OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Yeah, um, we have enough problems because we lock up 2 million people...

You really think locking up 11 million is going to work?

We won't be locking up many because people would rather go back home than chance ending up in our federal prisons for five years. Don't you remember during the DumBama administration when the state of Arizona created their own immigration penalties? They all scrammed. Schools reporting most students not attending. Businesses reporting half their crew stopped showing up. They left the state. They didn't come back until that Kenyan clown sued the state to stop them. Then they all came back.

Except all the expenses related to that. For instance, I consulted for a place last year that had six shutdowns due to TRUMP PLAGUE, and every time, they had to send everyone home and bring in a decon team.

Nobody does that today since we learned that covid is air borne. It's very difficult to get covid off of surfaces according to the CDC. It's not an expense for companies at all.

And the people they infect.

If they're vaccinated, what difference does it make if they are infected by others? And no difference whether they get infected by a non-vax person or a vaxed person.

Uh, yeah, what Trump said makes a big difference... that's the point. It's why the US had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the Covid Deaths. Poor leadership.

Under Biden, we are down to 17% of the covid deaths... not great, but clearly we are doing a better job of containment now.

Quit acting stupid. We have less deaths today thanks to the Trump vaccines. And it's not much of an improvement since we have more total deaths.

You're half right... the hard core drunk isn't going to obey the law.

The person who just misjudged how much he drank before a blow-meter gave him a wakeup call will call an Uber.

My sister had to get a procedure done and the clinic wouldn't allow her to drive. She couldn't find anybody that time of day and called Uber for a price. They wanted over $100.00. Not everybody at a bar is drunk, and regulars are like on the classic comedy show Cheers. All they got to do is get a sober friend in the bar to blow into the meter for them.

If we had marked licenses and nobody could go to the bar for anything if busted, you'd see how fast they'd stay under the limit. Again, the addiction is to the environment, not the alcohol. These people live and die for the bar. It's sadly the only thing of value they have in their life in many cases. My next door neighbor is like that. The bar is only a five minute walk from our houses. But he drove there all the time and got bused a couple of times. He's the type of guy that doesn't give a shit, but if the penalty for driving drunk was never being allowed into the bar for a year, he'd probably get his lazy ass up and walk there instead.
but if the SC rules that a female must gestate & give birth, or risk punishment or worse - death ... then all's good.
Your red herring aside...
The SC has already ruled states can ban abortions after a certain point in ta pregnancy, and have never once come close to holding that a state can prohibit the abortion of a pregnancy that puts the mother at risk.
I do not believe the SC will imprison us nor mandate away our freedoms.
This latest fear mongering over The air with a contaigent that sickens few and kills none pales beyond absurdity. Let’s see if we really have become Pussy Nation
We won't be locking up many because people would rather go back home than chance ending up in our federal prisons for five years. Don't you remember during the DumBama administration when the state of Arizona created their own immigration penalties? They all scrammed. Schools reporting most students not attending. Businesses reporting half their crew stopped showing up. They left the state. They didn't come back until that Kenyan clown sued the state to stop them. Then they all came back.
Wait, didn't you wingnuts make this same argument with the War on Drugs... that people would stop taking Drugs if we started locking some of them up?

Nobody left Arizona, they just kept a lower profile.

Nobody does that today since we learned that covid is air borne. It's very difficult to get covid off of surfaces according to the CDC. It's not an expense for companies at all.
You've obviously been on welfare too long. If you had been in an office lately, you'd know they are taking this shit deadly seriously.

If they're vaccinated, what difference does it make if they are infected by others? And no difference whether they get infected by a non-vax person or a vaxed person.

Because a vaxed person is less likely to carry it..

Quit acting stupid. We have less deaths today thanks to the Trump vaccines. And it's not much of an improvement since we have more total deaths.

We have less deaths today because we have a president who gives a damn and is doing it right.

Unfortuately, that's offset by people who are just trying to pretend everything is normal. The only real covid countermeasures I see in public are people still wear masks, in SOME venues.

