Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

The same thing happened here in SD a few months ago... Showed up here despite him being unwelcome.

We had to embrace the suck

Obama greets onlookers before leaving South Dakota

South Dakota girl gets wish as Obama visits state - CNNPolitics.com

Du bist ein schlechter Lügner. Fick Dich ins Knie, RWNJ.

I don't speak nazi, sorry.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't sprechen ze douche either. I put him on ignore till he speaks English.

I'm almost right behind you.
The same thing happened here in SD a few months ago... Showed up here despite him being unwelcome.

We had to embrace the suck

Obama greets onlookers before leaving South Dakota

South Dakota girl gets wish as Obama visits state - CNNPolitics.com

Du bist ein schlechter Lügner. Fick Dich ins Knie, RWNJ.

I don't speak nazi, sorry.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't sprechen ze douche either. I put him on ignore till he speaks English.

I'm almost right behind you.

Mach's doch. Du bist auch ein Vollidiot. Schade, daß Du aus Ohio kommst: Du verleihst dem Bundesstaat einen schlechten Ruf, Arschloch.
It's a disgrace that people are politicising the death of those kids to grandstand against the President.
They should be ashamed.

Right. The Democrats never politicize deaths. WTF do you think these people don't what DumBama there? Because in every other mass shooting, he used those deaths to promote his political agenda.

Did you just start following politics this week or have you had your head buried in the sand the last seven years? History has a way of repeating itself, and remember, DumBama's first address to the country on this situation was promoting his anti-gun propaganda.
His political agenda is to try to reduce the number mass shootings.
Isn't that an outrage?!

Yes it is because disarming America has nothing to do with mass shootings or anything else. It has to do with more government control and involvement. We all know there are no regulations that can stop somebody from getting a gun that wants one. There are simply too many of them and they are too easy to get. We see this in states that have the toughest gun laws in the country.

Whether you go overseas or look here in America during the Brady Bill years, statistics show there are no improvements in trying to get rid of guns. Now in Great Britain, there is a movement to make knives and swords illegal. The criminals that can't easily find guns are choosing a different tool of death.
I had to sift through hundreds of right wing echo chamber Google links to find this......buried by the morass of stupidity........but here is the factual information. Enjoy.

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com


Water is wet and dog bites man


SPAM? Explain, please.

You'll believe anything... See.... the city opens up its doors.... Like it ever had a choice

Dude, take off your Obama blinders already and seek help for your infliction

I have no doubt that if Obama had chosen not to visit Roseburg, you same clowns would be attacking him for ignoring the tragedy, probably due to some nonsense about how the shooter being black.

That's why these nuts are throwing such fits in this thread. Obama has ruined the talking point they already had up and ready for dissemination.

Now they're stuck with Plan B.

if he didn't go they'd be ranting about that. Don't they realize how insane they look?
I had to sift through hundreds of right wing echo chamber Google links to find this......buried by the morass of stupidity........but here is the factual information. Enjoy.

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com


Water is wet and dog bites man


SPAM? Explain, please.

You'll believe anything... See.... the city opens up its doors.... Like it ever had a choice

Dude, take off your Obama blinders already and seek help for your infliction


I'm believing the words of the elected officials of the city. You believed the words of a nutjob with a blog and an unread newspaper. Did you look at the "Roseburg Beacon" Facebook page?

Astonishingly, they had ZERO COMMENTS between March of this year and this week. ZERO. That means that they are not representative of anyone but the douchebag who operates the "newspaper".

You lose again.
It's a disgrace that people are politicising the death of those kids to grandstand against the President.
They should be ashamed.

Right. The Democrats never politicize deaths. WTF do you think these people don't what DumBama there? Because in every other mass shooting, he used those deaths to promote his political agenda.

Did you just start following politics this week or have you had your head buried in the sand the last seven years? History has a way of repeating itself, and remember, DumBama's first address to the country on this situation was promoting his anti-gun propaganda.
His political agenda is to try to reduce the number mass shootings.
Isn't that an outrage?!
His political agenda is to increase the number of mass shootings. Just with his chosen doing the shooting.

