Oppression Of Normal American Citizens


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"
for once this troll is telling the truth that the democrats are destroying America. In the past all she would post is babble and bs lies that the GOP could never do any wrong and that mass murderer Reagan who ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president all the way up to Obama expanded on,was the greatest president of the 20th century.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg:

she would always blatantly ignore facts that both parties are corrupt and one in the same as proven by the fact Obama was only expanding he corruption that Bush got started when she would look like a jackass saying obama ran the most corrupt administration ever which was true but she ignored that bush came in a very close second and gave him a run for his money.:abgg2q.jpg:

plus BOTH clinton and bush were both in favor of NAFTA.pesky facts that she always ignored.

For once she is telling the truth though,just this past year,the dems took the trophy away from the GOP as the more corrupt party of the two,they were always for decades equally corrupt as i just proved. Our last great president,the REAL best president of the 20th century,Kennedy who was killed for stepping on powerful toes in washington,is rolling over in his grave on how corrupt the dem party has become sense he was alive.:mad:
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"

57,000 Americans tested Positive yesterday.
990 Died.
Bar is about THEE most likely place to get sick.

Last edited:
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"

We're looking at the demons coming out of the mouth of Hell......to stand with this: Alvin Cole fired his stolen 9 mm pistol at officers and faced the appropriate consequence.
Really DISGUSTING an 'educated' and 'Christian Literalist' woman would be advocating for Bar Rights in the middle of a Pandemic

You're more like the Devil than a righteous Christian.
(Not to mention a Psychotic RW Spammer.)

57,000 Americans tested Positive yesterday.
990 Died.
Bar is about THEE most likely place to get sick.


The bar is being investigated because the patrons cheered the police......that is the one and only reason, you moron.

There is a guaranteed cure for your problems: the next time you’re playing Donkey Kong, practice bomb disposal at the same time.
Really DISGUSTING an 'educated' and 'Christian Literalist' woman would be advocating for Bar Rights in the middle of a Pandemic

You're more like the Devil than a righteous Christian.
(Not to mention a Psychotic RW Spammer.)


Don't speak to me about the Devil.......he took out an order of protection against me.
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"
This couple?..Couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters 'were once accused of being anti-gay'
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???

That's because it's illegal to point loaded weapons at people who aren't on your property.
Hey, DUMMY, they WERE on their property. Please get your facts straight before posting again, to save yourself any further embarrassment with lame posts like this one.
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???

That's because it's illegal to point loaded weapons at people who aren't on your property.

Of course that's not the reason.

It's because you Fascists own the office of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, bought and paid for by Soros.
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"
This couple?..Couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters 'were once accused of being anti-gay'


Thought crimes are rampant among you Fascists.
That's because it's illegal to point loaded weapons at people who aren't on your property.
Hey, DUMMY, they WERE on their property. Please get your facts straight before posting again, to save yourself any further embarrassment with lame posts like this one.
I already went through this with another idiot. He said the protesters were on private property, but that property was the privately owned street of the gated community, not the private property of the couple.

So they were not on the couples property.

And they were heading to the Mayors house down the street.

....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"

We're looking at the demons coming out of the mouth of Hell......to stand with this: Alvin Cole fired his stolen 9 mm pistol at officers and faced the appropriate consequence.

Indeed. Some people—and lots of them—seem to be genuinely possessed by . . . ? I have noticed an across the board increase in aggression level in people I interact with daily and strangers in particular.
The disdain shown by the democrats for the American people has been unbelievable. From the MSM attacking joe the plumber to biden refusing to answer questions.

I've also seen it in some republicans, such as jeb bush saying it doesn't matter who we vote for, Trump will not be the repub candidate.

But to go as far as to HARM or punish Americans using the power entrusted to you (whittmar...pelosi...comey)...I'm sorry but that type of abuse of power is such an abomination it deserves life in prison at the very least!
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
That's because it's illegal to point loaded weapons at people who aren't on your property.
Of course that's not the reason.

It's because you Fascists own the office of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, bought and paid for by Soros.
They were not responsible gun owners.

They were charged for violating the law. They should have been charged with reckless endangerment.

(a) A person commits an offense who recklessly engages in conduct that places or may place another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury. (b) Reckless endangerment is a Class A misdemeanor; however, reckless endangerment committed with a deadly weapon is a Class E felony.

That way as convicted felons they could no longer own firearms.
....by Democrats.


Recall those two St Louis folks, protecting their property from Democrat thugs.....and they were charged???
Typical of what has been happening since political opinion has been criminalized.

Now....in Democrat enclave called Washington, DC, there is a bar....Harry's At The Harrington Hotel

A bunch of normal American citizens were sitting around when some police walked in......and the normal folks began cheering the police: the crowd began cheering "Back the Blue!!!"

You can see the vid here: DC Authorities Investigating Harry's After Viral Video | DCist

When city officials.....Democrats, anti-police, pro-looter folks, found out......

"D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Investigating Harry’s After Viral Video Shows Packed Bar"

We're looking at the demons coming out of the mouth of Hell......to stand with this: Alvin Cole fired his stolen 9 mm pistol at officers and faced the appropriate consequence.

Indeed. Some people—and lots of them—seem to be genuinely possessed by . . . ? I have noticed an across the board increase in aggression level in people I interact with daily and strangers in particular.

This is a major problem, for this reason.
Mutual assured destruction worked against the enemy who was rational.

These people are not rational.

Thus, if the result is yet another civil war, just as they engineered the first one, they don't care if both sides are destroyed.

It's like the frog and scorpion story....
A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

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