OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Very few places do require it. If quitting is an option, you sure bitch about your job and past jobs without including that is always an option.
It's not the jobs I quit I had a big problem with... it was the one that illegally fired me for medical issues.... my lawyer told me I had quite a good case. I just didn't feel like spending six years in court trying to prove it.

That's not what we're talking about here.
Sure it is. You think employers should assume the risk of hiring unvaccinated employees who could potentially infect their co-workers or even worse, their customers.

That would be just as foolish as hiring a 90 lbs woman to lift 100 lb. boxes.

If everybody was vaxed we would still have the covid problem because you can get covid and pass covid vaxed or not. That's the point. This vaccine doesn't even work on the new Omicron variant, so what good was getting vaxed?

It works fine on the Omnicron varient. There's plenty of good in getting vaxed.

Drag what out? It's you commies that started this bullshit that covid deaths was Trump's fault, but now you want to make a bunch of childish excuses when even more people are dying under your dementia patient. Instead of just being honest and saying "We lied, but we are Democrats so it's our nature. Covid deaths were not Trump's responsibility and we were just playing politics with it as usual" you double down on stupid.

Covid Deaths were totally Trump's fault because everything he could have possibly screwed up, he did.

Biden, to his credit, is actually being RESTRAINED from solving the problem. We can fix this. Everyone gets their shots, no exceptions except for medical. No fucking religious exceptions. Don't get your shot, your boss can fire your ass on the spot. Done.
I'm happy for you... some nitwit who caused a fatal car crash probably thought the same thing, and he was totally okay to drive after drinking 80 Proof skullcracker.

and if he’s not dead he should be prosecuted for dui

are you now suggesting we should make it a criminal charge not to get a vaccine? what other vaccines should we criminalize for not getting?
It's not the jobs I quit I had a big problem with... it was the one that illegally fired me for medical issues.... my lawyer told me I had quite a good case. I just didn't feel like spending six years in court trying to prove it.

I'm sure that's it. This from a guy who debated me when I told him wealthy guys would rather payoff women who make false accusations against them than fight it through court.

Sure it is. You think employers should assume the risk of hiring unvaccinated employees who could potentially infect their co-workers or even worse, their customers.

What risk? There is no risk. Again, if you catch covid, you can catch it from a vaxed or unvaxed person.

It works fine on the Omnicron varient. There's plenty of good in getting vaxed.

Right, that's why thousands of vaxed people have the new variant and are no less sick than those who are unvaxed.

Covid Deaths were totally Trump's fault because everything he could have possibly screwed up, he did.

Biden, to his credit, is actually being RESTRAINED from solving the problem. We can fix this. Everyone gets their shots, no exceptions except for medical. No fucking religious exceptions. Don't get your shot, your boss can fire your ass on the spot. Done.

You can't name anything Trump did that screwed anything up with covid. All we get out of you leftists are "Trump said this or Trump said that." Guess what, a virus doesn't care who said what. It's a virus and it does what it was engineered to do by the Chinese with the help of Dr. Fauci.

Yes, Dementia is being restrained by the US Constitution, the document that's been the law of our land since our founding.
Yes, how dare Muslims expect to have equal rights.... don't you know rights are only for white, straight, Christian Males.

And if you don't have a real story, just make one up.

Did you find the cashier who was fired for not ringing up pork yet?

Christians sue their employers all the time... Here's some more articles for you to take one line out of context on.

I don't know why you felt compelled to support my point, but thank you. Businesses do have to cater to religious beliefs which was my point to Gator.
and if he’s not dead he should be prosecuted for dui

are you now suggesting we should make it a criminal charge not to get a vaccine? what other vaccines should we criminalize for not getting?

Try to stay on one topic.

I was suggesting we should put blow-meters on every car because that would stop DUI, as opposed to just sending cops out there to catch the occassional guy who scores barely above the limit and soak him for thousands of dollars.

Of course, that will never happen. The bars would be against it. The industry that forces all these people into mandetory court programs would be against it. People are making money off a bad system that doesn't really work.

Right now, we have a simple enough solution to Covid. Everyone gets their shots. But it won't happen because too many of you wingnuts think getting a shot would be admitting Covid was something Trump fucked up.
I'm sure that's it. This from a guy who debated me when I told him wealthy guys would rather payoff women who make false accusations against them than fight it through court.
Rich guys can afford to fight it in court.

The thing was, I had a pretty good case for age and medical discrimination. But then what? Put my name on a lawsuit that would follow me through every future job I applied for? That would show up on every background check a future employer would run. It would actually have been counterproductive.

As it was, I was able to land a new gig in less than a month, and this was right before the 2008 Bush Recession hit. (Since there are three Bush Recessions, you have to actually define which one.)

What risk? There is no risk. Again, if you catch covid, you can catch it from a vaxed or unvaxed person.
Which doesn't make much of a difference if everyone is vaxed.

Right, that's why thousands of vaxed people have the new variant and are no less sick than those who are unvaxed.
Again, 98% of people who die haven't been vaxed.