Think of how lowered obama feels now. He shot off his mouth before he knew it was a black guy killing Christians. Now he's stuck with it.

The shooter was a conservative/Republican.
It's a disgrace that people are politicising the death of those kids to grandstand against the President.
They should be ashamed.

Right. The Democrats never politicize deaths. WTF do you think these people don't what DumBama there? Because in every other mass shooting, he used those deaths to promote his political agenda.

Did you just start following politics this week or have you had your head buried in the sand the last seven years? History has a way of repeating itself, and remember, DumBama's first address to the country on this situation was promoting his anti-gun propaganda.
His political agenda is to try to reduce the number mass shootings.
Isn't that an outrage?!
His political agenda is to increase the number of mass shootings. Just with his chosen doing the shooting.

Think of how lowered obama feels now. He shot off his mouth before he knew it was a black guy killing Christians. Now he's stuck with it.

The shooter was a conservative/Republican.

the shooter was an insane gun nut who was upset he didn't have a girlfriend and whose own father said he shouldn't have had guns.

i'm not sure that this one should be called "right" or "left"

let's just call him a nutter who should have been prevented from getting weapons by rational gun laws.
I had to sift through hundreds of right wing echo chamber Google links to find this......buried by the morass of stupidity........but here is the factual information. Enjoy.

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com


Water is wet and dog bites man


SPAM? Explain, please.

You'll believe anything... See.... the city opens up its doors.... Like it ever had a choice

Dude, take off your Obama blinders already and seek help for your infliction


I'm believing the words of the elected officials of the city. You believed the words of a nutjob with a blog and an unread newspaper. Did you look at the "Roseburg Beacon" Facebook page?

Astonishingly, they had ZERO COMMENTS between March of this year and this week. ZERO. That means that they are not representative of anyone but the douchebag who operates the "newspaper".

You lose again.

Newspapers stay in business by selling advertising. They have to prove how many readers they have to justify what they charge for ads.

If nobody is reading their paper, then they can't sell advertising and forced to close their doors. Obviously they have enough readers to keep their business afloat.
It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives that they exploit the deaths of these children to push their "We hate Obama" agenda

Not surprising given how they have exploited the deaths of our Benghazi diplomats in an attempt to "get Hillary"
The same thing happened here in SD a few months ago... Showed up here despite him being unwelcome.

We had to embrace the suck

Obama greets onlookers before leaving South Dakota

South Dakota girl gets wish as Obama visits state - CNNPolitics.com

Du bist ein schlechter Lügner. Fick Dich ins Knie, RWNJ.

I don't speak nazi, sorry.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ahhhh, so, Du bist ein Vollidiot obendrein.... dies überrascht mich nicht im geringsten.

This Mann ist verrückt , Wie eine Bettwanze . Er ist der nächste USMB Shooter . Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn wir in der Zeitung über ihn gelesen . LOL!
I had to sift through hundreds of right wing echo chamber Google links to find this......buried by the morass of stupidity........but here is the factual information. Enjoy.

City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com


Water is wet and dog bites man


SPAM? Explain, please.

You'll believe anything... See.... the city opens up its doors.... Like it ever had a choice

Dude, take off your Obama blinders already and seek help for your infliction


I'm believing the words of the elected officials of the city. You believed the words of a nutjob with a blog and an unread newspaper. Did you look at the "Roseburg Beacon" Facebook page?

Astonishingly, they had ZERO COMMENTS between March of this year and this week. ZERO. That means that they are not representative of anyone but the douchebag who operates the "newspaper".

You lose again.

Newspapers stay in business by selling advertising. They have to prove how many readers they have to justify what they charge for ads.

If nobody is reading their paper, then they can't sell advertising and forced to close their doors. Obviously they have enough readers to keep their business afloat.

This "paper" -- unlike your normal media, apparently relies on donations

No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol
These RW conservative so-called Christians should be blessing Obama if they feel persecuted by his policies.

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."
Romans 12:14
No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol

Disgusting and pathetic troll keeps shoveling his hate and ignorance. What a bigot. Sad little pathetic man.
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."
Romans 12:14

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