OR Gov. Order to Send Deputies to Portland Refused by Sheriffs


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Sheriffs cite lack of political support by local Portland politburo:

Despite Gov. Kate Brown's announcement on Sunday that three neighboring law enforcement jurisdictions and Oregon State Police would help the Portland Police Bureau respond to the protests, the Clackamas County and Washington County Sheriff's Offices said Monday they will not send deputies due to what they said were policy disagreements and a lack of political support from Portland officials for law enforcement.

Am I the only one who thinks it really odd how long all these insurrections have been allowed to go on?

I know there've been a few token deployments......but for all intents and purposes,
even the Feral Government has not stood in the way of these riots. Seriously?
Mobs burning down cities and the Feral government is silent? That's collusion. Seriously no one else sees it???
Are we so enamored with Trump that we are blind to reality?

Tell ya what, wait'll Real Patriots start to get involved....THEN you'll see the Feral government take a very harsh stand.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?
Am I the only one who thinks it really odd how long all these insurrections have been allowed to go on?

I know there've been a few token deployments......but for all intents and purposes,
even the Feral Government has not stood in the way of these riots. Seriously?
Mobs burning down cities and the Feral government is silent? That's collusion. Seriously no one else sees it???
Are we so enamored with Trump that we are blind to reality?

Tell ya what, wait'll Real Patriots start to get involved....THEN you'll see the Feral government take a very harsh stand.
Trump has intervened when called to. The People's Republic of Oregon has thus far failed to summon federal support.
....what do they think they will get by protesting?? unless you get rid of all police, and/or tell police to stop even looking at blacks/don't arrest blacks, there are going to be problems--blacks commit crimes at high rates and are violent resisting jackasses
This goes to show that Democrats are even incapable of cooperating with each other to keep their constituents safe. How the hell do the D party think they can rule when they're trying so hard to be anarchists? MAGA
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

They want him to just send in the feds without their request so they can point to him as being fascist.

Clearly it's been politics all the time for awhile, far worse now just 2 months away from an election. Trump offered them support, it's up to them to accept it. Citizens and business owners in these locations aren't stupid, they know that Trump has offered assistance. So, the blame for any rioting is squarely on the mayors, who are trying to bait Trump.

It's not hurting Trump politically. If he sends in the feds who his opponents have called all sorts of names, from Stormtroopers to the Gestapo, who does it hurt? Trump, most definitely. It's easy to say "hey, you just have to protect people", not when they aren't wanted, won't be supported locally, and, when it costs a president an election.

He was prudent, "take our offer of assistance". If they don't, it's on them. Even local law enforcement don't want anything to do with it, so it seems these leaders are going to have to take Trumps offer, or there will be political consequences as they estimated beforehand...but THEY will be paying the cost, not Trump.
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Can't say I blame them
Sheriffs cite lack of political support by local Portland politburo:

Despite Gov. Kate Brown's announcement on Sunday that three neighboring law enforcement jurisdictions and Oregon State Police would help the Portland Police Bureau respond to the protests, the Clackamas County and Washington County Sheriff's Offices said Monday they will not send deputies due to what they said were policy disagreements and a lack of political support from Portland officials for law enforcement.

Can't say I blame them. The numb nuts in Portland would throw them under the bus to save their own asses.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?
He cannot by law and constitution interfere. he did once because they were attacking federal buildings. he left when done.

these people voted in this gov. they need to vote it out.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.
The riots DO help him. Who wants to vote in the democrats behind this mass destruction? You idiots cant even figure out how to protest in a manner acceptable to the public. No one wants you retards in charge.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.
The riots DO help him. Who wants to vote in the democrats behind this mass destruction? You idiots cant even figure out how to protest in a manner acceptable to the public. No one wants you retards in charge.

LOL, There is no acceptable manner to many.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.

The rioting happened under Obama also. It will continue no matter which candidate wins because neither are going to address the problem.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

They want him to just send in the feds without their request so they can point to him as being fascist.

Clearly it's been politics all the time for awhile, far worse now just 2 months away from an election. Trump offered them support, it's up to them to accept it. Citizens and business owners in these locations aren't stupid, they know that Trump has offered assistance. So, the blame for any rioting is squarely on the mayors, who are trying to bait Trump.

It's not hurting Trump politically. If he sends in the feds who his opponents have called all sorts of names, from Stormtroopers to the Gestapo, who does it hurt? Trump, most definitely. It's easy to say "hey, you just have to protect people", not when they aren't wanted, won't be supported locally, and, when it costs a president an election.

He was prudent, "take our offer of assistance". If they don't, it's on them. Even local law enforcement don't want anything to do with it, so it seems these leaders are going to have to take Trumps offer, or there will be political consequences as they estimated beforehand...but THEY will be paying the cost, not Trump.

They sure will. Everyone in the country knows the mayors of those cities told their police forces to stand down. Then they sat and watched looters and rioters destroy their cities.

Trump asked them if they wanted support and was told no. By law he doesn't control what happens in cities. That's the responsibility of the mayor of that city and the Governor of that State.

Trump comes out looking good and Dems come out looking like imbeciles.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.

The rioting happened under Obama also. It will continue no matter which candidate wins because neither are going to address the problem.

Jeeze. No President, Trump included, can take action in any of the cities.

Only the Mayor of that city or the Governor of that State can take action. He can offer aid, which he has done, and they refused it. Its up to them to quell the rioting and looting.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.

The rioting happened under Obama also. It will continue no matter which candidate wins because neither are going to address the problem.

Jeeze. No President, Trump included, can take action in any of the cities.

Then why does Trump continue to claim he can?

Only the Mayor of that city or the Governor of that State can take action. He can offer aid, which he has done, and they refused it. Its up to them to quell the rioting and looting.

Which all applies to what I said, how? This is NOT just about a police response. It's about addressing the issues people are protesting over.
Sheriffs cite lack of political support by local Portland politburo:

Despite Gov. Kate Brown's announcement on Sunday that three neighboring law enforcement jurisdictions and Oregon State Police would help the Portland Police Bureau respond to the protests, the Clackamas County and Washington County Sheriff's Offices said Monday they will not send deputies due to what they said were policy disagreements and a lack of political support from Portland officials for law enforcement.

Even their fellow Libturds see the mental retardation of Portland.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.

The rioting happened under Obama also. It will continue no matter which candidate wins because neither are going to address the problem.

If thats your take why are dems placing the blame on Trump?
Seems to me this about a fascist take over when you consider BLM admitted they were fascist and we all know antifa is the face of fascism.
Yes, I see it. I wonder why this has been allowed to continue. Trump keeps saying they only have to ask, but I wonder. He is POTUS. We are being attacked by domestic terrorists and nothing is being done. NOTHING. And don't tell me he can't. He is POTUS. CIC. Yet he still does nothing. Does he want to make them to plead on bended knees to HIM before he will act on behalf of the citizens?

Trump believes the riots help him and really to Trump that is all that matters. With Trump everything is about Trump.

Of course they help him.
Which makes it really odd that the dems wont stop their brownshirts.
At this point I believe they're trying to use intimidation tactics,in other words the rioting will continue if you dont vote dem.
And with dems saying as much it seems pretty clear thats the tactic they're going with,stupid as it may be.

The rioting happened under Obama also. It will continue no matter which candidate wins because neither are going to address the problem.

If thats your take why are dems placing the blame on Trump?

Make no mistake, Trump is making it worse but he is hardly the reason for it. It's been building for years.

Seems to me this about a fascist take over when you consider BLM admitted they were fascist and we all know antifa is the face of fascism.

They aren't the ones begging for a police state.

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