearly 255,000 men who have sex with men were living with HIV/AIDS in 2007, and nearly 5,400 had died. Around 48% of all people diagnosed with AIDS in America in 2007 were probably exposed to HIV through male-to-male sexual contact.1 In the UK, by the end of June 2009, around 45,947 diagnoses of HIV had been in men who had probably become infected through sex with another man. 53% of these men were aged below 35." http://www.avert.org/young-gay-men.htm
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You're a delusional, provincial ignoramus if you believe that. Homosexuality is not a crime. Homosexuals pay taxes. Homosexuals are being denied equal rights because of stupidity, prejudice, hate and unjustified fear. Commodities trafficked by delusional, provincial ignoramuses.

You must be very proud. But you cannot at all be proud of the way this nation, which bills itself as the Land of the Free represses civil rights due to ignorance. I know I'm not so proud. But I also know that in EVERY struggle for equality and freedom, there's a Conservative banking the fires of opposition.

Name the laws that are denying "homosexuals" rights.
DOMA, DADT for starters. How about applying for a marriage license? I know you know this. What's your point?

Heterosexuals have their behaviors limited in the military also. If you are in the military, your rights are not the same as a civilian's rights. Look it up.
The rights of universal marriage are embedded in the Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, in the most classically liberal document of all time, the U.S. Constitution.

This is not an issue any more about whether. Only about when.

Hogwash :lol:

Patrick, you are right about it being hogwash for your side, yet the die is cast. Universal marriage remains inevitable. Your 30% of the country is not going to tell the rest of the country what to do on this issue.
What I find incredibly sickening is the constant comparison of gay special rights to the struggle for civil rights that the black community fought so hard for.

It is sickening to compare parades where men engage in sexual activities in public, so obscene here in Atlanta parents simply avoided the city and the police just look the other way, to the marches in Selma and police releasing attack dogs.

But that is the mentality of the left, and the black community by and large resents that comparison. The gays are beginning to turn on the black community as well, very resentful for their roll in preventing homosexual supposed 'marriage' in California of all places LOL.
Google is consistently and sickeningly insisting on an outdated and unconstitutional mandate against universal marriage. She is in error about the left, the center, and the right when it comes to who is for and against. She should best study age, regardless of political orientation, and you will quickly realizing she is beating a dead horse. Her own.
The rights of universal marriage are embedded in the Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, in the most classically liberal document of all time, the U.S. Constitution.

This is not an issue any more about whether. Only about when.

Hogwash :lol:

Patrick, you are right about it being hogwash for your side, yet the die is cast. Universal marriage remains inevitable. Your 30% of the country is not going to tell the rest of the country what to do on this issue.

This is a perfect example of liberals delusion of being mainstream. They believe because everyone they know and all the television and movies reinforce their world view everyone must think that way.

Where are you getting that 30%? Some homosexual organization? Let's stick with respected polling organizations. How about Gallup:

"Americans' views on same-sex marriage have essentially stayed the same in the past year, with a majority of 57% opposed to granting such marriages legal status and 40% in favor of doing so. Though support for legal same-sex marriage is significantly higher now than when Gallup first asked about it in 1996, in recent years support has appeared to stall, peaking at 46% in 2007."

"Just a slim majority (55%) of Democrats approve of gay marriage, but they are more likely to do so than independents (45%) and Republicans (20%)" Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

Either you made up that 30% number or you believe whatever you are told.
Google is trying to pretend center, and the right of and left of center, are not mainstream.

Google is trying to pretend her little corner of the universe in the far Righty Extremist Cultural Fascist nook is mainstream.

It's not, Google, and you are blathering on.
In September of 2010, Reuters reported: "Nearly one in five gay and bisexual men in 21 major U.S. cities are infected with HIV, and nearly half of them do not know it".[1] A September 2010 report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported : "Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV and are the only risk group in which new HIV infections have been increasing steadily since the early 1990s. In 2006, MSM accounted for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the United States..."[2] In August of 2009, LifeSiteNews reported: "An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population."[3] Of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the United States during the year 2003, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that about 63% were among men who were infected through sexual contact with other men.[4]
As of 1998, fifty-four percent of all AIDS cases in the United States were homosexual men, and the CDC stated that nearly ninety percent of these men acquired HIV through sexual activity with other men.[5]

But hey homosexuality is a perfectly healthy lifestyle right? Well if any sociologists or medical professionals dare to state the facts and suggest that it isn't they are shouted down, death threats, ect.
Google is trying to pretend center, and the right of and left of center, are not mainstream.

Google is trying to pretend her little corner of the universe in the far Righty Extremist Cultural Fascist nook is mainstream.

It's not, Google, and you are blathering on.

So you just made up that 30% right?

In September of 2010, Reuters reported: "Nearly one in five gay and bisexual men in 21 major U.S. cities are infected with HIV, and nearly half of them do not know it".[1] A September 2010 report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported : "Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV and are the only risk group in which new HIV infections have been increasing steadily since the early 1990s. In 2006, MSM accounted for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the United States..."[2] In August of 2009, LifeSiteNews reported: "An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population."[3] Of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the United States during the year 2003, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that about 63% were among men who were infected through sexual contact with other men.[4]
As of 1998, fifty-four percent of all AIDS cases in the United States were homosexual men, and the CDC stated that nearly ninety percent of these men acquired HIV through sexual activity with other men.[5]

But hey homosexuality is a perfectly healthy lifestyle right? Well if any sociologists or medical professionals dare to state the facts and suggest that it isn't they are shouted down, death threats, ect.

Let's not let the facts upset anyone eh...Good post Google!
Gallup Poll Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 Likely Voters found that just 32% believe the gay and lesbian couples who received marriage licenses recently in San Francisco are "legally married." Sixty-one percent (61%) disagree, while 7% are not sure. The survey also found that 66% of Americans oppose the decision of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to issue marriage licenses for gay and lesbian couples. Only 24% favor that decision. Just 32% Consider SF Marriage Legal - Rasmussen Reports™

30% huh?
Check (1) who did the poll, (2) check for bias, (3) check for date, (4) check by location, (5) check by age groups. Check the range of polls.

You and I both know that you tried, and have failed, to pull a fast one.

Not only are you are a hard headed cultural fascist, you are a liar as well.

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