Organized Leftist Mobs

Did you object to the Tea Party disruptors in 2009? Pretend you did.
Did the TEA Party shut down events, charge the stage and try to attack candidates, get arrested? Apples and oranges ,NYC, apples and oranges.


Yes they did. They disrupted town hall meetings to the point where some could not continue.

And they were widely supported and encouraged by conservatives.
Guess they should have dragged 'em out for doing so then.

You continue to err in believing my objections are based on PARTISANSHIP. It isn't. I believe that if you don't like someone's message then try to counter it. If you fail to do so, you don't have the right to try to shut down the opposition's message. That is a sure sign you FAILED - and I don't care who you are.

Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
Did you object to the Tea Party disruptors in 2009? Pretend you did.
Did the TEA Party shut down events, charge the stage and try to attack candidates, get arrested? Apples and oranges ,NYC, apples and oranges.


Yes they did. They disrupted town hall meetings to the point where some could not continue.

And they were widely supported and encouraged by conservatives.
Guess they should have dragged 'em out for doing so then.

You continue to err in believing my objections are based on PARTISANSHIP. It isn't. I believe that if you don't like someone's message then try to counter it. If you fail to do so, you don't have the right to try to shut down the opposition's message. That is a sure sign you FAILED - and I don't care who you are.

Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
Yep, but you don't understand it means you can't go to a rally and shut down another's right or take over city streets. That isn't your right. You will learn when you are cuffed and stuffed into a squad car. Your loss.
Whose message has been silenced? Trump has been on TV lots of times in just the last day.
The issue at hand, which you are trying so desperately to avoid, is that one specific rally / speech. Unable to counter what was being said, Liberals are trying to silence the message / speaker.

Looks like Trump was trying to silence the protesters.
He didn't try, he did. He threw the fuckers out. That doesn't happen in town hall meetings since both sides are invited.

So why are you whining?
Did you object to the Tea Party disruptors in 2009? Pretend you did.
Did the TEA Party shut down events, charge the stage and try to attack candidates, get arrested? Apples and oranges ,NYC, apples and oranges.


Yes they did. They disrupted town hall meetings to the point where some could not continue.

And they were widely supported and encouraged by conservatives.
Guess they should have dragged 'em out for doing so then.

You continue to err in believing my objections are based on PARTISANSHIP. It isn't. I believe that if you don't like someone's message then try to counter it. If you fail to do so, you don't have the right to try to shut down the opposition's message. That is a sure sign you FAILED - and I don't care who you are.

Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
Yep, but you don't understand it means you can't go to a rally and shut down another's right or take over city streets. That isn't your right. You will learn when you are cuffed and stuffed into a squad car. Your loss.

It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
That is where you are partially wrong...You have the right to freedom of speech...but YOUR right is NOT more important than MINE! You do NOT have the right to impose your will and SILENCE others with YOUR 1st amendment rights.

Again, the cities should grant permits for protests and limit those protests geographically, keeping them far away from opposition rallies. If they violate the law / permits, take 'em down with extreme prejudice.
Did you object to the Tea Party disruptors in 2009? Pretend you did.
Did the TEA Party shut down events, charge the stage and try to attack candidates, get arrested? Apples and oranges ,NYC, apples and oranges.


Yes they did. They disrupted town hall meetings to the point where some could not continue.

And they were widely supported and encouraged by conservatives.
Guess they should have dragged 'em out for doing so then.

You continue to err in believing my objections are based on PARTISANSHIP. It isn't. I believe that if you don't like someone's message then try to counter it. If you fail to do so, you don't have the right to try to shut down the opposition's message. That is a sure sign you FAILED - and I don't care who you are.

Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
Yep, but you don't understand it means you can't go to a rally and shut down another's right or take over city streets. That isn't your right. You will learn when you are cuffed and stuffed into a squad car. Your loss.

This from the people who claim a 2nd amendment/Declaration of Independence right to armed rebellion.
Did you object to the Tea Party disruptors in 2009? Pretend you did.
Did the TEA Party shut down events, charge the stage and try to attack candidates, get arrested? Apples and oranges ,NYC, apples and oranges.


