Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler. While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program. This article looks at the origins of Monarch programming and some of its methods and symbolism.
Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control | Secret Arcana
The very finest kind of mind controlled slaves are those who are convinced that they are free men.

All it takes is a concerted propaganda campaign starting out with lies, half truths, innuendo and enough misinformation that panders to the conciets of a frightened and confused public.

And the boys running our nation's propaganda campaigns are masters as that technique.
Well, now in all fairness... let's consider every form of communication we utilize and perhaps better recognize that every receiver has been altered in some form or fashion necessarily. How well equipped are we as individuals to guard ourselves against the worst kinds? It seems that puritanical living and idealism may be what forever preserves the heart of 'man' in such a way that a better world is possible... of course, but only if the continuing techniques are to encourage the most positive and best improvements.... WHICH is all too often not the most comfortable for mainstream society let alone the smaller sects...

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