My sister had to get a procedure done and the clinic wouldn't allow her to drive. She couldn't find anybody that time of day and called Uber for a price. They wanted over $100.00. Not everybody at a bar is drunk, and regulars are like on the classic comedy show Cheers. All they got to do is get a sober friend in the bar to blow into the meter for them.

I couldn't imagine Norm blowing into a meter because Frazier was three sheets to the wind. Then again, maybe they didn't like Frazier that much and were hoping he'd crash his car.

If we had marked licenses and nobody could go to the bar for anything if busted, you'd see how fast they'd stay under the limit. Again, the addiction is to the environment, not the alcohol. These people live and die for the bar. It's sadly the only thing of value they have in their life in many cases. My next door neighbor is like that. The bar is only a five minute walk from our houses. But he drove there all the time and got bused a couple of times. He's the type of guy that doesn't give a shit, but if the penalty for driving drunk was never being allowed into the bar for a year, he'd probably get his lazy ass up and walk there instead.

Guy, every time you talk to me about your neighborhood, it's kind of depressing... no wonder you are in such a shitty mood most of the time.

The problem with your whole scenario is that it would count on bars to enforce it. I will tell you what, I haven't been carded at a bar in something like 20 years. You think they are going to start harrassing their regular customers to see if anyone got marked lately?

It's really not the regular bar-goers who are the problem. They know their routes and how to drive buzzed. It's often the "amateur Night" drivers who get into trouble.
Wait, didn't you wingnuts make this same argument with the War on Drugs... that people would stop taking Drugs if we started locking some of them up?

Nobody left Arizona, they just kept a lower profile.
when you say you people...don't you mean Joey Xiden, your Dear Leader, that wrote the 94 Crime Bill, that made harsh punishments for small amounts of drugs?
Wait, didn't you wingnuts make this same argument with the War on Drugs... that people would stop taking Drugs if we started locking some of them up?

Nobody left Arizona, they just kept a lower profile.

Yep, the illegals got the hell out of there and got out fast.

Drugs are addicting. People going back to where they belong isn't. In fact some work here and go back to their country and live like a king with all of our money they sent back. Plus many who take drugs are convinced they'll never be arrested. They deal with the same people all the time, take their dope at home and not on the street. Who's going to catch them. However illegals have to get out of the house and if caught, end up in prison.

You've obviously been on welfare too long. If you had been in an office lately, you'd know they are taking this shit deadly seriously.

They are not spraying down the entire place if somebody gets covid. Just because I don't work doesn't mean I don't know people who are. All of my tenants and most of my family still work. When somebody gets covid, they just stay home for a couple of weeks.

Because a vaxed person is less likely to carry it..

We still have no absolute proof of that, and it's likely a phony campaign to try and get people to get the shot. In any case, you can still get it because a vaxed person can still have it.

We have less deaths today because we have a president who gives a damn and is doing it right.

Unfortuately, that's offset by people who are just trying to pretend everything is normal. The only real covid countermeasures I see in public are people still wear masks, in SOME venues.

What did he ever do right since he invaded the White House? The guy is a walking time bomb. The courts stopped him from his authoritarian mandates. It's likely the Supreme Court will hold them up as well. it's no different than it was a year ago. If you want the shot, get a shot. If you don't want one, it's nobody's business.

Guy, every time you talk to me about your neighborhood, it's kind of depressing... no wonder you are in such a shitty mood most of the time.

The problem with your whole scenario is that it would count on bars to enforce it. I will tell you what, I haven't been carded at a bar in something like 20 years. You think they are going to start harrassing their regular customers to see if anyone got marked lately?

It's really not the regular bar-goers who are the problem. They know their routes and how to drive buzzed. It's often the "amateur Night" drivers who get into trouble.

Every person I've known that got a DUI got it coming home from a bar. One of my girlfriends moved in with me when I was younger and she was a bar person. To try and do things she liked to do, I would go to the bar with her many times. There was always somebody in the bar that got busted nearly every week and they were all coming home from that place.

