Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

I pray everyday for my country, not the homo epic failure destroying it

How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.

Obama calls himself a Christian and he's not one, so what are you complaining about?
You have to love how we have a person on here who is from Oregon (Koshergirl) to fill us in on how things are there. Yet all these others on here yelping about a paper is conservative blaa blaa, as if that is SUPPOSE to mean something is trying to tell us what it's all about. that's the thing about liberalism. they just believe they KNOW IT ALL. When really they just spew up all over a thread
I am in my 40s and have never claimed ANYTHING off of insurance... I have never used it. I buy it for my vehicles because it is required by state law again I have never used it.
I have it for my employees because it is required by law but not for myself no I have no insurance of any type never will.
Of course I have zero debt, personal or business I don't have any credit cards or lines of credit... So no insurance on any of those things.

I refuse to pay insurance for me or my family...
And if one of your family members ends up with long term cancer, the taxpaying citizens get to pay the cost. Or the family member gets to die.
Employers don't pay Obamacare. They provide group insurance to their employees and cannot use the Health Exchanges. Healthcare exchanges are for those who don't have employer provided insurance

What employer would be dumb enough to provide group insurance for his employees and not take a policy for himself?

I guess Rustic is that dumb
I know, that is what I pay an accountant for. I pay out of pocket for myself... You dolt.
I refuse to be part of something I do not believe in.... It's called integrity.
These ppl have no integrity. They don't know the meaning of the words that describe decent folk. Words like honor, bravery, self reliance, truth, liberty....people who defend proggressivism don't know what those terms mean, and in fact jeer at people who embrace them.
Your entire thread and OP are based on blatant lies. One guy with a blog objected to Obama coming to Roseburg and you claim the state is doing that. Total lie. Fact, the only government agency to comment was the town itself and they give him a big welcome. You are just putting one lie on top of another.
Update: 1,900 Sign Up to Protest Obama's Visit to Roseburg, Oregon - The Gateway Pundit
So, a major effort to politicize this tragedy and turn it into an Obama bashing orgy is underway. Guess we will find out when Obama makes his visit and the reviews come in that inform everyone of how many of the family members of the murdered showed up to support the anti Obama appearance.
So you aren't going to pretend it's not happening any more. Instead you're switching to the time honored tactic of "yeah so what, you're all dumb anyway". Strategy.
All know life would so much easier without all of stupidity of the federal government...
It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives that they exploit the deaths of these children to push their "We hate Obama" agenda

Not surprising given how they have exploited the deaths of our Benghazi diplomats in an attempt to "get Hillary"

Yeah, and those Republicans even lied about some video to justify the deaths of those four Americans. How disrespectful can you get?????? Then a Republican leader flew off to Vegas only a few hours after those Americans died! I mean......really.......
I am in my 40s and have never claimed ANYTHING off of insurance... I have never used it. I buy it for my vehicles because it is required by state law again I have never used it.
I have it for my employees because it is required by law but not for myself no I have no insurance of any type never will.
Of course I have zero debt, personal or business I don't have any credit cards or lines of credit... So no insurance on any of those things.

I refuse to pay insurance for me or my family...
And if one of your family members ends up with long term cancer, the taxpaying citizens get to pay the cost. Or the family member gets to die.
Taxpaying citizens pay for your family. Not ours.
You have to love how we have a person on here who is from Oregon (Koshergirl) to fill us in on how things are there. Yet all these others on here yelping about a paper is conservative blaa blaa, as if that is SUPPOSE to mean something is trying to tell us what it's all about. that's the thing about liberalism. they just believe they KNOW IT ALL. When really they just spew up all over a thread
I am also from Oregon, and have lived in the Roseburg area, as well as Eastern Oregon. And am presently living in Portland. Koshergirl represents the willfully ignorant rednecks of Oregon, and no one else. Remember, Oregon supported President Obama's re-election by over a 12% margin.
How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.

Obama calls himself a Christian and he's not one, so what are you complaining about?

there isn't a Christian bone in that man. If there was he wouldn't want to TRANSOFRM us and our Country. how sad so many people fell for this evil uncaring thug
You are full of shit, Kosher. If you are in Eastern Oregon, you don't even pay for your roads and sewage systems. Federal tax dollars, and tax dollars from areas like Portland do that. That area is just to poor, too many low wage jobs, and too many unemployed, and unemployable. The willfully ignorant are not the most desirable employees.
You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.

Obama calls himself a Christian and he's not one, so what are you complaining about?

there isn't a Christian bone in that man. If there was he wouldn't want to TRANSOFRM us and our Country. how sad so many people fell for this evil uncaring thug
So, God has given you the right to decide who is and is not Christian? You are a hateful old hag, so why don't you 'roll'.
It's after seven, old rocks, time to hit the bottle
You have to love how we have a person on here who is from Oregon (Koshergirl) to fill us in on how things are there. Yet all these others on here yelping about a paper is conservative blaa blaa, as if that is SUPPOSE to mean something is trying to tell us what it's all about. that's the thing about liberalism. they just believe they KNOW IT ALL. When really they just spew up all over a thread
Well we have OR too...remember, he's related to ppl in Eastern Oregon, so he has an 'in' lol. His acuity starts to nosedive after 7 am though, in those hours between "start drinking" and "pass out thirty".
You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.