You can't name anything Trump did that screwed anything up with covid. All we get out of you leftists are "Trump said this or Trump said that." Guess what, a virus doesn't care who said what. It's a virus and it does what it was engineered to do by the Chinese with the help of Dr. Fauci.
Yes, it was all a conspiracy to get Trump...

Which counted on him doing truly inept and incompetent stuff to help spread the virus.

I've named a shitload of stuff Trump did before, during and after the virus hit to make it worse. But Trump could eat a fucking puppy on the White House lawn and you'd be here arguing the nutritional value of puppies...

This is what a cult looks like, people.

Yes, Dementia is being restrained by the US Constitution, the document that's been the law of our land since our founding.
The Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

I don't know why you felt compelled to support my point, but thank you. Businesses do have to cater to religious beliefs which was my point to Gator.

Not really. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Your point was that Muslims are getting special privileges that Christians aren't. They really aren't.

The Cashier lawsuit went nowhere.
The two truck drivers won, but by the time they did, the Bottom Feeder Trucking company had gone out of business.
And cabbies can refuse to pick up animals any time they want. I find it amusing that white people whine when a cabbie won't take them and their dog. Try getting a cab if you are a person of color.
Try to stay on one topic.

I was suggesting we should put blow-meters on every car because that would stop DUI, as opposed to just sending cops out there to catch the occassional guy who scores barely above the limit and soak him for thousands of dollars.

Of course, that will never happen. The bars would be against it. The industry that forces all these people into mandetory court programs would be against it. People are making money off a bad system that doesn't really work.

Right now, we have a simple enough solution to Covid. Everyone gets their shots. But it won't happen because too many of you wingnuts think getting a shot would be admitting Covid was something Trump fucked up.
1) go put one on your car if you want it…nothing is stopping you. Most people know not to, and do t want the extra expense
2) i agree the vaccine, and proper hygiene is all that’s necessary for the virus…it won’t stop people from getting it, or speeding it 100 percent…proper border security is necessary too…to ensure we aren’t getting more foreigners bringing it in. We need a govt that that understands al that….and get people back to work
1) go put one on your car if you want it…nothing is stopping you. Most people know not to, and do t want the extra expense

YOu could make the same argument about air bags or seat belts... yet they are required on cars. Most new cars have backup cameras.

2) i agree the vaccine, and proper hygiene is all that’s necessary for the virus…it won’t stop people from getting it, or speeding it 100 percent…proper border security is necessary too…to ensure we aren’t getting more foreigners bringing it in. We need a govt that that understands al that….and get people back to work

Again, you do realize that being able to write in proper English is kind of prerequisite for arguing on these boards?

No, the answer to every problem isn't "build a wall on the border to keep brown people out."
YOu could make the same argument about air bags or seat belts... yet they are required on cars. Most new cars have backup cameras.

Again, you do realize that being able to write in proper English is kind of prerequisite for arguing on these boards?

No, the answer to every problem isn't "build a wall on the border to keep brown people out."
So you are for making it a crime not to get vaccined? like seat belts, and DUIs? What other vaccines?

I never said build a wall to keep brown people out, a wall certainly would help, but not necessary...we had proper security measures in place to help prior to Xiden and the Demafascist took office undoing it
I see that Joe is polluting the thread. Best decision I made when I returned was to put him on ignore. There is something wrong with him. I feel bad for him. That's all.

Yes, I did embarrass you quite a bit, Islamophobic Twat.

Um no. That is each state.
And you know what, that's fine. I'd be fine if the states were requiring the vax... but too many GOP governors are drinking the orange koolaid for that to happen, so the Feds have to step up to the plate.

So you are for making it a crime not to get vaccined? like seat belts, and DUIs? What other vaccines?

I never said build a wall to keep brown people out, a wall certainly would help, but not necessary...we had proper security measures in place to help prior to Xiden and the Demafascist took office undoing it

Actually, a whole whopping 50K people have been granted aslyum under Biden. The vast majority were sent home.

I could go into a whole discussion about immigration policy, but it's off topic and frankly, I doubt you have the intelligence to follow.
So you are for making it a crime not to get vaccined? like seat belts, and DUIs? What other vaccines?

I never said build a wall to keep brown people out, a wall certainly would help, but not necessary...we had proper security measures in place to help prior to Xiden and the Demafascist took office undoing it

I can solve the border problem right now if our politicians had any guts. Make being in this country illegally a felony with first offense five years in federal prison. If the violators have children, they immediately get sent back to family in their country. Then we wouldn't need a wall. Illegals would be scrambling to get the hell out of this country. Problem solved.
1) go put one on your car if you want it…nothing is stopping you. Most people know not to, and do t want the extra expense
2) i agree the vaccine, and proper hygiene is all that’s necessary for the virus…it won’t stop people from getting it, or speeding it 100 percent…proper border security is necessary too…to ensure we aren’t getting more foreigners bringing it in. We need a govt that that understands al that….and get people back to work

The problem is we do have a government that understands all that, but it's also a government of party first--country second. They could care less if a 100,000 Americans die from covid coming over that border, as long as those illegals are too, they are quite happy with it. My signature says it all.
Which doesn't make much of a difference if everyone is vaxed.

