Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives

At least 12 times they have. Can't win them all



A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama administration. 13 if you count yesterday’s McCullen vs. Coakley which held Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones illegal (Obama was on losing side but Massachusetts AG was primary litigant). Whether it’s 12 or 13, it’s an abysmal record and a frightening demonstration of the president’s animosity for the American constitutional republic.

A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives
We have republicans on the Supreme Court your confusing the two... They could not be more opposite.
These RW conservative so-called Christians should be blessing Obama if they feel persecuted by his policies.

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."
Romans 12:14

I pray everyday for my country, not the homo epic failure destroying it

How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.
Oregon didn't vote for Obama. Citified, elitist urbanites did. And the rest of us suffer.
Why do you hate democracy?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol
These RW conservative so-called Christians should be blessing Obama if they feel persecuted by his policies.

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."
Romans 12:14

I pray everyday for my country, not the homo epic failure destroying it

How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess


Hearing a sermon from RWer's is like hearing a sermon from your drunk uncle. lol
If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives

At least 12 times they have. Can't win them all



A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama administration. 13 if you count yesterday’s McCullen vs. Coakley which held Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones illegal (Obama was on losing side but Massachusetts AG was primary litigant). Whether it’s 12 or 13, it’s an abysmal record and a frightening demonstration of the president’s animosity for the American constitutional republic.

A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama

Interesting....which of these 12 would you consider significant?

On Obamas side we have Obamacare (twice), DOMA

What do you have?
Why do you hate democracy?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges
One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives

At least 12 times they have. Can't win them all



A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama administration. 13 if you count yesterday’s McCullen vs. Coakley which held Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones illegal (Obama was on losing side but Massachusetts AG was primary litigant). Whether it’s 12 or 13, it’s an abysmal record and a frightening demonstration of the president’s animosity for the American constitutional republic.

A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama

Interesting....which of these 12 would you consider significant?

On Obamas side we have Obamacare (twice), DOMA

What do you have?

NONE... They were ruled Un-Constitutional.

More concerning is the record number of cases requiring higher review

That points to a lawless POTUS

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system

Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives

At least 12 times they have. Can't win them all



A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama administration. 13 if you count yesterday’s McCullen vs. Coakley which held Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones illegal (Obama was on losing side but Massachusetts AG was primary litigant). Whether it’s 12 or 13, it’s an abysmal record and a frightening demonstration of the president’s animosity for the American constitutional republic.

A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama

Interesting....which of these 12 would you consider significant?

On Obamas side we have Obamacare (twice), DOMA

What do you have?

NONE... They were ruled Un-Constitutional.

More concerning is the record number of cases requiring higher review

That points to a lawless POTUS


What was unconstitutional about them?

Show me a significant case...they seem pretty mundane to me
If I don't like the vote, I will shoot you?
That is a conservatives view of how our nation should work?

You never heard of our Bill of Rights?
Never heard of access to our judicial system?

Guns is your idea of liberty?

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in an emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me
Last edited:
No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Typical. You should have guns...but not the students in Roseburg. What a puke. Fuck off and die. Quickly.
Fire Aids?
If he can. The only worthwhile trait Old Rox has is that he's an alcoholic, which means he passes out every night fairly early, relieving the rest of us of his noxious presence.
Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives

You're half right


We have a Conservative Supreme Court...Even they do not support the extreme views of our conservatives

At least 12 times they have. Can't win them all



A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama administration. 13 if you count yesterday’s McCullen vs. Coakley which held Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zones illegal (Obama was on losing side but Massachusetts AG was primary litigant). Whether it’s 12 or 13, it’s an abysmal record and a frightening demonstration of the president’s animosity for the American constitutional republic.

A record 12 unanimous Supreme Court losses for Obama

Interesting....which of these 12 would you consider significant?

On Obamas side we have Obamacare (twice), DOMA

What do you have?

NONE... They were ruled Un-Constitutional.

More concerning is the record number of cases requiring higher review

That points to a lawless POTUS

Interesting alleged fact about the record number of cases requiring higher review. Where does it come from? Please post a link to your source. I have tried to find it at google and bing with no luck.
"David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1."

IOW, some RWnut who is already an Obama hater has simply applied his Obama hatred to this incident.

He has about as much credibility as the daft cow who authored this thread.

Which means he's still got 10 times more than you....on a bad day.


Still smarting I see. Rub some dirt on it.
One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in aan emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me
I pay the fine to IRS for myself, mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Of course I pay Obamacare for my employees it's the law of the land. All of the extra unnecessary paper work costs me hundreds of dollars more every quarter, too bad that money would be better suited to go their wages. Typical of socialist programs money going always to where it is least needed.... In the politicians pockets.
I pray everyday for my country, not the homo epic failure destroying it

How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.
Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in aan emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me
I pay the fine to IRS for myself, mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Of course I pay Obamacare for my employees it's the law of the land. All of the extra unnecessary paper work costs me hundreds of dollars more every quarter, too bad that money would be better suited to go their wages. Typical of socialist programs money going always to where it is least needed.... In the politicians pockets.

Does anyone believe this drivel?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

And then, inevitably, the REAL representatives of Roseburg weigh in:

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama

The city of Roseburg has released a statement in support of President Barack Obama’s upcoming visit to Roseburg.

“Since the announcement that President Obama may be in the Roseburg area on Friday to meet with the families that lost loved ones at Umpqua Community College, news outlets have been announcing that the president was not welcome in Roseburg,” the statement read. “These announcements have included alleged quotes from community leaders.

“... We wish to be clear that Mayor (Larry) Rich, City Council President (Tom) Ryan and the Roseburg City Council welcome the president to Roseburg and will extend him every courtesy,” the statement said.

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com

One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in aan emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me
One thing is for sure, Obama surely has never heard any of the above i.e., the Constitution and Bill of Rights


Seems the courts have been supporting our president and not the extreme views of conservatives
Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in aan emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me

Ya, forcing Obamacare on EVERYONE what a crook of SH!T... I would have been all for it if it was a choice but, everyone has to be in this socialist program by law, it's the law of the land.
So much for freedom of choice... Chipping away at or freedoms.

Embrace the suck

Nobody is forced to take Obamacare

You do have to have insurance from some source either employer, private or health exchanges

Yes you do... or pay a fine, The fine is punishment for not following the system


You are fined for not carrying insurance. You have a wide variety of choices in the insurance you take

You do NOT have a choice to show up in aan emergency room and say....I am not insured, Treat me
I pay the fine to IRS for myself, mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion. Of course I pay Obamacare for my employees it's the law of the land. All of the extra unnecessary paper work costs me hundreds of dollars more every quarter, too bad that money would be better suited to go their wages. Typical of socialist programs money going always to where it is least needed.... In the politicians pockets.

Does anyone believe this drivel?
The truth hurts, Huh?

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