Organic food mommy mafia


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
mid south
These are people I'd like to tell they can go to hell.
The tyranny of the organic mommy mafia | New York Post
“Am I going to be an outcast?” A friend, who recently moved to an upscale neighborhood in Madison, Wis., called me last week to ask if she would be able to make mommy friends if she continued feeding her children — gasp! — non-organic food."
My response.. My kid. My rules. My food selection...If you don't like it, go to hell.

Another mom, a class parent at a preschool in Westchester, told me she was being harassed by one of the other mothers to issue a new rule: Only organic snacks would be allowed in the classroom.
My response..Now, everyone repeat after me..."go to hell"..

A mom in Washington tells me that she was unable to participate in a number of nanny-share agreements she looked into because the other parents were so crazy about not having their children come into contact with anything non-organic. One mother she met was convinced her child’s ADD became worse when he was exposed to non-organic food. A stray Goldfish or Cheerio might set up off.
My response...Hey lady, perhaps it is YOU who have turned your kid into a basket case....Repeat after me...Go to hell!

But sometimes these parents are not even worried about their own child’s well-being.
They’re worried about yours. The organic foodies are not satisfied with controlling their own family’s dietary habits, they want to “evangelize,” says Julie Gunlock, author of “From Cupcakes to Chemicals: How the Culture of Alarmism Makes Us Afraid of Everything and How to Fight Back.”

Ahh, the busy body helicopter parent.....Go to hell....Twice.
If there is a type I cannot stand more than the typical self hating white suburban liberal, it is the well to do new money yuppie..These people are in a constant state of awareness of what everyone else is doing. They are the poster children of style over substance.
These people are miserable if in their mind EVERYTHING is not perfect.
Go to hell.

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