Oscorp Democracy: Proportional Capitalism [OPEC/ISIS]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The fictional mutation/military research-firm Oscorp (Marvel Comics) represents a modern-era civilization interest in intellectual property ergonomics.

Is capitalism essentially customs (e.g., OPEC)?



The whole world competes for petroleum to fuel cars on the road. The science-research firm Oscorp might invest in how fuel affects the lungs and phenotype development of humans scurrying around a planet filled with petroleum gases. Are the branches in our lungs changing in thickness or color? Are we becoming more like eels because of capitalism/petroleum?


Guiding petroleum-contracts towards globalization commerce, traffic, and peace might feel like trying to shoot a cannon through a film-ring of a subatomic scale. It's darn near impossible. Capitalism is so competitive that creating democratic controls for governance may sometimes seem counter-intuitive. That's why we think of 'proportional capitalism' when we think of newly-designed cybernetic army-suits/armor and organic smart-weapons being designed at Oscorp, a symbol of modernism humility.


A strange robotic giant octopus body-suit or vessel made for a U.S. army soldier who can troll around a battlefield and shoot guns with some arms while grabbing enemy vehicles with another while hurling grenades at an enemy base with yet another is something Oscorp might develop to address this new age human interest in multitasking-oriented warfare/combat. The concept of an Oscorp democracy involves an analysis of proportional capitalism and why OPEC should be considered an 'umbrella' of the Islamic fundamentalist-terrorist group ISIS.


We humans once ate only fruits and veggies. Then, we decided to make tools for hunting so we could eat animal meat. That's when we grew in size and ambition and decided to make farming systems, irrigation, agricultural networks/labyrinths, and power-plants(!). Now, we have supermarkets that are endorsed by Farmers Unions and enable consumers to find a variety of goods conveniently/locally and from nationally-recognized brands such as Green Giant and Band-Aid. This is the democratization of capitalism sourcing. We care about freshness.


Americans are the pioneers in science, toys, fast-food, batteries, military intelligence, and arguably medicine. We care about farming and supermarkets and Ralph Lauren and Wall Street. America is the world's Big Brother and is obligated to analyze why Oscorp democracy catalyzes the necessary proportional capitalism to make the OPEC-ISIS 'ring' a thing of negotiation rather than panic. We want democracy to create folklore.


The development of smart-weapons at places like Oscorp represents an American (and human!) interest in coordinating intelligence/imagination with social order/governance. Military intelligence is invaluable and war-tech defines the American army's ability to meet developments in terrorist technologies with adequate power. For every democratic aspiration, we think about how OPEC capitalism guides ISIS journalism --- this is simple proportion (and good storytelling!).


TRUMP: Are you a fan of Oscorp, Carter?
CARTER: I like the story of Dr. Doom trying to hijack military-tech.
TRUMP: The development of organic weapons is important to Oscorp!
CARTER: Americans care about materials/resource orientations...
TRUMP: Biomass fuels and ice-guns are the jargon of the future!
CARTER: We want to intercept biochemical terrorism (ISIS).
TRUMP: That's why the CIA/NSA cares about U.S. grid aerobics.
CARTER: Yes, we also want journalism to deal with social hysteria.
TRUMP: Most Americans feel CNN will always be one step 'ahead' of Al Jazeera.
CARTER: Hail to competitive politics!




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