Oregon imposes gag order on Christian bakers in gay wedding case

Are you my EX wife? I ask because you sound like a real harpy.
If your ex-wife is even close to how smart I am it explains why you are divorced...

Frankly I'm surprised you can operate a computer or tie your shoe laces.
Calling bullshit on your politics and opinions takes very little effort. You think like a moron.
Poor Blues had to wear a rainbow flag I assigned him as his avatar for a month because of his idiocy.

That was fun. :D

It happened not once, but twice. lol
whats wrong with wearing a rainbow flag?

Except he's a flaming anti-gay bigot.
Press release from the OR Bureau of Labor: http://www.oregon.gov/boli/SiteAssets/pages/press/7_2_15 BOLI rules on Sweet Cakes discrimination case.pdf It notes in there what the judgment was based on and cites two prior cases where a Christian was discriminated against and awarded 325,000. Also a BK shop that discriminated based on race.

Press release, two wrongs don't make a right.
Yabbut, two righties usually make a wrong.

Don't quit your day job...oh wait that one doesn't work on you libs.
I've owned my own business for nearly 30 years, chum.

I'll tell you this too --> I'd never hire your BK ass.

You keep on workin' that fryolator, boy. Someday you even might make it cashier!

Obama told me you didn't build that.
If your ex-wife is even close to how smart I am it explains why you are divorced...

Frankly I'm surprised you can operate a computer or tie your shoe laces.
Calling bullshit on your politics and opinions takes very little effort. You think like a moron.
Poor Blues had to wear a rainbow flag I assigned him as his avatar for a month because of his idiocy.

That was fun. :D

It happened not once, but twice. lol
whats wrong with wearing a rainbow flag?

Except he's a flaming anti-gay bigot.

Boo hoo someone on the internet doesn't agree with you:crybaby:
And now I will pull a stephanie:

Is it your state? why do you care , its none of your business

Whaddya mean, "None of your business?" It's everybody's business. How does a Commisioner of Labor impose a gag order on someone? The bakery owner needs to confront that socialist son of a bitch with a baseball bat and break some knees.

I'm of the belief that should happen to all liberals...

Ah I love the Proud Christian Americans who advocate and hope for millions of Americans to have their knees broken.

Nothing promotes Jesus like hoping people get their knees broken

I think that was Jesus's third greatest commandment.....
The law is the law, like it or not...
Fascinating they still didn't break it. The politician himself says WHY he claims they broke it which is completely wrong of what both the normal cake makers have said and the mentally ill carpet munchers said happened.
They are welcome to take that as well to court but truthfully, after having to pay up, they need to learn to follow the laws for now.
They won't be paying up and They are appealing this hopefully all way to supreme court :)
And they will lose. The SC has already rejected such things, even before last week. Bake the cake, or be put out of business...
They already closed. So we can thank faggots and carpet munchers for 2 more people on the government dole. :) Bet your kind is proud the blame is squarely on your shoulders. The cake makers should move to a friendlier less totalitarian fascist state that wants their business.

If they are on the government 'dole' then they are probably breaking the law also- since the couple is now selling their product out of their home?

Are you saying that the couple are welfare cheats too?
They did NOT discriminate based on sex,race,sexual orientation,disability etc.
Yes, they did, which is against the law.
Nope they didn't. Again even the mentally ill faggots said they didn't. ONLY the political hack said they did and he is lying. I bet they served faggots before and could not have cared less...big difference in serving a faggot and making a cake for a faggots wedding.

Speaking of mentally ill........you seem to be off of your meds.
Violate the order. Take this one to the supreme court.

Have others speak on the same subject no names mentioned.

I would like to know what the court's alleged legal basis for the gag order is. They don't get to tell people to shut up just because they don't like hearing them talk.
No they do not and that is why I figured that the 'source' was blatantly incorrect in its charge.

I see another poster already brought up the relevant points though. There never was a gag order to begin with as far as I can tell.
The ACLU has already come out with a blanket statement, that it will not sue on behalf of Christians.


Or your imagination?
I would assume that he was referring to this:
ACLU We Can No Longer Support Federal Religious Freedom Law - Breitbart
Obviously this is not 'will not sue on behalf of Christians' but rather a will not sue on behalf of Christians against public accommodation against gays.

It is also something I would expect of the ACLU given how it views constitutional rights.
And now I will pull a stephanie:

Is it your state? why do you care , its none of your business

Whaddya mean, "None of your business?" It's everybody's business. How does a Commisioner of Labor impose a gag order on someone? The bakery owner needs to confront that socialist son of a bitch with a baseball bat and break some knees.

I'm of the belief that should happen to all liberals...