Yes they did. They disrupted town hall meetings to the point where some could not continue.

And they were widely supported and encouraged by conservatives.
Guess they should have dragged 'em out for doing so then.

You continue to err in believing my objections are based on PARTISANSHIP. It isn't. I believe that if you don't like someone's message then try to counter it. If you fail to do so, you don't have the right to try to shut down the opposition's message. That is a sure sign you FAILED - and I don't care who you are.

Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
Yep, but you don't understand it means you can't go to a rally and shut down another's right or take over city streets. That isn't your right. You will learn when you are cuffed and stuffed into a squad car. Your loss.

As always, you are free to believe what you want, but I suspect T-rump will receive a lot more push back for his hateful rhetoric going forward. As usual, the crazy right wingers just don't know when to back off.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.
Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
That is where you are partially wrong...You have the right to freedom of speech...but YOUR right is NOT more important than MINE! You do NOT have the right to impose your will and SILENCE others with YOUR 1st amendment rights.

Again, the cities should grant permits for protests and limit those protests geographically, keeping them far away from opposition rallies. If they violate the law / permits, take 'em down with extreme prejudice.

So booing at a campaign speech is a crime?
Well,yes we do have that right. We all have the same right to freedom of speech as anyone else.
That is where you are partially wrong...You have the right to freedom of speech...but YOUR right is NOT more important than MINE! You do NOT have the right to impose your will and SILENCE others with YOUR 1st amendment rights.

Again, the cities should grant permits for protests and limit those protests geographically, keeping them far away from opposition rallies. If they violate the law / permits, take 'em down with extreme prejudice.

Typical right winger. wanting to limit free speech.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.

You people have this ONE guy to represent all liberals.

Fine. Can we go back to the ONE guy who shot black people at the church, the self-identified rightwinger,

and claim he represents all conservatives?

Can we play by the same rules you're playing by?
I have come to consider that either Trump or Sanders could win as an independent were they denied their proper shot at a party nomination.

Tossup which......

Anyway, if it comes to that, it'll be fun to watch!
States start closing their access tot he polls for the general election beginning in May and picks up more toward end of summer.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.

Of course you do.Typical right winger. Just kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.

You people have this ONE guy to represent all liberals.

Fine. Can we go back to the ONE guy who shot black people at the church, the self-identified rightwinger,

and claim he represents all conservatives?

Can we play by the same rules you're playing by?

That is us playing by the rules yo libtards play by, dude.
Congratulations, Chicago protesters, for fighting “fascism” by threatening mob violence to shut down free speech.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.
It's called civil disobedience. Conservatives ONLY object to it when they don't like the causes behind it.
:lmao:Pot meet kettle.

Civil Disobedience isn't a liberal thug charging the stage trying to get to Trump. I kinda wished the Secret Service would have just shot his ass as a threat, sending a message to liberals thugs / criminals that this shite won't be tolerated.

You people have this ONE guy to represent all liberals.

Fine. Can we go back to the ONE guy who shot black people at the church, the self-identified rightwinger,

and claim he represents all conservatives?

Can we play by the same rules you're playing by?

That is us playing by the rules yo libtards play by, dude.

So you are comfortable with the mass murderer representing you. whoa.
As usual, the crazy right wingers just don't know when to back off. seen by their supporters charging the stage in an attempt to physically attack their political opponents...

As usual, the crazy right wingers just don't know when to back off. seen by their supporters charging the stage in an attempt to physically attack their political opponents...


Odd that the cops didn't see it as more than disorderly conduct. You think the cops are out to get right wingers now?
Soooooo New, Progressive, and Revolutionary....
Has all the clueless, adolescent little commies fired up for the cause......Always a cause !!!


The latest republican cause is spending millions to stop trump and deny his supporters the right to choose their own candidate. Right wingers will just shut up and do what they are told.

As opposed to Democrats who use Super Delegates to deny the right for the little guys to pick their own candidate.

Both the establishment Republicans and establishment Democratic Party will do what they want to make sure their person wins the primaries.

This whole election is showing us how corrupt the two parties are.

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