Obama calls himself a Christian and he's not one, so what are you complaining about?

there isn't a Christian bone in that man. If there was he wouldn't want to TRANSOFRM us and our Country. how sad so many people fell for this evil uncaring thug

Not only that, but Christians are totally against gay anything yet alone marriage, plus they are totally against abortion. Not only does DumBama believe in those things but he promoted them.
How can you pray? How can you consider yourself a Christian when you demonize and curse those who don't do as you want, whom you feel are persecuting you and destroying your country? Do you really believe your god wants to hear prayers from someone who ignores his edicts?

You need to seek God's word to become a better student of such

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess

So you are gonna sin like mad, then ask for forgiveness and embrace Christ before you die so you don't go to hell? Of course.

You do not think or behave like a Christian. That's is abundantly clear and pathetically obvious. Can you spell hypocrite?

Yes,.... in two words

Barack Obama


You can call yourself a Christian, but you aren't one. More likely the Queen of Sheba than a true Christian.

Obama calls himself a Christian and he's not one, so what are you complaining about?
And you, whose avatar is someone pointing a gun, are a Christian? And God has given you the right to decide who is and is not a Christian? You are a hateful bigot, with little to recommend your opinions on any subject.
It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives that they exploit the deaths of these children to push their "We hate Obama" agenda

Not surprising given how they have exploited the deaths of our Benghazi diplomats in an attempt to "get Hillary"
This whole thread has been about obama exploiting these and other deaths to stump for his gun agenda. You, the typical Liberal buffoon now, as usual, try to make this out fault.
Try coming up with a few new tricks. The old ones are so worn out, even your base can see through your childishness.
I am in my 40s and have never claimed ANYTHING off of insurance... I have never used it. I buy it for my vehicles because it is required by state law again I have never used it.
I have it for my employees because it is required by law but not for myself no I have no insurance of any type never will.
Of course I have zero debt, personal or business I don't have any credit cards or lines of credit... So no insurance on any of those things.

I refuse to pay insurance for me or my family...
And if one of your family members ends up with long term cancer, the taxpaying citizens get to pay the cost. Or the family member gets to die.
One has to draw the line somewhere... Enough is enough, I can and will not be a part of the rat race the federal government tries to force everyone into... It's not natural.
Insurance will not keep me and my family from getting or not getting cancer... And it certainly will not save me and my family from it... I am already dead if think I have depend on the federal government for my own security.
It's an Indian thing you would not understand
By the way buy more guns and ammo...
You are full of shit, Kosher. If you are in Eastern Oregon, you don't even pay for your roads and sewage systems. Federal tax dollars, and tax dollars from areas like Portland do that. That area is just to poor, too many low wage jobs, and too many unemployed, and unemployable. The willfully ignorant are not the most desirable employees.
Wet palmed lefties like paying for the roads, since otherwise they die trying to navigate them in priuses and on bicycles. We will happily let you keep your road money if you let us log and open our mills back up.

P.s....you're the only idiot in the world who pretends the ppl in rural Oregon are out of work for ANY reason except a federal deathgrip on our resources.
...is you.
Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?

Cite the specific "loopholes".

The private sales loopholes for starters.

There are no loopholes in private sales.
It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives that they exploit the deaths of these children to push their "We hate Obama" agenda

Not surprising given how they have exploited the deaths of our Benghazi diplomats in an attempt to "get Hillary"
This whole thread has been about obama exploiting these and other deaths to stump for his gun agenda. You, the typical Liberal buffoon now, as usual, try to make this out fault.
Try coming up with a few new tricks. The old ones are so worn out, even your base can see through your childishness.

After seven years they are still whining about some: I hate Obama people out there

He approvals shows and has showed for a long time the MAJORITY of the people in this country CAN'T stand the man, yet here they sit about how those conservatives hate Obambam. like I said I've never seen anything so pathetic.
It's after seven, old rocks, time to hit the bottle
You have to love how we have a person on here who is from Oregon (Koshergirl) to fill us in on how things are there. Yet all these others on here yelping about a paper is conservative blaa blaa, as if that is SUPPOSE to mean something is trying to tell us what it's all about. that's the thing about liberalism. they just believe they KNOW IT ALL. When really they just spew up all over a thread
Well we have OR too...remember, he's related to ppl in Eastern Oregon, so he has an 'in' lol. His acuity starts to nosedive after 7 am though, in those hours between "start drinking" and "pass out thirty".
Well, Kosher, you do not know me well enough to state that. But we know you well enough to know that no matter what President Obama does, you will find something wrong with it. Were he to not visit Roseburg, you would be among the first to cry foul. You are a hateful bigot, and a fool. Evident from your posts.

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