Order of Friendship


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

The Order of Friendship

It was given to the man who President Elect Trump is considering for his Secretary of State

While I’m dubious of any suggestion of a conflict of interest

When it comes to Mr. Tillerson’s business holdings…

Perhaps we should treat our adversaries a bit more cautiously than this; especially when
Mr. Tillerson has zero diplomatic experience?

Order of Friendship - Wikipedia
"The Order of Friendship is awarded to Russian and foreign nationals for special merit in strengthening peace, friendship, cooperation and understanding between nations, for fruitful work on the convergence and mutual enrichment of cultures of nations and peoples; for the active conservation, development and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage of Russia; for great contribution to the implementation of joint ventures with the Russian Federation, major economic projects and attracting investments into the economy of the Russian Federation; for broad charitable activities.[5]"

Sounds sinister to me

The Order of Friendship

It was given to the man who President Elect Trump is considering for his Secretary of State

While I’m dubious of any suggestion of a conflict of interest

When it comes to Mr. Tillerson’s business holdings…

Perhaps we should treat our adversaries a bit more cautiously than this; especially when
Mr. Tillerson has zero diplomatic experience?

Tillerson has extensive successful diplomatic experience from his years of creating and running Exxon-Mobil, unlike Clinton and Kerry who had zero diplomatic experience. Tillerson has both a personal friendship and an excellent working relationship with Putin that came as a result of negotiating agreements with Russia that benefited both Exxon-Mobil and Russia, and there is every reason to think this can be of value to the US in seeking to resolve issues between the US and Russia.
everything i have seen on Tillerson plus the TRUMP liking him tells me that Tillerson is ok . Plus i have heard that this Sec of State position is a 2 person deal that has John Bolton as part of the Tillerson / Bolton team . And John Bolton is a heckuva good guy . I especially like and trust John Bolton while i know little of Tillerson who is described by TRUMP as a business man Candy !!
everything i have seen on Tillerson plus the TRUMP liking him tells me that Tillerson is ok . Plus i have heard that this Sec of State position is a 2 person deal that has John Bolton as part of the Tillerson / Bolton team . And John Bolton is a heckuva good guy . I especially like and trust John Bolton while i know little of Tillerson who is described by TRUMP as a business man Candy !!
I don't see how any of it is a problem, really. Sure, it could make one think but anything else is hackery.
I don't like the guy as he supports carbon credits and common core. But for this? Could be a good move.
IDK but I don't trust Exxon. But maybe this guy will be legit...
And to be honest, for all we know, he could appoint Winnie the Pooh. He hasn't said anything about it.
another good thing is that juan McCain , Lindsey graham and jeff flake don't like Tillerson .
Obama just gave the 'Medal of Freedom' to different people because they 'made him who he was'. Your point is? Some of Obama's Cabinet members didn't even have so much as a 'Participation Trophy'.

I understand your skepticism and concern - I do because I share some of them. I suggest what I am doing: Researching as much as I can and then wait and seeing how they work out. If the picks start 'turning south' justifiable and appropriately criticize and condemn them.
We don't want career politicians in positions like that… Fact
everything i have seen on Tillerson plus the TRUMP liking him tells me that Tillerson is ok . Plus i have heard that this Sec of State position is a 2 person deal that has John Bolton as part of the Tillerson / Bolton team . And John Bolton is a heckuva good guy . I especially like and trust John Bolton while i know little of Tillerson who is described by TRUMP as a business man Candy !!
John Bolton is a raging neoconservative and you have absolutely no common sense. Trump can't nominate Bolton to the top spot at the State Dept. because it would cause an uproar, so instead he is going to try to slide him in at number 2 to run things behind the scenes and let this other guy be the face of the State Dept. Please don't tell me you are going to accept this shit.
Obama just gave the 'Medal of Freedom' to different people because they 'made him who he was'. Your point is? Some of Obama's Cabinet members didn't even have so much as a 'Participation Trophy'.

I understand your skepticism and concern - I do because I share some of them. I suggest what I am doing: Researching as much as I can and then wait and seeing how they work out. If the picks start 'turning south' justifiable and appropriately criticize and condemn them.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that that's an excellent point , mrobama gives awards to lefty people , many of which would be considered lefty enemies to the USA . Who were they , probably lefties , hip hoppers , blm , singers , dancers , sports stars and other very unserious and unworthy type people Easy . [imo]
I like John Bolton , he is an American with American attitude , style and opinions and your dislike for him made me like BOLTON even more Tehon . Tillerson knows business and business people all around the world and Bolton knows the same people and knows how to slap them around if they need slapping around . If you are correct about the TRUMP and his Bolton tactic , well the TRUMP is a pretty smart guy ehh Tehon ??
The oil CEO is a better choice than any of Trump's other choices except for the former Utah gov.

Trump likes businessmen and generals though.

Not sure why he wasted Romney's time at all.

Everyone still hates Romney.
candycorn you must be a high ranking Trump staffer, I am guessing.

You have been right all along about the election -- my hat is off to you about that.
Trump mighta just been messing with 'mitt' , I know that I would mess with mitt the pwick . The final decision is up to TRUMP and if I were Trump i'd tell 'mitt' to his face that I don't hire those that I know I will end up firing . That being said , hey , mitt may be the guy that gets the job Yiostheoy .
candycorn you must be a high ranking Trump staffer, I am guessing.

You have been right all along about the election -- my hat is off to you about that.
---------------------------------------- Candy is a government employee and wants the pay or retirement checks to keep rolling in !!
I like John Bolton , he is an American with American attitude , style and opinions and your dislike for him made me like BOLTON even more Tehon . Tillerson knows business and business people all around the world and Bolton knows the same people and knows how to slap them around if they need slapping around . If you are correct about the TRUMP and his Bolton tactic , well the TRUMP is a pretty smart guy ehh Tehon ??
Not really, no. If you think that makes Trump look smart you must think Obama is a genius. You are a lost cause.

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