Oprah rags on America overseas and comes home to let Obama hang a medal on her

This is rhetoric not based on fact. Generalizing in such a away is taking two steps back instead of going forward.

Not based on fact? Can you name a day when either of these men did not, over the airwaves, lie about Americans or America?

The fact is that Oprah deserved to get that metal, and I think the people whining abut it are just jealous that a black woman got it. It's another instance of racism being alive and well in this country. Pathetic.

Please stop just crying racist at everybody also.

I'm not claiming anybody consistently lies about America or doesn't. It just seems to me that people travel in circles, and you claim people in another circle are lying. This is typical modern arguing as substantiated by our media. It would further the cause of your argument if you at least pointed out lies you feel they told.

If you think I need to point out the lies of O'Reilly and Limbaugh, I just have to ask what planet you've been living on.
Not based on fact? Can you name a day when either of these men did not, over the airwaves, lie about Americans or America?

The fact is that Oprah deserved to get that metal, and I think the people whining abut it are just jealous that a black woman got it. It's another instance of racism being alive and well in this country. Pathetic.

Please stop just crying racist at everybody also.

I'm not claiming anybody consistently lies about America or doesn't. It just seems to me that people travel in circles, and you claim people in another circle are lying. This is typical modern arguing as substantiated by our media. It would further the cause of your argument if you at least pointed out lies you feel they told.

If you think I need to point out the lies of O'Reilly and Limbaugh, I just have to ask what planet you've been living on.
Could you name a few? And don't forget the documentation.
Please stop just crying racist at everybody also.

I'm not claiming anybody consistently lies about America or doesn't. It just seems to me that people travel in circles, and you claim people in another circle are lying. This is typical modern arguing as substantiated by our media. It would further the cause of your argument if you at least pointed out lies you feel they told.

If you think I need to point out the lies of O'Reilly and Limbaugh, I just have to ask what planet you've been living on.
Could you name a few? And don't forget the documentation.

Some 20 years on, and you haven't figured it out?

Could you name a few? And don't forget the documentation.

Some 20 years on, and you haven't figured it out?

If there are 20 years worth of them, it should be a piece of cake to list about a dozen. I'll wait.

Since it's been at least twenty years, why should I repeat what you should already know? Are you this out of touch?

You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?

Or that he said "nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married, not a single person."

Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?

Does any of this ring a bell?

How about O'Really?

Like when he said that no Republicans had been invited to speak at the March on Washington OFA rally.

Like when he said he never criticized Social Security, but actually did.

Like when he claimed that environmental movement "absolutely did" contribute to the BP oil spill disaster.

Shall I continue, or is any of this coming back to you?
Some 20 years on, and you haven't figured it out?

If there are 20 years worth of them, it should be a piece of cake to list about a dozen. I'll wait.

Since it's been at least twenty years, why should I repeat what you should already know? Are you this out of touch?

You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?

Or that he said "nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married, not a single person."

Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?

Does any of this ring a bell?

How about O'Really?

Like when he said that no Republicans had been invited to speak at the March on Washington OFA rally.

Like when he said he never criticized Social Security, but actually did.

Like when he claimed that environmental movement "absolutely did" contribute to the BP oil spill disaster.

Shall I continue, or is any of this coming back to you?
Just what I thought, no documentation, just bullshit.
In the new Obama America; black skin is the only prerequisite for receiving a Presidential award or medal. . :doubt:
Used to be a time when "All politics stopped at the waters edge", here, gramps, you gotta remember that, from the time of the gunboat Panay sinking and the Reuben James.

But a funny thing happened on the way from then to here, the Communist Party usurped, then seized control of the Democratic Party, due to the loss by assassination of a Democratic President, over the course of two election cycles, 1968 and 1972. Remember all those Commie thugs runnin loose in the film clips from the Chicago convention? Shoulda shot em then, but we didn't. And of course, the Commies were, and still are, notoriously anti American in their beliefs and attitudes. We've had an unending stream of vile anti American Commie candidates running on the democratic Party label since then, present president included.

"A man with a rifle can change history" Lee Harvey oswald

And he did, he did. Barack Obama would not be president today, had he lived.
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Some 20 years on, and you haven't figured it out?

If there are 20 years worth of them, it should be a piece of cake to list about a dozen. I'll wait.

Since it's been at least twenty years, why should I repeat what you should already know? Are you this out of touch?

You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?

Or that he said "nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married, not a single person."

Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?

Does any of this ring a bell?

How about O'Really?

Like when he said that no Republicans had been invited to speak at the March on Washington OFA rally.

