O’Rourke Assures Everyone: Yes, I Will Take Your Guns Away

A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Pretty sure they'll never do a confiscation, but if you get caught with one after a certain amount of time, there will probably be hell to pay. If you can't play with it, why have it? Oh, never mind....I know. In case you need to fight the government or a gang of a dozen criminals bursts into your home.
I hope that gang takes you out soon.
And stop suppressing the vote The idea is to get as many legal voters voting not the least like one party wants


Any means necessary. We're done playing "fair" with you fuckers.
FAIR? BULLSHIT since when does 49% rule the 51%?


That in a nutshell is the problem here in America Too many assholes like Farnsworth and miketx here They should be among the first ,,taken out
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Pretty sure they'll never do a confiscation, but if you get caught with one after a certain amount of time, there will probably be hell to pay. If you can't play with it, why have it? Oh, never mind....I know. In case you need to fight the government or a gang of a dozen criminals bursts into your home.
Registration is confiscation, mandatory buyback is confiscation… or Are you just stupid?

Never trust the federal government unless you’re fucking stupid

This fucking moron wants an all out firearm confiscation, The fucking zipper head can take his fucking confiscation and shove it up his fucking ass.... cowardly motherfucker

No wonder he lost the race for Senate in Texas
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Don't see that is will happen. Why? City's are not going to enforce Federal law. The people will not give them up. So many guns have been traded and sold to people who have died that there is not a way to find them. I bet I have own and gotten rid of over fifty guns long and short in the last 50 years. So good luck Feds.

This is an excellent point. Local jurisdictions aren’t enforcing Federal Immigration Laws. How and why are they going to enforce Beto Law?

They need illegal immigrants for more power. They need to ban guns for more power.

Besides...all they have to do is get the law in place...they don't have to go door to door to get the guns. All they have to do is wait......you have a problem with the neighbors loud music, you call the police and they come to your house to file the report....oh, by the way, we see that you have a rifle and you didn't turn it in...you are now under arrest and are charged with a felony gun violation.

You are driving 40 in a 30mph zone..... the officer asks for license and registration....when he comes back to your car he states that you have a gun that wasn't turned in, please step out of the car he is placing you under arrest for felony gun violations.....

That is how they will make it work......no door to door, you will just be afraid to have any interaction with the police....

It is also why they want gun registration so bad.....

I don’t see local law enforcement doing this. They aren’t arresting illegals for immigration violation if they are pulled over or caught stealing or assaulting someone.
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Don't see that is will happen. Why? City's are not going to enforce Federal law. The people will not give them up. So many guns have been traded and sold to people who have died that there is not a way to find them. I bet I have own and gotten rid of over fifty guns long and short in the last 50 years. So good luck Feds.

This is an excellent point. Local jurisdictions aren’t enforcing Federal Immigration Laws. How and why are they going to enforce Beto Law?

They need illegal immigrants for more power. They need to ban guns for more power.

Besides...all they have to do is get the law in place...they don't have to go door to door to get the guns. All they have to do is wait......you have a problem with the neighbors loud music, you call the police and they come to your house to file the report....oh, by the way, we see that you have a rifle and you didn't turn it in...you are now under arrest and are charged with a felony gun violation.

You are driving 40 in a 30mph zone..... the officer asks for license and registration....when he comes back to your car he states that you have a gun that wasn't turned in, please step out of the car he is placing you under arrest for felony gun violations.....

That is how they will make it work......no door to door, you will just be afraid to have any interaction with the police....

It is also why they want gun registration so bad.....

I don’t see local law enforcement doing this. They aren’t arresting illegals for immigration violation if they are pulled over or caught stealing or assaulting someone.

The political leadership doesn't want illegals arrested....they want to ban guns.
Can I keep my pump action shotgun that can fire six rounds of buck shot?

You get where I am going with this, right?

If not a shotgun with a short barrel in legal length can do a hell of a lot damage if used properly and yet the left will ignore that and worry about a sporting semi-automatic rifle instead...

I bet Beto think the Ar-15 is fully automatic...
The left worries about the gun, because they can't stop the monsters they are creating. Their embarrassment is overwhelming these days. They either create these monsters from the left or create them on the right, but one thing they both right and left have at the core of their issues, and that is the left as the instigator's.

Banning firearms will never stop criminals but hell they know this and just want you and I to have no firearm when they tell us who we will vote for or be killed for resisting...

I doubt that people would resist tanks, helicopters, with their arms. The government can do what they like if they have support from the military masses.
First of all the federal government would not use the military, that’s not the way it works they would use that FBI, federal marshals, ATF etc.
Second of all the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment they would not go against their own you stupid ass motherfucker
With all the dumbfuck Millenials and foreigners in the military, dont be so sure. We always hear the same about how police wont be confiscating guns but they are doing it in many places.
Exactly.... It's as if it was part of the agenda to fill it with these types in order to gain total compliance when the plan comes into focus.

