Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol
So you maintain everybody who dislikes Obama is ignorant and trashy.

I think I'm proud to be ignorant and trashy, if that's what it means now. Of course you had to change the meaning to make it fit the fake narrative, but that's nothing new.
Last edited:
No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol

Disgusting and pathetic troll keeps shoveling his hate and ignorance. What a bigot. Sad little pathetic man.
That is his only function. Put him on ignore and see how it doesn't leave any gap in the discussion.

He's not a false president.

You are insane.

No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Typical. You should have guns...but not the students in Roseburg. What a puke. Fuck off and die. Quickly.
Fire Aids?
The same thing happened here in SD a few months ago... Showed up here despite him being unwelcome.

We had to embrace the suck

Obama greets onlookers before leaving South Dakota

South Dakota girl gets wish as Obama visits state - CNNPolitics.com

Du bist ein schlechter Lügner. Fick Dich ins Knie, RWNJ.

I don't speak nazi, sorry.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't sprechen ze douche either. I put him on ignore till he speaks English.
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
The ‘gun free zone’ myth is yet another ridiculous lie from the right, the errant notion that such ‘zones’ ‘contribute’ to gun violence, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

As we saw in the Oregon incident, that citizens are carrying concealed firearms does not mean such shootings will be ‘prevented.’

Of course, as is the case with most on the right, conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate this lie.
"David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1."

IOW, some RWnut who is already an Obama hater has simply applied his Obama hatred to this incident.

He has about as much credibility as the daft cow who authored this thread.

Which means he's still got 10 times more than you....on a bad day.

I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
The ‘gun free zone’ myth is yet another ridiculous lie from the right, the errant notion that such ‘zones’ ‘contribute’ to gun violence, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

As we saw in the Oregon incident, that citizens are carrying concealed firearms does not mean such shootings will be ‘prevented.’

Of course, as is the case with most on the right, conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate this lie.

If there is any kind of valid argument here...someone will need to point it out.

He's not a false president.

You are insane.

No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.

Dir geht's nicht so ganz gut, nööööö?

Erst, er ist kein "König", sondern ein "Präsident", 2-Mal vom Volk in freien, offenen Wahlen gewählt.
Und sicherlich gibt es einige Schwulen, die dort in der Wildniß wohnen.
Ich glaube, Du leidest unter Demenz. Ja, sieht wohl nach Demenz aus.

Schönen Tag noch....
All of Oregon and the whole of the US is my backyard. I travel in both where and when I please. And there is nothing dolts like you can do to stop me. This is a free country, in case you haven't noticed. The President is coming to Roseburg. He won the majority in Oregon in the last election for his second term

United States presidential election in Oregon, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On election day, Obama carried Oregon with 54.24% of the vote to Romney's 42.15%, a Democratic victory margin of 12.09%. The Democrats have won the state in every presidential election since 1988.

Wouldn't want to stop you, I hope you keep going, your brand of idiocy is special. You are like the 100th poster to post the Oregon election results, it must make you feel smart. You realize Douglas County picked Romney by over 27%. Just thought you would like to add it to all the other useless shit you spew.

Eine eingize Wahlbezirk entscheidet die Wahl für den ganzen Bundesstaat aber nicht. Das ist Dir klar, oder?
No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Typical. You should have guns...but not the students in Roseburg. What a puke. Fuck off and die. Quickly.
Idiot. I carry my guns only when I am hunting or target practicing. I don't, and do not want to carry everywhere. No need of it, and if everybody was doing that, would lead to far more deaths by guns in this nation. You silly gun nuts are aiding in the unneccessary deaths of many children in this nation.

Ja, in der Tat, das tun sie. Ist ja eine Schande.
No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.

I know your type, they are okay to have guns but not anyone else. :rolleyes:
Did you read his opinion of the people of Roseburg and the rest of rural Oregon? And his vaunted opinion of his superiority based on his education?

Rocks is no scholar. What a lying pig, lol. Apparently he thinks the fact that he's a city dwelling she's means he's better educated. It's part and parcel of their mental illnes. If you don't sing the praises of Obama, you're just plain "ignorant". What a bunch of looks.

Ja, Du bist ziemlich verärgert.

What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
What a pig you are. Oregon voted for President Obama. Just because you 'Conservatives' are such sore losers does not affect what the rest of we Oregonians feel about the President.
Oregon didn't vote for Obama. Citified, elitist urbanites did. And the rest of us suffer.
Why do you hate democracy?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

Bist wieder besoffen, was???
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
What a pig you are. Oregon voted for President Obama. Just because you 'Conservatives' are such sore losers does not affect what the rest of we Oregonians feel about the President.
Oregon didn't vote for Obama. Citified, elitist urbanites did. And the rest of us suffer.
Why do you hate democracy?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.
Liberty depends on who is the better armed?

Ja. JEDER ist der Feind, weißt du. JEDER. Ohne Waffen gibt es keinen G-tt!!
No, he's just an abject failure and piss poor POTUS

No, dumb ass, he is a success. Got his most important legislation passed, in spite of the opposition of the GOP. Led the nation from losing 750,000 jobs a month to gaining 150,000 to 250,000 jobs a month. In spite of the GOP opposition to every piece of legislation that would have created jobs. Yet the Dow bounced back from 6500 to 16,000 to 18,000. When he took over from G. W. Bush, we were practically a pariah in the international community. Today we are once again the leader in that community.

Now the shooting in communities is reaching a totally unacceptable lever. And all you idiots do is say we need more guns. Well, we have gotten more guns year after year, and the situation has continued to get worse. It is now near critical mass, and a couple more incidents are you are going to see laws similar to those in Australia enacted. It won't happen under President Obama, but unless some kind of successful action is taken, it will happen. That the NRA and GOP will oppose any such action is now a given. And both will suffer when that critical mass is reached.
Yup the mentally ill will target groups that advertise their refusal to protect their kids.
In other words, your ideal for this nation is that every citizen have to carry a weapon on his person all the time, in every local. Good old wild west days, eh? Well, they weren't that good, and not that many constantly carried guns.

Now you are talking to a person that has owned guns for 60 years. And is adept with both long guns and pistols. But I see far too many people with guns that should not be allowed within ten feet of them.
Face it, loon. Roseburg, Pendleton, Reedsport, Myrtle Creek....they hate your king. And they hate soft fingered faggots from the cities who aren't successful enough to own their own wilderness, and so covet and steal the land of others...so they can enjoy cheap vacation rights without having to get permission to shit there. You ppl are despised by the locals.
God bless the ignorant white trash bigots/racists/red necks. lol

Stimmt's. G-tt segne KosherKrank, sie wird's gut gebrauchen können.
The same thing happened here in SD a few months ago... Showed up here despite him being unwelcome.

We had to embrace the suck

Obama greets onlookers before leaving South Dakota

South Dakota girl gets wish as Obama visits state - CNNPolitics.com

Du bist ein schlechter Lügner. Fick Dich ins Knie, RWNJ.

I don't speak nazi, sorry.

United States presidential election in South Dakota, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ahhhh, so, Du bist ein Vollidiot obendrein.... dies überrascht mich nicht im geringsten.
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
The ‘gun free zone’ myth is yet another ridiculous lie from the right, the errant notion that such ‘zones’ ‘contribute’ to gun violence, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

As we saw in the Oregon incident, that citizens are carrying concealed firearms does not mean such shootings will be ‘prevented.’

Of course, as is the case with most on the right, conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate this lie.

What lie, that over 90% of the mass shooting cases were in gun free zones? That's no lie at all.

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