O'Reilly May Be 'Dead Meat'

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
Murdoch may dump him. Bill has outlived his usefulness (making FOX News #1 in cable news for years). Personally, since Bill met with success with his 'Killing....' book series, he became a pompous know-it-all-ass in recent years.
Nice run Bill, but don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya'.

Murdochs Reportedly Willing To Part With Bill O'Reilly | Zero Hedge
I used to watch him every night about 10 years ago then became disenchanted when he'd ask a question of someone and when they tried to answer but in every damn time. Good riddance.
Murdoch may dump him. Bill has outlived his usefulness (making FOX News #1 in cable news for years). Personally, since Bill met with success with his 'Killing....' book series, he became a pompous know-it-all-ass in recent years.
Nice run Bill, but don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya'.

Murdochs Reportedly Willing To Part With Bill O'Reilly | Zero Hedge
The Nose-Pin Zone

Ever notice how that spastic blowhard repeats parts of his sentences? Repeats! It shows that he knows he's lying. Lying! His sentence structure indicates a pattern similar to nailing something down that is loose. Nail down!
Fox is not so stupid to dump their #1 host. Bill is on vacation in Italy a trip planned months ago. Fox news is already advertising his return so again.....dream on libs. Bill is not going anywhere unless he wants to go.
So anyone who opposes your perverted loudmouth media nanny is a "lib"? Do you have any self-respect at all? You don't seem to have any identity except as a fanboy of whoever screeches the loudest as he pretends to be on your side
All I do is to defend American standards and culture I agree with when it comes under attack from petulant liberals. If you expect to view a persons true identity on the internet you are the one that needs a self respect gut check. LMAO
On-Air Airheads
Why do liberals believe winning means getting someone fired from their job? What kind of person feels the flames of victory by ruining another persons life?
How much pain must a liberal feel that is relieved by trashing someone they disagree with?
Any answers fanboy? I thought not.
Fox is not so stupid to dump their #1 host. Bill is on vacation in Italy a trip planned months ago. Fox news is already advertising his return so again.....dream on libs. Bill is not going anywhere unless he wants to go.

You were saying........:laugh:......(hope you don't play the horses, or predict the weather...).
So anyone who opposes your perverted loudmouth media nanny is a "lib"? Do you have any self-respect at all? You don't seem to have any identity except as a fanboy of whoever screeches the loudest as he pretends to be on your side
All I do is to defend American standards and culture I agree with when it comes under attack from petulant liberals. If you expect to view a person's true identity on the internet you are the one that needs a self respect gut check. LMAO
Cult of Personality

Typical unrealistic nonsense you're told to parrot, as if it makes sense just because your guru says it does. Of course others can see through you. In your imaginary world, we'd have to trust used-car (Newspeak "pre-owned") salesmen's pitches and would never be able to win at poker because (you say, which is what you've been told to say) we can never look into another player's mind and tell he is bluffing. It is also extremely irrational to say that just because "Liberals" gloat at phone-sex pervert O"Reilly's downfall is reason enough for his fanboys to believe he is innocent.
Typical unrealistic nonsense you're told to parrot, as if it makes sense just because your guru says it does. Of course others can see through you. In your imaginary world, we'd have to trust used-car (Newspeak "pre-owned") salesmen's pitches and would never be able to win at poker because (you say, which is what you've been told to say) we can never look into another player's mind and tell he is bluffing. It is also extremely irrational to say that just because "Liberals" gloat at phone-sex pervert O"Reilly's downfall is reason enough for his fanboys to believe he is innocent
:blahblah:Keep on celebrating the surmise of others. Liberals are so kind and caring.
Typical unrealistic nonsense you're told to parrot, as if it makes sense just because your guru says it does. Of course others can see through you. In your imaginary world, we'd have to trust used-car (Newspeak "pre-owned") salesmen's pitches and would never be able to win at poker because (you say, which is what you've been told to say) we can never look into another player's mind and tell he is bluffing. It is also extremely irrational to say that just because "Liberals" gloat at phone-sex pervert O"Reilly's downfall is reason enough for his fanboys to believe he is innocent
:blahblah:Keep on celebrating the surmise of others. Liberals are so kind and caring.
"Keep on celebrating the surmise of others".....ok.
The network is now being run by the son's wives who want to take FOX in a new direction. This will be fun to watch as it goes down to nothing. The women are operating on their "feelings" which is why it is a bad idea to permit women to make business decisions without being vetted as to ability. Most of them do it badly.

What a great opportunity for some start up to steal all the talent and leave FOX as an also ran.

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