Organ harvesting: basic fact about China and Kosovo but NOT about ISIS or Baghdad gov


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Feb 18, 2015: Iraq envoy to UN: Islamic State might be harvesting organs
Iraq envoy to UN Islamic State might be harvesting organs - Yahoo News

Organ harvesting: basic fact about China and Kosovo but NOT about [ISIS or] Baghdad gov
"Coincidentally" the industry of organ harvesting from mass murder started 1999 in the first area to be officially occupied by the "New World Order": Kosovo.
In other words: the puppet government installed by NATO in Iraq has been in the business of organ harvesting for almost a decade now.
Organ harvesting is indeed a basic fact about how illuminati puppet governments advance the Global Slavery agenda in End Times.
The best example is China, the country boasting the largest number of slaves of the "New World Order".

July 29, 2014 - illuminati keep repeating the truth about organ harvesting in Kosovo, occupied by NATO since 1999, in plain sight:
Kosovo prosecutor suspects some killed for organs Nation World The Seattle Times

IV Reich lead by Adolf Hitler s great nephew Organ harvest China Kosovo Baghdad gov

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