I have a neighbor that's a bar person, I've had friends that were bar people, I myself used to go to bars all the time because I enjoyed playing darts and joined a dart league. Bars were the only businesses that had dart leagues. It was always the same ole story with these people. Only the names and faces changed.
when you say you people...don't you mean Joey Xiden, your Dear Leader, that wrote the 94 Crime Bill, that made harsh punishments for small amounts of drugs?

Funny, when it was passed, you wingnuts whined about Midnight Basketball and other diversion programs...

And, that is their perogative....The federal government has no authority to force a mandate on the country.

Sure they do... and they should. If anything, these GOP governors should be arrested for reckless homicide.
Yep, the illegals got the hell out of there and got out fast.
No, they really didn't.

Drugs are addicting. People going back to where they belong isn't. In fact some work here and go back to their country and live like a king with all of our money they sent back. Plus many who take drugs are convinced they'll never be arrested. They deal with the same people all the time, take their dope at home and not on the street. Who's going to catch them. However illegals have to get out of the house and if caught, end up in prison.
Again, guy, your side claimed that if we cracked down hard on drug dealers (it actually isn't a crime to take drugs, just to possess them, buy them or sell them) that everyone would be scared sober and they would stop taking drugs. Well, 2 million people in prison later, we actually have MORE people on drugs now than the Hippy-dippy 60's.

Same problem here. Threatening to lock up illegals won't stop them as long as there are people willing to pay them. If you REALLY wanted to stop illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them. No jobs, they won't come.

They are not spraying down the entire place if somebody gets covid. Just because I don't work doesn't mean I don't know people who are. All of my tenants and most of my family still work. When somebody gets covid, they just stay home for a couple of weeks.
Place I consulted for, had a Covid Case last december, and that's EXACTLY what they did. They also made the decision to switch everyone back to a work from home model a few weeks earlier than they planned related to a planned move.

We still have no absolute proof of that, and it's likely a phony campaign to try and get people to get the shot. In any case, you can still get it because a vaxed person can still have it.

Yes, but your chances are less, that's the point.

What did he ever do right since he invaded the White House? The guy is a walking time bomb. The courts stopped him from his authoritarian mandates. It's likely the Supreme Court will hold them up as well. it's no different than it was a year ago. If you want the shot, get a shot. If you don't want one, it's nobody's business.

And we are still losing 2000 people a day because you idiots refuse to get your shots. The thing was, Biden got the immunization program back on track, and deaths went down... then you nutters refused to get your shots, but insisted all the other interdiction measures be lifted.

Every person I've known that got a DUI got it coming home from a bar. One of my girlfriends moved in with me when I was younger and she was a bar person. To try and do things she liked to do, I would go to the bar with her many times. There was always somebody in the bar that got busted nearly every week and they were all coming home from that place.

Um... okay. Not seeing the point, other than you showing what a low-class background you come from. The problem with the busting people outside the bar is that it really doesn't stop the majority of DUI's. It just ruins the life of some poor fool who blew right over the limit.

I have a neighbor that's a bar person, I've had friends that were bar people, I myself used to go to bars all the time because I enjoyed playing darts and joined a dart league. Bars were the only businesses that had dart leagues. It was always the same ole story with these people. Only the names and faces changed.

That's nice. Still misses my point, that we spend millions of dollars on DUI interdiction, and we still have 10K DUI deaths a year. But various municipalities make huge money off the poor fools they run in.

The thing is, a mandate for blowmeters would be an effective use of government, instead of the ineffective one of running someone through the court system for blowing a .08.
Funny, when it was passed, you wingnuts whined about Midnight Basketball and other diversion programs...

Sure they do... and they should. If anything, these GOP governors should be arrested for reckless homicide.
Midnight basketball? huh? i remember going to midnight madness back in 94, at my local college to watch them practice so not sure what you are talking about.

what i learned though years later was the impact of xiden, and clinton’s racist bill…and then thankfully Trump and the GOP congress passing the first step act to undo the damage
Again, guy, your side claimed that if we cracked down hard on drug dealers (it actually isn't a crime to take drugs, just to possess them, buy them or sell them) that everyone would be scared sober and they would stop taking drugs. Well, 2 million people in prison later, we actually have MORE people on drugs now than the Hippy-dippy 60's.