Obama was the worst when it came to this part, and he was setting it up for the future to continue with Hillary's weakness due her lust for power over our interest. He needed her badly, and then bam Trump came into play. Talk about a spoiler, and they haven't gotten over it yet.
Registration, safe keeping, and responsibility should be the only burdens placed upon legal gun owners, but never confiscation.

The problem in this country, is that we have two totally opposed parties attempting to beat up on each other every election now, and dpending on who gets control, then of course we end up suffering the consequences of it all. It's time for the majority to be recognized in this country again, and I mean the moral majority, and not these agenda driven drones that are hopeful that someday as a minority group and/or groups that they will force the majority by any means nessesary to see things in their way or else. Wake up American's.

The only reason to register guns is to confiscate them...there is no other reason to do it. If your gun is in your home, no one else has the right to tell you what else to do with that gun....
All my guns are registered, and they have been registered for years. Don't see a problem with it myself. Sure would help if one was stolen, and it was used in a crime. Would at least help in the investigation by being registered.

No...it doesn't help solve crimes......they have gun registration around the country in various places and they don't solve crimes.....the only reason to register guns is for later confiscation.....we know this from Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, New York, California......

Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up

15 million guns.....1 billion dollars...and it didn't work....

The law passed and starting in 1998 Canadians were required to have a license to own firearms and register their weapons with the government. According to Canadian researcher (and gun enthusiast) Gary Mauser, the Canada Firearms Center quickly rose to 600 employees and the cost of the effort climbed past $600 million. In 2002 Canada’s auditor general released a report saying initial cost estimates of $2 million (Canadian) had increased to $1 billion as the government tried to register the estimated 15 million guns owned by Canada’s 34 million residents.

The registry was plagued with complications like duplicate serial numbers and millions of incomplete records, Mauser reports. One person managed to register a soldering gun, demonstrating the lack of precise standards. And overshadowing the effort was the suspicion of misplaced effort: Pistols were used in 66% of gun homicides in 2011, yet they represent about 6% of the guns in Canada. Legal long guns were used in 11% of killings that year, according to Statistics Canada, while illegal weapons like sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, which by definition cannot be registered, were used in another 12%.

So the government was spending the bulk of its money — about $17 million of the Firearms Center’s $82 million annual budget — trying to register long guns when the statistics showed they weren’t the problem.

There was also the question of how registering guns was supposed to reduce crime and suicide in the first place. From 1997 to 2005, only 13% of the guns used in homicides were registered. Police studies in Canada estimated that 2-16% of guns used in crimes were stolen from legal owners and thus potentially in the registry. The bulk of the guns, Canadian officials concluded, were unregistered weapons imported illegally from the U.S. by criminal gangs.

Finally in 2011, conservatives led by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper voted to abolish the long-gun registry and destroy all its records. Liberals argued the law had contributed to the decline in gun homicides since it was passed. But Mauser notes that gun homicides have actually been rising in recent years, from 151 in 1999 to 173 in 2009, as violent criminal gangs use guns in their drug turf wars and other disputes. As in the U.S., most gun homicides in Canada are committed by young males, many of them with criminal records. In the majority of homicides involving young males, the victim and the killer are know each other.



Ten Myths Of The Long Gun Registry | Canadian Shooting Sports Association

Myth #4: Police investigations are aided by the registry.
Doubtful. Information contained in the registry is incomplete and unreliable. Due to the inaccuracy of the information, it cannot be used as evidence in court and the government has yet to prove that it has been a contributing factor in any investigation. Another factor is the dismal compliance rate (estimated at only 50%) for licensing and registration which further renders the registry useless. Some senior police officers have stated as such: “The law registering firearms has neither deterred these crimes nor helped us solve any of them. None of the guns we know to have been used were registered ... the money could be more effectively used for security against terrorism as well as a host of other public safety initiatives.” Former Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino, January 2003.



Tracking physical objects that are easily transferred with a database is non-trivial problem. Guns that are stolen, loaned, or lost disappear from the registry. The data is has to be manually entered and input mistakes will both leak guns and generate false positive results.

Registries don’t solve straw-purchases. If someone goes through all of the steps to register a gun and simply gives it to a criminal that gun becomes unregistered. Assuming the gun is ever recovered you could theoretically try and prosecute the person who transferred the gun to the criminal, but you aren’t solving the crime you were trying to. Remember that people will prostitute themselves or even their children for drugs, so how much deterrence is there in a maybe-get-a-few-years for straw purchasing?

Registries are expensive. Canada’s registry was pitched as costing the taxpayer $2 million and the rest of the costs were to be payed for with registration fees. It was subject to massive cost overruns that were not being met by registrations fees. When the program was audited in 2002 the program was expected to cost over $1 billion and that the fee revenue was only expected to be $140 million.

