Orwell wrote nonfiction

Down the memory hole...leftists are moving to change the Wikipedia entry from “Spanish Flu” to “1918 Pandemic Flu” to provide cover for their attacks on America’s President.

Orwell was prescient. “He who controls the past controls the future”.

Spanish flu - Wikipedia

View attachment 313770

‘Orwellian’ refers to acts of government – where government seeks to conceal the truth, propagate lies, and convince the people that their rights aren’t being taken away when in fact they are.

Wikipedia is a private website, having nothing to do with government, neither sanctioned nor controlled by government.

The thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy – as ignorant as it is ridiculous.
The marxist shitstains do love them a good book-burning. I refer to wikipedia..... ummm, never.

The stereotype that everything the Dims touch turns to shit has a lot of truth to it.
Don't even have to burn them now, just update on line over night. My grandkids do a lot of their classwork on computers. Most of their classes did not even issue a book they can take home. I never open them anymore, but I am keeping our 24 years old set of leather bound gold leaf Worldbook Encyclopedia with yearbooks through 2006, though I am on Wikipedia, seems like every day or every other day, and am a contributing supporter.

Which articles do you contribute to? Just curious.
Last time I contributed was in my working days, minor addition, clarification on some article, that got into a facet of stairway construction design. I was in wholesale millwork industry, including stair parts for about 26 years.
The marxist shitstains do love them a good book-burning. I refer to wikipedia..... ummm, never.

The stereotype that everything the Dims touch turns to shit has a lot of truth to it.
Don't even have to burn them now, just update on line over night. My grandkids do a lot of their classwork on computers. Most of their classes did not even issue a book they can take home. I never open them anymore, but I am keeping our 24 years old set of leather bound gold leaf Worldbook Encyclopedia with yearbooks through 2006, though I am on Wikipedia, seems like every day or every other day, and am a contributing supporter.

Which articles do you contribute to? Just curious.
Last time I contributed was in my working days, minor addition, clarification on some article, that got into a facet of stairway construction design. I was in wholesale millwork industry, including stair parts for about 26 years.
Left out. Now I just contribute monetary support, because I like what they do and use it frequently.

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