Same problem here. Threatening to lock up illegals won't stop them as long as there are people willing to pay them. If you REALLY wanted to stop illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them. No jobs, they won't come.

When did my side ever claim that? Who on my side did?

Place I consulted for, had a Covid Case last december, and that's EXACTLY what they did. They also made the decision to switch everyone back to a work from home model a few weeks earlier than they planned related to a planned move.

Last year. What did I say? I said that we eventually learned that covid can hardly be transferred through surfaces because it's airborne.

When I was in medical in the early 80's when AIDS first came out, our company made us pickup medical equipment from deceased AIDS patient with space suits on. We had to spray this shit on us before we put the suits on and afterwards. The equipment was sprayed down when they got it outside of the houswe and again when it got back to our shop. Looking back it was so ridiculous, but like covid a year from today, we knew nothing about it.

Today you get covid, you stay home. Nobody at your place of employment does anything different. They just go to work as usual.
Yes, but your chances are less, that's the point.

No, the real point is you can still catch it.

And we are still losing 2000 people a day because you idiots refuse to get your shots. The thing was, Biden got the immunization program back on track, and deaths went down... then you nutters refused to get your shots, but insisted all the other interdiction measures be lifted.

Dementia didn't do shit to the vaccine program. People were getting the vaccine as fast as they could make them and that's what they did under Trump. Liberals are liars and thieves. All they were trying to do is latch Dementia onto Trump's coattails to give him credit for something Trump did. Lowlifes.

Um... okay. Not seeing the point, other than you showing what a low-class background you come from. The problem with the busting people outside the bar is that it really doesn't stop the majority of DUI's. It just ruins the life of some poor fool who blew right over the limit.

Correct, it doesn't do much because these people are so addicted to going to the bar it's only a matter of a few months after their DUI they are right back there again. Unlike you, yes, I have friends from all walks of life so I know these people ten times better than you do. The threat of not being able to go back to their bar is the best deterrent we can give, and stopping them from going after getting busted will stop them from driving drunk because they're not going to get drunk at home and go riding around. We should place heavy fines for establishments that sell anybody alcohol with a marked license. Problem cut by at least half.

That's nice. Still misses my point, that we spend millions of dollars on DUI interdiction, and we still have 10K DUI deaths a year. But various municipalities make huge money off the poor fools they run in.

The thing is, a mandate for blowmeters would be an effective use of government, instead of the ineffective one of running someone through the court system for blowing a .08.

Yes, in red China or North Korea. But in America, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. You people are always trying to solve problems by having government burden everybody instead of just focusing on the offenders.
Then you think that companies should be allowed to not hire minorities, disabled people or women if they don't want them?

That is correct, I do think that. I do not think our Constitution gives the Fed Govt the power to stop it. I do not agree with them doing so, but I think they have the right to do so
Denying the humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings puts you in the company of some of the most evil groups of people in the world, who also denied the very humanity of this that they wanted to persecute, abuse, and even murder.

an acorn is not an oak tree.

And, yes, though some people shy away from saying what needs to be said, I will not.

neither will i.

Anyone who has any part in the willful murder of an unborn child

anyone who has any part in the willful & total subjugation of a females' autonomy is nothing but a slave owner.

& it's not a child.

should be put to death, just as any other hardcore murderer should.

you're nuts.
Funny, when it was passed, you wingnuts whined about Midnight Basketball and other diversion programs...

Sure they do... and they should. If anything, these GOP governors should be arrested for reckless homicide.
Ok Joe, show me which enumerated power you think covers a federal mandate
That is correct, I do think that. I do not think our Constitution gives the Fed Govt the power to stop it. I do not agree with them doing so, but I think they have the right to do so

Except for the fact it's not a constitutional issue. States write laws for minorities and the disabled to prevent them from being discriminated against. It's a states right issue and not a constitutional one. Or are you against states writing such laws as well?

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