Oprah sounded like Morpheous from the Matrix during her speech.

No. Oprah is basically a nasty person used to playing the race card to get her way.

She was shopping in some foreign country without wig or makeup. Oprah was looking at a $35,000 hand bag. A saleswoman showed her a cheaper one. Shrieking do you know who I am, Oprah demanded that this racist be fired for not recognizing her.

So demanding you be treated with dignity is "playing the race card?"
There's a BIG difference between "demanding" you be treated with dignity and shrieking like some demented harridan.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
She wants old white people to die.

Psst...that’s you gramps.
So I've heard. Doesn't change the op even if true. She is a remarkable woman who is the perfect example of the American dream.
Do I think she should be president? Nope. Just like I was against Trump before the election.
I agree that she has made much of herself. Did she use rules she did not make to do so, definitely. She is one savvy woman, no doubt about that. But to equate herself with the poor and suffering is disingenuous in the extreme. At least she does some good with her millions, i.e. girls schools in Africa.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama wasn't qualified to flip burgers, let alone be President. His only qualification was he was "black", and that is really a questionable claim because his mammy was lily white.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Umm no.

Glad we could clear that up.
You didn’t clear shit up if you think Obama wasn’t qualified
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama wasn't qualified to flip burgers, let alone be President. His only qualification was he was "black", and that is really a questionable claim because his mammy was lily white.
Ok racist dipshit
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama wasn't qualified to flip burgers, let alone be President. His only qualification was he was "black", and that is really a questionable claim because his mammy was lily white.
Ok racist dipshit

Thanks for the label. Your flap-eared, liver-lipped savior achieved his Manchurian candidate status by virtue of persons who voted for him 'cause he was "black", like dem.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama wasn't qualified to flip burgers, let alone be President. His only qualification was he was "black", and that is really a questionable claim because his mammy was lily white.
Ok racist dipshit

Thanks for the label. Your flap-eared, liver-lipped savior achieved his Manchurian candidate status by virtue of persons who voted for him 'cause he was "black", like dem.
He’s not my savior, and I’m not a Democrat. But you are an idiot. Thanks for playing, asshole :fu:
The speech was pathetic. Liberals are pathetic. Victim victim victim....its all they know.

She is a bass.

When is she going to come out of the closet?
The speech was pathetic. Liberals are pathetic. Victim victim victim....its all they know.

She is a bass.

When is she going to come out of the closet?
i think the only spieces known to man that was inspired to the extent of having a thrill up their thighs were tazmainian devils and donkeys
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.

Can't imagine why.

On the other hand, I had trouble understanding why people were so damned enthused about Trump as a candidate, so . . .
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.

Can't imagine why.

On the other hand, I had trouble understanding why people were so damned enthused about Trump as a candidate, so . . .
Trump was just plain fun as a candidate.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
The only problem with her is the same with Obama.

They hates them some whitey too much.

She's a bigoted Racist, but then again, all Democrats are so it's to be expected.

Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.

Can't imagine why.

On the other hand, I had trouble understanding why people were so damned enthused about Trump as a candidate, so . . .
Trump was just plain fun as a candidate.

I disagree; furthermore, I don't look for "fun" in a candidate to run the country and be leader of the free world.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
She wants old white people to die.

Psst...that’s you gramps.
So I've heard. Doesn't change the op even if true. She is a remarkable woman who is the perfect example of the American dream.
Do I think she should be president? Nope. Just like I was against Trump before the election.
There is no “if”.

She said it.

She's talking about racists. I am not a racist so no, she isn't talking about me. An extreme statement but not difficult to understand if you consider how blacks were treated when she was a young girl.

She is a racist herself.

I don’t give a damn what things were like 50 years ago.

America isn’t even the same country it was 30 years ago.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama was a state senator for a short time and literally used his US Senate seat to run for President shortly after he was elected.

Trump has been a successful businessman for decades after his father was long since buried.
Was a pretty good & inspiring speech for young girls/women.

She is a woman to be admired unlike Hillary the bitch.
I do believe if she were to run she would beat Trump. Possibly quite handily.
Do you think she is qualified to be president?
Nope. Neither was Trump or Obama.
Besides being a lawyer familiar with constitutional law, Obama was also a state senator and a US senator. You can call that unqualified if you’d like, but compared to Trump (rich daddy’s boy, failed businessman and tacky reality star), Obama is over qualified
Obama was a state senator for a short time and literally used his US Senate seat to run for President shortly after he was elected.

Trump has been a successful businessman for decades after his father was long since buried.

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