Ah I love the Proud Christian Americans who advocate and hope for millions of Americans to have their knees broken.

Nothing promotes Jesus like hoping people get their knees broken

I think that was Jesus's third greatest commandment.....
I ain't no Jesus freak. Syriusly.
And now I will pull a stephanie:

Is it your state? why do you care , its none of your business

Whaddya mean, "None of your business?" It's everybody's business. How does a Commisioner of Labor impose a gag order on someone? The bakery owner needs to confront that socialist son of a bitch with a baseball bat and break some knees.

I'm of the belief that should happen to all liberals...

Ah I love the Proud Christian Americans who advocate and hope for millions of Americans to have their knees broken.

Nothing promotes Jesus like hoping people get their knees broken

I think that was Jesus's third greatest commandment.....
I ain't no Jesus freak. Syriusly.

I was speaking to the poster who is a Jesus freak.
All things considered, I suspect that they would have been better off baking and selling the cake.....

That's liberals for you, OBEY or be destroyed.

I would call it common sense. On one side, pay $135,000, break the law, and lose my business. On the other side, bake and sell a cake.

Decisions, decisions.....

How about I decide to stay true to my faith. Who are you to take away that right? As long as there is a gay baker and a gay florist willing to provide cakes and flowers and rainbows, why insist that a person of faith, set their faith aside or be punished?
How about I decide to stay true to my faith. Who are you to take away that right? As long as there is a gay baker and a gay florist willing to provide cakes and flowers and rainbows, why insist that a person of faith, set their faith aside or be punished?

Because for a great multitude of gay activists, this whole thing is not about getting married at all, but rather a shoehorn to get adoptable orphans and to force Christians to abdicate their faith...and the religion itself altogether eventually...

...Because activists have read the Bible and they refuse to allow the concept of "having sex with another dude's anus is forbidden" continue to exist in the same universe they live in. How will kids learn sex with another man's anus is "OK, normal, fine" if there's people around saying and teaching that it isn't?....No, since they cannot reproduce, for the gay men anyway, it's "do or die"...and Christianity is what they've decided "has to die".. They see it, and logically-so, as a hated-barrier to their end game. Pun intended.

So, long story short, literally in order for their gay male culture to live, Christianity HAS to die.
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If it was a lawsuit, then the defendants are entitled to a jury trial.

I know, this one is destined for the SCOTUS.
The SC has already rejected such things. Obey the law, shut up and bake the cake.

Are you my EX wife? I ask because you sound like a real harpy.
If your ex-wife is even close to how smart I am it explains why you are divorced...

Frankly I'm surprised you can operate a computer or tie your shoe laces.
im surprised you dont go into a panic because you forget how to breathe.
The specific order reads: “The Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries hereby orders [Aaron and Melissa Klein] to cease and desist from publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation.”


It always raises my eyebrows when I look up a story, like what was quoted here that was "the gag order" - and can only find it on circle-jerking right wing sites passing it around like gumballs.

I see much of it traces back the RWNJ's @ the Daily Signal.

Well, I went to find a legit source - a only then could I read the actual Final Order, which is here: http://www.oregon.gov/boli/SiteAssets/pages/press/Sweet Cakes FO.pdf

It's 122 pages long. Yow.

Soes... I'm looking for this "gag order" -- and I come across page 30, which brings up

this Oregon LAW:
"...it is an unlawful practice for any person acting on behalf of any place of public accommodation as defined in ORS 659A.400 (Place of public accommodation defined) to publish, circulate, issue or display, or cause to be published, circulated, issued or displayed, any communication, notice, advertisement or sign of any kind to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, services or privileges of the place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination will be made against, any person on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older. [Formerly 659.037; 2003 c.521 §3; 2005 c.131 §2; 2007 c.100 §7]

ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

It notes in the Final Order the Kleins are free to speak their minds and express their opinion all they want -- and even place the emphasis by underlining "on behalf" (of the business.).

From the Order:

"it does not cover expressions of personal opinion, political commentary, or other privileged communications unrelated to...the public accommodation."

So, what CONNIE dishrags are calling a GAG ORDER -- is actually Oregon Law that applies to all people who own public accommodations - and it dates back to a case 30 years ago where someone put up a sign saying "NO SHIRTS, SHOES, SERVICE, *******." (n-word)

The open to the public businesses in OR can't put up a sign or advertise : "we discriminate" basically - Just as the law is titled:

Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

But that's really not a problem for the Klein's now, is it? They don't have a place of public accommodation anymore do they?

Don't like it? Change the law.

So, again, RWNJ's are playing the poor poor pityme dance, once again.

Boo Hoo.

I noticed how the dingbats ignored this posting, so here's a bump for ya! :p

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