No gun recovered. If no gun was recovered at the scene of the crime then your registry isn’t even theoretically helping, let alone providing a practical tool. You need a world where criminals meticulously register their guns and leave them at the crime scene for a registry to start to become useful.

Say I have a registered gun, and a known associate of mine was shot and killed. Ballistics is able to determine that my known associate was killed with the same make and model as the gun I registered. A registry doesn’t prove that my gun was used, or that I was the one doing the shooting. I was a suspect as soon as we said “known associate” and the police will then being looking for motive and checking for my alibi.
When did taxpayer's dollars ever stop the left from doing anything ????? Since when does a leftist run government worry about inefficiency, redundancy etc ???? Good luck with stopping their plans if they ever get power again.
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Don't see that is will happen. Why? City's are not going to enforce Federal law. The people will not give them up. So many guns have been traded and sold to people who have died that there is not a way to find them. I bet I have own and gotten rid of over fifty guns long and short in the last 50 years. So good luck Feds.

This is an excellent point. Local jurisdictions aren’t enforcing Federal Immigration Laws. How and why are they going to enforce Beto Law?

They need illegal immigrants for more power. They need to ban guns for more power.

Besides...all they have to do is get the law in place...they don't have to go door to door to get the guns. All they have to do is wait......you have a problem with the neighbors loud music, you call the police and they come to your house to file the report....oh, by the way, we see that you have a rifle and you didn't turn it in...you are now under arrest and are charged with a felony gun violation.

You are driving 40 in a 30mph zone..... the officer asks for license and registration....when he comes back to your car he states that you have a gun that wasn't turned in, please step out of the car he is placing you under arrest for felony gun violations.....

That is how they will make it work......no door to door, you will just be afraid to have any interaction with the police....

It is also why they want gun registration so bad.....

I don’t see local law enforcement doing this. They aren’t arresting illegals for immigration violation if they are pulled over or caught stealing or assaulting someone.

The political leadership doesn't want illegals arrested....they want to ban guns.
Draining the swamp has failed ??
Registration, safe keeping, and responsibility should be the only burdens placed upon legal gun owners, but never confiscation.

The problem in this country, is that we have two totally opposed parties attempting to beat up on each other every election now, and dpending on who gets control, then of course we end up suffering the consequences of it all. It's time for the majority to be recognized in this country again, and I mean the moral majority, and not these agenda driven drones that are hopeful that someday as a minority group and/or groups that they will force the majority by any means nessesary to see things in their way or else. Wake up American's.

Registration? Are you serious?

Registration is the first step to confiscation.
Still got my registered guns, and they have been registered for years.

It took the Germans 20 years to confiscate the guns they registered, and in Britain it took far longer, but eventually, they confiscated guns.......
So registration isn't really the problem is it, but rather it's who is in control of our government that becomes the ultimate problem, otherwise if said government wants to use it's power against us all eh ??
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And they call Trump Hitler.

Don't see that is will happen. Why? City's are not going to enforce Federal law. The people will not give them up. So many guns have been traded and sold to people who have died that there is not a way to find them. I bet I have own and gotten rid of over fifty guns long and short in the last 50 years. So good luck Feds.

This is an excellent point. Local jurisdictions aren’t enforcing Federal Immigration Laws. How and why are they going to enforce Beto Law?

They need illegal immigrants for more power. They need to ban guns for more power.

Besides...all they have to do is get the law in place...they don't have to go door to door to get the guns. All they have to do is wait......you have a problem with the neighbors loud music, you call the police and they come to your house to file the report....oh, by the way, we see that you have a rifle and you didn't turn it in...you are now under arrest and are charged with a felony gun violation.

You are driving 40 in a 30mph zone..... the officer asks for license and registration....when he comes back to your car he states that you have a gun that wasn't turned in, please step out of the car he is placing you under arrest for felony gun violations.....

That is how they will make it work......no door to door, you will just be afraid to have any interaction with the police....

It is also why they want gun registration so bad.....
If the nation elects Demon-crats, they will devise a plan that will go after good people first (easy targets/no resistance due to being law abiding citizens), and this in order to make an example out of them as a message to the bad people that suggest that they will come for them next.

Example: Stopping speeders who really aren't doing much wrong (50 in a 45), serves as an example to the abusers of the laws that any crime doesn't pay.... So this effect is gained supposedly when the abuser passes by seeing you getting that ticket with blue lights a blazing. It's supposed to slow the abuser down, and make the cops job easier because he didn't have to deal with someone who might be far more aggravating to deal with in the situation. Haven't you ever been on the side of the road with blue lights blazing, and thought to yourself "what the heck did I do that was so bad", and how that agressive driver who drives like a maniac gets away with it ??? Welcome to liberal think tank world.

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