That's their problem, not the employer. Why should an employer care if somebody isn't vaxed and dies? None of his business.

Again, 98% of people who die haven't been vaxed.

And that's their choice. They are not harming anybody else but themselves.

Yes, it was all a conspiracy to get Trump...

Which counted on him doing truly inept and incompetent stuff to help spread the virus.

I've named a shitload of stuff Trump did before, during and after the virus hit to make it worse. But Trump could eat a fucking puppy on the White House lawn and you'd be here arguing the nutritional value of puppies...

This is what a cult looks like, people.

You didn't name shit. Trump said this and Trump said that is all you Communists have and you never had anything more. You have no room to talk because your incompetent has more deaths than Trump. He's letting people into this country by the millions from over 140 other countries in the world. Trump would have never done anything that stupid.

Not really. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Your point was that Muslims are getting special privileges that Christians aren't. They really aren't.

The Cashier lawsuit went nowhere.
The two truck drivers won, but by the time they did, the Bottom Feeder Trucking company had gone out of business.
And cabbies can refuse to pick up animals any time they want. I find it amusing that white people whine when a cabbie won't take them and their dog. Try getting a cab if you are a person of color.

No, my point is that companies have to cater to employees that bring their religion to work with them. Go back to the start of this discussion when I responded to Gator's claim that employees have to leave their religion at home.
Try to stay on one topic.

I was suggesting we should put blow-meters on every car because that would stop DUI, as opposed to just sending cops out there to catch the occassional guy who scores barely above the limit and soak him for thousands of dollars.

Of course, that will never happen. The bars would be against it. The industry that forces all these people into mandetory court programs would be against it. People are making money off a bad system that doesn't really work.

Right now, we have a simple enough solution to Covid. Everyone gets their shots. But it won't happen because too many of you wingnuts think getting a shot would be admitting Covid was something Trump fucked up.

Blow meters won't stop anything. The courts order them now and people get by them. All anybody has to do is get somebody to blow into the meter for them and the car starts fine. People may even sit at bars waiting for somebody that can't start their car, and have a $40.00 fee to get it started for them.

My experience is that most drunks are coming from bars. But people like that are more addicted to the bar itself than the alcohol. People don't get drunk at home and then go driving around. So what we really need to do is have marked licenses. If your license is marked, you can't enter any place that serves alcohol even if you drink pop.

I've seen this repeatedly with people I know. They get a DUI and behave for a week or so. Then they go to the bar and drink pop. Then they have one drink, then two, and in a few weeks right back to doing the same things. When they were home they didn't drink a drop. It's no fun drinking for them without the bar environment. So to stop a majority of DUI's, we need to break the bar addiction.
I can solve the border problem right now if our politicians had any guts. Make being in this country illegally a felony with first offense five years in federal prison. If the violators have children, they immediately get sent back to family in their country. Then we wouldn't need a wall. Illegals would be scrambling to get the hell out of this country. Problem solved.
I would sign up to help on that one!
I can solve the border problem right now if our politicians had any guts. Make being in this country illegally a felony with first offense five years in federal prison. If the violators have children, they immediately get sent back to family in their country. Then we wouldn't need a wall. Illegals would be scrambling to get the hell out of this country. Problem solved.
Yeah, um, we have enough problems because we lock up 2 million people...

You really think locking up 11 million is going to work?

The problem is we do have a government that understands all that, but it's also a government of party first--country second. They could care less if a 100,000 Americans die from covid coming over that border, as long as those illegals are too, they are quite happy with it. My signature says it all.

That you're a racist moron living in a slum... we got that.

hat's their problem, not the employer. Why should an employer care if somebody isn't vaxed and dies? None of his business.
Except all the expenses related to that. For instance, I consulted for a place last year that had six shutdowns due to TRUMP PLAGUE, and every time, they had to send everyone home and bring in a decon team.
And that's their choice. They are not harming anybody else but themselves.
And the people they infect.
You didn't name shit. Trump said this and Trump said that is all you Communists have and you never had anything more. You have no room to talk because your incompetent has more deaths than Trump. He's letting people into this country by the millions from over 140 other countries in the world. Trump would have never done anything that stupid.
Uh, yeah, what Trump said makes a big difference... that's the point. It's why the US had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the Covid Deaths. Poor leadership.

Under Biden, we are down to 17% of the covid deaths... not great, but clearly we are doing a better job of containment now.

No, my point is that companies have to cater to employees that bring their religion to work with them. Go back to the start of this discussion when I responded to Gator's claim that employees have to leave their religion at home.

Right, so you gave one guy who got fired, and sued unsuccessfully, two other guys who sued, but by the time they won, the company was out of business, and independent contractors who refuse to pick up drunks and dogs. Weak sauce, buddy.

Blow meters won't stop anything. The courts order them now and people get by them. All anybody has to do is get somebody to blow into the meter for them and the car starts fine. People may even sit at bars waiting for somebody that can't start their car, and have a $40.00 fee to get it started for them.
You're half right... the hard core drunk isn't going to obey the law.

The person who just misjudged how much he drank before a blow-meter gave him a wakeup call will call an Uber.

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