Organizer of January 6 Truth Rally Vows To Fight Back - - The Future of America Is At Stake


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Libs said they support the right to protest. Do they really?

---Americans across the political spectrum must band together to stop political persecution now or will ultimately be incriminated for exercising our First Amendment, like the hundreds of Trump supporters sitting in DC jails 23 hours a day for protested the stolen election, warns the organizer of the January 6 Truth rally.---

---She launched Citizens Against Political Persecution, an organization to advocate for those politically persecuted by the government and began hosting rallies to raise awareness about the so-called January 6 “siege.”---

Nothing wrong with protesting. However, when you think that gives you a right to attack the capitol, you get exactly what you deserve like that stupid bitch that got shot and human pieces of shit still incarcerated.

But it's just fine to burn down totally innocent peoples businesses and kill 40 people in the process.
Is it any wonder why people think blacks are less intelligent than whites?
Nothing wrong with protesting. However, when you think that gives you a right to attack the capitol, you get exactly what you deserve like that stupid bitch that got shot and human pieces of shit still incarcerated.
You should expect people to be pissed off after you steal an election.
---While the mainstream media and big tech corporations suppressed the massive “Stop the Steal” rallies held in Washington D.C., LifeSite’s video producer Jim Hale covered all three (November 12, December 12, and January 6) and described how inspired he was by the enormous crowds, the vast majority of whom represented “the most beautiful tapestry of freedom-loving Americans” one could hope for. His brief and highly recommended videos tell the story of “these God-fearing, good people who flocked to DC by the millions in three rallies within two months.”---

---Analysis of Jan. 6 - Seemingly engineered by Deep State to destroy Trump and entire conservative movement---

The question is whether or not the planners of the rally itself knew about the attack. It's already been proven through investigation by the FBI and other intelligence organizations is that the proud boys and other white supremacist groups had pre-planned the attack, and that it wasn't a spontaneous March.

so the question is did Donald Trump or any of the other planners of the rally itself know that was going to happen. the FBI needs to get warrants on every single person who helped plan the rally and sees all of their personal computers phones and other devices to see if there is any incriminating materials on them
Libs said they support the right to protest. Do they really?

---Americans across the political spectrum must band together to stop political persecution now or will ultimately be incriminated for exercising our First Amendment, like the hundreds of Trump supporters sitting in DC jails 23 hours a day for protested the stolen election, warns the organizer of the January 6 Truth rally.---

---She launched Citizens Against Political Persecution, an organization to advocate for those politically persecuted by the government and began hosting rallies to raise awareness about the so-called January 6 “siege.”---

'Organizers Of 6 Jan'? Wouldn't that be the FBI, the same ones who set up the Gov Whitmer kidnapping plot?
Libs said they support the right to protest. Do they really?

---Americans across the political spectrum must band together to stop political persecution now or will ultimately be incriminated for exercising our First Amendment, like the hundreds of Trump supporters sitting in DC jails 23 hours a day for protested the stolen election, warns the organizer of the January 6 Truth rally.---

---She launched Citizens Against Political Persecution, an organization to advocate for those politically persecuted by the government and began hosting rallies to raise awareness about the so-called January 6 “siege.”---

Democrats support peaceful protests and Jan 6 was hardly a peaceful protest. It was fraught with violence and death--hardly peaceful. The first amendment, in case all you constitutional experts didn't know, does not condone violence. You can behave peacefully as long as you don't infringe on others' rights. That is simply common sense. There was no stolen election and trump knew in his conniving mind that he could influence your ilk into believing otherwise because he loves people who buy into his phony rhetoric, like a "stolen" election. Oh, fellas, Dems do not support the violent activities of Antifa et al, so get off that nonsense.
BLM is a result, not a cause. That's something you right wing jerkoffs can't understand. You asswipes gawk at any bright shiny object that Trump & his goons over at Fox distract you with.

STFU noob.
Blacks bring the hammer down on themselves.
Perhaps they should stop committing crimes at far greater rates than the rest of us?

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