Or, It’s Just Putin’s Way Of Thumbing His Nose At The Big Orange Head...Again


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin has shown his complete absence of respect for the Big Orange Head on many occasions.

The article at the link below, describes what is likely another instance of this.

The author attempts to put a spin on the intercept of a B-52 by a single Russian SU-27 jet fighter that would have the incident be proof Putin’s air force is much inferior to that of the United States.

The author states, “Jet fighters never, ever, fly solo. They always operate in pairs. It is a fundamental element of air combat—or being prepared for air combat. No modern and capable military force violates this cardinal rule if at all possible.”

What he assumes is the intercept was a serious action. But it is more believable that Putin understands just how much a coward the Big Orange Head truly is. Putin knows Big Orange will stand still for actions against the U.S. that would have forced other U.S. leaders to confront him, possibly in a face-to-face meeting.

In the past, had a nation openly hostile to the .U.S. challenged a B-52 in neutral airspace, presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama would have taken a defensive stance immediately.

But this is NOT how Big Orange reacts. He, hides in the White House and launches another Twitter attack on Kathy Griffin, or some other “dangerous” foe. That is, if he does anything at all.

No, despite the wishes of the author, there was no true military intent by Putin when he sent a single fighter to intercept an American B-52 on a routine mission. Putin just wanted to thumb his nose at the cowardly Big Orange Head...again.

What Does the Intercept of a U.S. B-52 Bomber Tell Us About Russia?



How do you know Trump didn't call Putin and tell him to "cut it out"? :lol:
Remember when the cheeto said that he would bomb the ship because a sailor flipped the bird at our ship? The fool would actually start a world war over a gesture and he has said many other very reckless things along the same line. He's a child without impulse control, he throws tantrums and has said he would go after anyone he feels spoke badly of him.

Except if its Russia, China, Saudi Arabia. And now he has also sucked up to murderer Duterte because he's building a hotel in Manila. AKA, pay for play.

Those countries, especially the source of his money, know they can do anything and trump will applaud it.

I never thought I'd see the day that our president and his followers were so completely owned by Russia. Less than 6 months in and he has seriously weakened the US's position in the world and its going to get a lot worse.

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