Like when he said he never criticized Social Security, but actually did.

Like when he claimed that environmental movement "absolutely did" contribute to the BP oil spill disaster.

Shall I continue, or is any of this coming back to you?

"You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?"
Why is that a lie?
Evan Thomas who said:
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
Is that a LIE???

"Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?"
Political Spending by Unions Far Exceeds Direct Donations

Despite representing just 5 percent of the nation’s workforce, the 1.6 million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) has contributed an astounding $87.5 million to help Democrats in hotly contested midterm races, according to campaign records.

Union Dues Funnel Millions in Tax Dollars to Democrats, Critics Say
If there are 20 years worth of them, it should be a piece of cake to list about a dozen. I'll wait.

Since it's been at least twenty years, why should I repeat what you should already know? Are you this out of touch?

You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?

Or that he said "nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married, not a single person."

Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?

Does any of this ring a bell?

How about O'Really?

Like when he said that no Republicans had been invited to speak at the March on Washington OFA rally.

Like when he said he never criticized Social Security, but actually did.

Like when he claimed that environmental movement "absolutely did" contribute to the BP oil spill disaster.

Shall I continue, or is any of this coming back to you?
Just what I thought, no documentation, just bullshit.

What do you want, a picture of Rush's mouth? Of O'Really's woopie cushion?

Here. Try this for size:

Did you forget to post the link?

No, im just too drunk to look it up.

Apparently I just need to die...

You must have Republican Health Care.

I watched some right winger on TV talk about Oprah never having experience racism. A middle aged black woman born and raised in rural Mississippi who never experienced racism. Hilarious.

And you must be a black leftist like the one in my signature.
She has the right to free speech. It is undeniable that Oprah is a charitable person who has helped a lot of people. I need no evidence other than her show. Just some of the gifts she gave out are crazy generous. Despite her roots in racist areas she was able to become successful, no matter how she did it.

Do I agree with her? No. But her acts of charity are deserving of reward.

Her charity is good, her racism is bad. Too bad she never outgrew her racism.

Her 'charity' is very selective! It definitely illustrates her racist inclination.
She has the right to free speech. It is undeniable that Oprah is a charitable person who has helped a lot of people. I need no evidence other than her show. Just some of the gifts she gave out are crazy generous. Despite her roots in racist areas she was able to become successful, no matter how she did it.

Do I agree with her? No. But her acts of charity are deserving of reward.

Not to mention what she managed to rise above.

Like her or not, she is an incredible pretense in our country and yes, she has done enormous good.

She's a role model for all people, black or white, male or female. And, I'm not even a big fan.

That she is.

She is the perfect 'greedy conservative' role model, as you would see it if she were white.
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WTF kind of twisted reality is this. Old people need to die and Obama did x. Then she gets a fucking medal?


Well, they have chosen their color (purple). So is this their call to arms? Have the killings begun? Or will they soon?

IMO, Oprah is inciting violence against whites. She needs to be bitch slapped back to Africa.
WTF kind of twisted reality is this. Old people need to die and Obama did x. Then she gets a fucking medal?


What? Americans can't handle criticism? Conservatives can rag on America 24/7, but liberal rich black women can't?

When did Limbaugh or OReilly get a medal of freedom only a few days after bitching about Americans with a broad paint brush?

Yeah, When did Limbaugh or Oreilly get a medal only days after bitching about America on a Tuesday in November when it was mid 50's in the year 2013 at a quarter after 2pm?
Since it's been at least twenty years, why should I repeat what you should already know? Are you this out of touch?

You don't recall Rush saying that he has "talent on loan from God."?

Or that he said "nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married, not a single person."

Or when he claimed that "95% of all deductions in union dues go to Democrats"?

Does any of this ring a bell?

How about O'Really?

Like when he said that no Republicans had been invited to speak at the March on Washington OFA rally.

Like when he said he never criticized Social Security, but actually did.

Like when he claimed that environmental movement "absolutely did" contribute to the BP oil spill disaster.

Shall I continue, or is any of this coming back to you?

Just what I thought, no documentation, just bullshit.

What do you want, a picture of Rush's mouth? Of O'Really's woopie cushion?

Here. Try this for size:


Ok ill concede your point that they have stated things that aren't factual. My counterpoint was not that I support everything they say, but that you only raise one side of the story. They're far from the only people in the limelight that lie. If you're on a crusade against liars at least point out other people that are giving out false information. Not just the ones you disagree with.

Also thank you for ceasing the cry of racism.

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