O'Rourke: Trump is an “open avowed racist"

What annoys me is the media making a big deal about him leaving the campaign trail to go back to El Paso when it's obvious he's still campaigning. For fuck sake, Beto. You have another year to campaign. Give it a week.
Beto should have learned his wife's business. And given himself another name like Buck. Either way he lives the of pure luxury and believes the way to wealth for us all is how he did it. Which is not a bad idea. Just not practical.
For the sake of transparency let me start by saying this: I don't like President Trump. I didn't vote for him. I won't vote for him. (Now don't assume I voted for Hillary, I didn't. Don't assume I voted for Obama, I didn't.)

That being said, I spent the morning watching the talking heads on various networks before landing on CNN. One thing I noticed, aside from Jake Tapper allowing Kamala Harris rattle on uninterrupted, with no questions or comment from the host (I wonder who Tapper favors as a candidate...) was the effort they all made to not mention the names of the shooters in either incident. They even went out of their way to say that they were not going to mention their names after the initial announcement of their identities... Okay, I get that and I don't disagree.


They all, without fail and numerous times, dropped Trump's name during their conversations.

It's about time they declare themselves openly as an arm of the DNC, and Jake Tapper should start drawing his salary from Harris's campaign...

Yes, I know that there will be many who say, "But Trump's rhetoric blah blah blah..." and I will grant you that it certainly does not lend itself to any form of civil discourse. But, when it comes to these sorts of mass shootings, we're talking about people who are essentially crazy. What else could possibly explain the fact that they think what they are doing is a good idea? How else can you explain that they think their actions are justified?

With these people, in my opinion, crazy trumps (no pun intended) politics and ideology.
This just proves that "Beto" can't even speak intelligent English. If Trump were an "avowed" racist, that would mean he had publicly stated he was a racist. If someone is an "avowed" anything, it means they have specifically identified themselves as such. When someone has "avowed" they are a conservative, for example, there is no need for interpretation or inference, because they have plainly stated they are a conservative. You would not need to say, "Their record proves they're a conservative," because the person in question will have already "avowed" this.

It seems that most of the Dems are still trying to outdo each other to see who can make the craziest, sleaziest claims about Trump.
Beto is never going to be POTUS and this partly the reason why.

People are sick of it. I can't count the number of people who've told me they're weary of the racism, mud flinging, immature actions etc etc and it's on both sides.
The morning after a horrific mass shooting in El Paso that left at least 20 dead, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said President Trump’s xenophobic and racist rhetoric is “giving people permission” to carry out white nationalist terrorism.

Don't ya just loathe scrawny little self-righteous teenage pricks in desperate need of attention? Trump should stand him out specifically during the next press conference and destroy him.

Referencing a moment in the last primary debate, Tapper asked O’Rourke if he agreed with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee that the president is a white nationalist.

“Yes, I do,” O’Rourke said, further claiming that Trump is an “open avowed racist and encouraging more racism in this country.”

Beto O’Rourke: Trump’s an ‘Avowed Racist’ Who’s ‘Giving People Permission to Do’ Mass Shootings
The morning after a horrific mass shooting in El Paso that left at least 20 dead, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said President Trump’s xenophobic and racist rhetoric is “giving people permission” to carry out white nationalist terrorism.

Ya mean kinda like how Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Maxine Waters regularly did and do, fomenting hatred and violence against republicans, whites, police and Trump supporters? I get that.
Calling a spade a spade is not the same as fomenting hatred.
No doubt in my mind For 2+ years Trump has fanned the flames of racism
The morning after a horrific mass shooting in El Paso that left at least 20 dead, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said President Trump’s xenophobic and racist rhetoric is “giving people permission” to carry out white nationalist terrorism.

Don't ya just loathe scrawny little self-righteous teenage pricks in desperate need of attention? Trump should stand him out specifically during the next press conference and destroy him.

Referencing a moment in the last primary debate, Tapper asked O’Rourke if he agreed with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee that the president is a white nationalist.

“Yes, I do,” O’Rourke said, further claiming that Trump is an “open avowed racist and encouraging more racism in this country.”

Beto O’Rourke: Trump’s an ‘Avowed Racist’ Who’s ‘Giving People Permission to Do’ Mass Shootings
False accusations of racism is the last resort of a real LOSER
Beta's time is about up.
He has zero chance of ever being elected president.
The drunken skateboarder yet again looks like a fool to gain some poll numbers. Since he’s hovering at around 3% in the polls?
Liberals have wiped their asses with the meaningless, mindless word "racist" the same way dreadlocked hippie white trash have wiped their asses with the meaningless, mindless word "organic." For the millionth time:

A.) Illegal immigration is NOT a race, it's a criminal burden on society that costs billions per year. And ALL FUCKING COUNTRIES ENFORCE THEIR BORDERS!!! Why is it somehow WAAAAAYCIST for America to do the exact same thing?

B.) Pisslam is also NOT a race, it's a praised-by-Hitler, Nazi-collaborating, Jew-exterminating, woman-brutalizing, human rights atrocity HATE ideology that comes in ALL races, including white. When my now-disowned trashy, Cabbage-Patch-doll-looking whore of a 2nd cousin converted to that filth, that DID NOT edit her DNA to make her any less white. Or look at Chechnya, 100% muslim and that country is so white, it's next to Russia's Caucasus mountains, where us caucasians first evolved.
Beto is so yesterday.
The morning after a horrific mass shooting in El Paso that left at least 20 dead, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said President Trump’s xenophobic and racist rhetoric is “giving people permission” to carry out white nationalist terrorism.

Ya mean kinda like how Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Maxine Waters regularly did and do, fomenting hatred and violence against republicans, whites, police and Trump supporters? I get that.
Calling a spade a spade is not the same as fomenting hatred.

You are a fool. You can’t possibly believe the stupid shit you post.

So you must blame Bernie Sanders for the Scalise shooting.
Scalise himself doesnt blame Bernie for shooting.

Nobody in any official position is calling for violence against republicans.

Referencing a moment in the last primary debate, Tapper asked O’Rourke if he agreed with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee that the president is a white nationalist.

“Yes, I do,” O’Rourke said, further claiming that Trump is an “open avowed racist and encouraging more racism in this country.”
Trump is fighting illegal immigration. Hundreds of thousands don't make it (688,375 apprehended so far in 2019 Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection) but now many more do?

You and the whole of the left purposely and dishonestly conflate legal immigration and illegal immigration, labeling anyone against illegal immigration as "racist!".

You are the problem, not Trump.

Your kind make it impossible to even have a rational conversation about illegal immigration so never mind any possible agreement on it.

When people become frustrated by your 'arguments' and accusations, it shouldn't be a surprise when one or two pick up a gun and 'finally do something about it'

I'm not justifying what that kid did, only trying to explain how your side causes such an extreme reaction because you shut down and try to silence any opposition. It makes the other side feel wrongly accused and helpless and like the world (nation) is spinning out of control.

Illegal immigration has been a hot topic for years, long before Trump took office. Remember that.

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